I felt like I couldn't cope with any more 'covid' related material (I've been on a deep dive since 2020) and so I passed up on TEOC. But I just signed up after reading this post and am already stuck into a fascinating (and heartbreaking) video with some of the vax injured.

So thanks for the last minute heads up! :)

I'll check out those detox/ drainage vids as well.

BTW it's very well put together and good quality vids. This is great for those waking up and coming over from 'TV land' .... it allows them to get to the info without having to venture onto alternative video platforms, which can be a bit off putting (to say the least!). Kudos to you and the rest of the team.

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Thank you so much for your lovely comment and for your support. 🙏

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Yes thank you Dawn .

Simple summary for the end of convid (in order to stop what has happened in the past- all the fear psyops and conditioning ) and to apply the law( Love is the law) is for everyone to do inner work, the shift from fear to love.

Present moment awareness.

Love heals.

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It has been absolutely amazing so far!

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Thank you. I'm so pleased you are enjoying it.

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Hi Dawn. I have been trying to watch all the sessions of TEOCovid. I really want to buy access but it seems to be in dollars. Do you know if I can still buy the access from UK in Pounds? It is such an amazing project and currently watching The Psychology of Obedience and Fear, chaired by you. 👍

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Thank you. 🙏 The payment system is through Stripe, which can manage a few different currencies and you will definitely be able to buy in GBP.

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Thanks Dawn. What an Incredible amount of information and an encyclopedic resource. Alec Zeck had done humanity such a service in bringing all you together. Cant say how much I appreciate it. 🙏

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Thank you. 🙏

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