Lovely coverage Dawn.

Agree that this particular wrong belief needs to be addressed as ("viruses") is a mechanism used by UN for fear (submission)and control. Not to mention social isolation and seeing others as a threat.

I think the one thing that is of primary importance right now ... Knowing thyself ( in that being present moment focused)is not separate as to look at wrong fearful beliefs and see they are not real opens the door to questioning a lot of wrong indoctrinated beliefs the world has conditioned people with.

And to reach the state of no fear and not knowing (which true knowing is accessible) .

The freedom movement is one of seeking freedom of mind as this is the only true freedom for spirit. Who we are.

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I agree. When more people see that their belief in 'viruses' is invalid, they will then be able to take that next step towards understanding their true nature.

I'm not sure if we ever get to a place of absolutely no fear, however, it is good to take the appropriate steps towards reducing the fears we have by learning that they are misplaced and mostly the result of conditioning and childhood traumas.

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I so appreciate your clarity. Just want to point out that when you say, “the importance of the no-virus issue cannot be underestimated,” I think you mean “cannot be overestimated.” It is being vastly underestimated now, by those who think it only relates to Covid. The no-virus issue is so important, it can’t be given too high a value.

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Thank you. Maybe that should read "...should not be underestimated". The point I was making that it is being underestimated, as you say, and this is a huge mistake.

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Yes, that "should" makes it clear what you mean. I see "underestimated" and "understated" sometimes being used when their opposites are meant--usually not vice versa, interestingly. I think it's a version of the confusion of double and triple negatives. Anyway, I'm an editor, and I can't always stop myself from pointing out things like this! Thanks for your response.

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I have always strongly suspected that there were no viruses. To cut a long story short, as a hypnotherapist (now retired), back in the early 80s, I had huge success with clients in hypnotising common colds away. If a client came to me with a cold, I simply asked him/her if he/she was willing for me to use suggestion to get rid of it. I would explain that belief in what I was doing wasn’t needed. Many of my clients were coming to me for help with chronic stress, anxiety, phobias etc which has since been shown to have an effect on physical health and well-being.

After reading your book a few years ago just before the so-called pandemic really kicked in, I came to believe that the government’s scare-mongering was making people ill and worse.

I have a theory that it could be the primitive part of the mind that a hoodoo practitioner would access when he pointed the bones often causing his victim to just keel over and die in many cases.

Personally, I have not and would never take the jab and after experiencing that nothing happened to me, not even a sniffle, created confidence that it was at best, a huge exaggeration and I had nothing to worry about. I would like to point out that I am in my 70s and like every one else, I have a mind that has been conditioned with all sorts of belief-systems over the years. I think it is a matter of realising that there is nothing to fear except fear itself, and that is something that each of us realise for ourselves through experience, that is is merely our own belief system that we have to deal with.

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Fear of Contagion is endemic. Fear of Contamination is endemic...

The German Nazi Party exploited it to the hilt in its propaganda...

People are easily controled through their Fear of Contagion...

The 2020 Plandemic was a perfect example...

It was widely expected there'd be a 2020 Global Recession...Such, if left to run its course - as governments had no means to avert it - would have resulted in tens of thousands protesting over the resultant destruction of jobs and small business...

It was decided to wage a Fear of Contagion campaign (aka pandemic) to deter mass protests against the destruction caused by the Global Recession...The economic damage caused by lockdowns, ameasure never before regarded as having any effective response to 'pandemics', was the same as would have been caused by the Recession running its course...

Governments got pro-active, and utilised the Recession/lockdowns to introduce restrictions etc that during normal times would have met stiff resistance...

Governments learned from the German Nazi Party how to exploit (weaponise) the endemic Fear of Contagion...Fear of Contagion is irrational - it doesnt require the existence of threatening "germs' - fear of The Other is an alternative...Especially when others are equated with contagious 'germs'...

The Other currently is The Russians...Witness how some equate Russians with disease ie "viral communisms", same as the Nazi equated Jews as Disease...

The endemic Fear of Contagion is too good aweapon for governments to not use...Expect it to be exploited often henceforth to herd us into the 2030 Global Digital Prison...

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Agreed. As regards the Nazis it it the same enemy although it is communists as well arising out of Marxism as both Nazis and communists did.


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It happens because of this:

The main issue here is that the majority of individuals are detached from god or from the real divinity. I mean not god as falsely presented by any religions, but god as a united source of everything, source of unconditional love and peace, some sort of intelligent design. The source from which everything comes and to which everything returns.

Instead of the connection to this source which is always found deep in any soul, ego has taken the place and is controlling the human being in the favour of fear, emotions, ignorance, etc.

If one is disconnected from true divinity where you can experience peace and love, the ego kicks in and it delivers the most fundamental fear, which is the fear of emptiness. This is the primary fear upon which all other fears are made. This is the source of all problems in the human relationships.

Thanks to the fear of emptiness, the individual feels the insignificance of his life and life as a whole, there is a state of unfulfillment, the awareness and perception of his own self-worth disappears, which in reality is not conditioned by anything.

Thus, man does not live a conscious life, he is not connected to the very source of being, but is controlled by the ego which has taken control and leads the blinded individual to disharmony and destruction.

In order to temporarily mask the fear of emptiness, GLOBalists deliver distractions via mass hypnosis for the spiritually weakened masses, to be able to control and manipulate masses for their benefit.

