It's probably an out break of vaccine symptoms that they're using pox to cover up.


But if they wanted to make us afraid of a disease, why pick pox which is not really contagious according to their virology lore?

I thought they were gonna hype up bird flu, 😂.

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I think that vaccines could be part of the reason, but as far as I'm aware they didn't have such high vaccine coverage in Africa, so that doesn't quite explain it.

That's why I've brought the DRC and mining connection into the conversation.

And yes, it did look like bird flu was going to be their next psyop - maybe they realised that one wasn't going to work... 🤷🏻‍♀️

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There are absolutely no outbreaks because there are no verifiable and standardized testing methods to determine such.

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Probably just an outbreak of lies as usual. They just make it up. Any symptoms will do.

Of course they also make the lies obvious to those who can think straight, whereas the terminally dim fall for it and get the next poison shot.

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On the other hand international airports are now screening for Mpox. This seems both fear mongering as well as laying the groundwork to create a public health emergency. My opinion is evidence is not necessarily required for the creation of an Emergency. The public obeys.

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You're right, evidence is not necessary. But the public will only obey if they don't have the information they need to not obey. I'm just trying to help people see that they are being misinformed or, to be more precise, lied to.

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😊. To quote the song Casey Jones “two good eyes but you still don’t see.” For 36 years in San Francisco I have been astonished by the ease people have in ignoring truth and delighting in the lie. Since the insanity of 2020 I see in 2024 masked drivers, masked walkers, and lately I see more masks on City sidewalks and grocery stores. A few weeks ago an old friend from NYC and I go out for a drink and yes, HE MASKED outside and in bar until his beer came. Of course he vaxxed too but not sure if he took all the shots. He has asthma so he is a bit of a hypochondriac. I don’t think stupidity can be cured. Once the fear is in the head it dwells rent free. After all Americans vote for the same folly each election and they pay taxes to keep being ripped off.

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Maybe some people are not ready to see - yet! Their time may yet come, so I'm not writing them off.

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Write them off? No. Expect change? No. In old Russia serfs are hung shouting "Long live the Tsar!" This was due to the mythic nimbus surrounding the Tsar. Thus it as was then so it is now, it's not in our case the State voters feel but bad counselors. If only X knew things would quickly change. In many ways my thought today is that cognitive dissonance stoked deliberately for time out of mind structures both public discourse and private thinking. The way out is to dive into the Self. Americans prefer not to do so and permit social decay. In NYC people are making haste to vaccinate against Mpox.

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"The way out is to dive into the Self." I totally agree. Then we share what we learn to help others.

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Yes. Each one teach one. Some learners grasp immediately. Others take time. Others never do. As events continue to speed up there seems no logic of the brake that is widely shared. In no way do I say stop educating.

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Funny, isn't Africa where they tested most of the AIDS vaccine?? Makes sense mpox would be their newest test ground. Especially since Africa couldn't afford the covid vaccine and ironically it saved the lives of so many, since very few got jabbed with the poison.

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They test a lot of their products on Africans, in the name of 'helping' them. 😢

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Plus Witty and Valance practiced the pre run of convid and lockdowns with the ebola scam in Africa.

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There's also the ongoing lie about HIV in Africa.

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I am very grateful to you, Dawn Lester.

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Dawn, so you don't consider the WHO a 'bastion of truth'? 😂

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I think you know how I'm going to answer that question!! 🤣

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Thanks, Dawn. At my neighborhood park (Berkeley, California) yesterday, i was astounded to see a group of some 15 young women, college age or so, having a meeting of some sort. All but three were masked. Mpox? Avian flu? Polio? A resurgence of "COVID-19"? No shortage of stories in the mass media meant to terrify people. And no shortage of people willing to accept these stories, increasingly on the grounds of political correctness.

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That is so sad to hear that the majority of those young women have been made to feel scared again on the basis of a lie. I know there are still people who believe, but there are far more now who don't than 4 and a half years ago, so we are making progress, even though it feels slow!!

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I keep reminding myself that i'm in what's basically the Covidian Cult's equivalent of Hitler's Bunker, both the SF Bay Area as a whole as well as Berkeley. Like i said, a lot of this is political, "progressives" believing that public health is inherently a "progressive" field because it involves providing care for people, and in upholding "science" against "reactionary anti-science fanatics." Perfect suckers for Big Pharma. I do believe conditions elsewhere are far more encouraging.

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No surprise, as "progress" means different things to different people. In US history, for instance, the original "progressives" were interests tied to the largest capitalists, whose aim was to reconfigure society to remove a lot of blatant flesh points so as to smooth their total takeover.

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People really need to lick more monkeys.

I’ve moved on to licking blue-jay guano. Seriously. Though I don’t mind the bird flew pun. I’ll lick the dried poo of any healthy bird.

I’m the guy who disproved covid by licking urinals in 2021. Yeah, that was me.

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Love your sense of humour. 😎

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Let's simplify the whole shebang...there are no viruses, there are no pandemics, there are no drugs that are going to help you live longer and healthier and there is no government you can trust. I did not vote for WHO or the UN or any of these other clown shows and therefore they have no rule over me. CASED CLOSED!

Even when you vote in the coming election, it does not matter one iota because the country is run by anti-human idiots you never had a chance to vote for. If you think voting matters, then tell me who is currently running the country and the DC Swamp? Not even your saviors, the retardicans can tell you nor do they even care.

They can take their pandemics, lockdowns and mRNA poisons and shove them up their wazoos. If you want to survive, you have no choice but to resist all this garbage that in the end in designed to eradicate humanity.

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Does not mean squat. You could even have A/I invent a picture of presumed teddy-pox. It is all lies.

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I know - was just joshing the Link is to a cartoon

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Perhaps this presents an opportunity to get some nano technology into their bodies

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