The individuals in this state of divinity disconnection are hopeless and scared, they don't realize their full inner potential and power to create and control their own lives.

So such weakened masses are reaching for saviours who show them what the life is about, saviours who tell them what to do in a life and what to do in order to be happy and healthy, haha. So masses gave the power over their own lives to these saviours (GLOBalists) which caused humanity to fall into slavery and terror.

One of the many distractions to temporarily mask the fear of emptiness is the way how this society portrays the usefulness of individual. Clinging to one's own identity is false solution to induce the feeling that you are worth.

Who are you ? What is your role and career ? You are worth ONLY if you deliver some materialistic "achievements" for this society. Only prestigious career counts. This is the only sign that your life has real meaning according to mass hypnosis of this materialistic society.

So all those "experts" with various degrees working in all those institutions have their whole meaning of life falsely based on this materialistic identity. And attacking their identity reveals their fear of emptiness because they are disconnected from their spiritual essence. They are disconnected from the true divinity within themselves because they are distracted by dealing with the materialistic identity to which they have dedicated their entire lives.

This is the reason why it's impossible for virologists to admit that their whole career is meaningless shit which has destroyed humans and animals for decades. The only thing they would experience after erasing their career would be a huge feeling of emptiness and a sense of guilt and failure.

So how we can break from the hypnosis and slavery ? Only if connection to real divinity is accomplished for critical amount of people, because only this connection delivers conscious life, love, peace, empathy, etc.

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I will go along with that, but I would like to add a little bit.

Whatever you stated still goes, but to me the fundamental is that because people have lost their faith, spirituality, consciousness, whatever ... HAVING IT RIPPED OUT OF THEM over decades, PEOPLE IN GENERAL ARE SCARED OF DYING.

We never used to be, because we always had this "real divinity" (as you call it) to fall back on - so called mainstream religions like Hinduism, Sikhism, Buddhism and Jainism still have that in the form of reincarnation; so whilst of course they want to live on and stay fit; they are not as susceptible to the medical physop we have just gone through.

When did most Christians (as an example) start being afraid of dying I wonder ?.

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STDs are real, HIV, HSV otherwise what triggered the positive tests and symptoms in both partners in cases of those STDs

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Please provide the evidence you have to support your claim that STDs are real.

I'm not denying that people experience symptoms, but the presence of symptoms does not prove that they have a sexually transmitted 'disease'.

Have you read my article on the topic of STDs that I shared in this article?

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I don't have science to prove, what I mean but one can clearly see the effect of these viruses 40 years of HIV and almost 40 million deaths, genital or mouth blisters of HSV1&2 can be visible seen test show positive for such viruses, what more do you need, we can see the air Chrissey but we can feel it's effect and movement through other things like your skin, tree etc

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The tests are bogus, just like the fake-covid tests.

No one even has a sample of even of these purported "viruses" to study!

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He’s either a troll Christine or an out and out moron who has never spent one second to research anything. Just ignore anyone who’s head is firmly shoved up their ass.

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Which research are you perhaps referring to? I have read and watched many anti Aids movies, what they say and what is happening in reality are contradicting and people like you only take what the want from these movies or research like a Padian study says sexual transmission is rare, it doesn't say it can't happen,

In Africa, particularly in South Africa as an epicenter of HIV young ladies got infected with these STD on daily bases, syphilis, HIV, Herpes gonorrhea and chlamydia that is the reality, go to prison environment in South Africa and see the reality of HIV as it is almost 40% of GDP is used in treatment of HIV.

So where you are and where iam our realities are different when it comes to the so called viruses. You can call me names

Dawn I did read your book it's still doesn't give me answers on transmission of the virus accept to say it's not proven.

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There is no evidence that viruses are pathogens and can transmit disease. That means that the 'germ theory' has not been proven, so you cannot make statements that are based on something that has never been proven to be true.

The burden of proof is on people who make a positive claim. Telling me that people in Africa are ill is not proof of the existence of 'viral' diseases that are sexually transmitted.

I would emphasise that I am not denying that people in Africa are ill, but what I am saying is that there is no evidence that what they are experiencing has anything to do with any so-called 'germ' that can be sexually transmitted.

As you have read WRMYI, you will know from chapter 8 that it refers to many different reasons that people in Africa may be ill.

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What is supposed to be a proof, from your perspective because you repeatedly say there's no proof of existence of virus yet you don't explain to me why some one will seroconvert after exposure to contaminated bodily fluids through sexual intercourse, the malnutrition and environmental issues the entire community can be expose to such not all people will test positive for "HIV" yet those who are repeatedly exposed to HIV positive blood /semen or HSV fluids turn to seroconvert, even though they might be having access to proper nutrition, compare to prostitutes who are constantly using condoms for every client the rate of transmissions is low?

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We see effect and symptoms, death and so forth particularly from HIV

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You confuse causes and effects. Symptoms are not evidence of a "virus". Logic please.

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Apparently it has infected that which you refer to as your brain. It appears you may have one or two cells left.

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Music Man let me not respond to your insults,

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Honestly I don't think you help further the conversation in any way. That should be the focus of what you say. If anything what you say just throws up walls and makes it impossible for another to hear. Which makes me doubt your sincerity.

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No, even by your thinking, HIV allegedly causes AIDS; so by default you are seeing symptoms and death from AIDS - "acquired immunodeficiency syndrome" ... so ANYTHING "ALIEN" to us, can cause that ... but I would guess chemicals (on food, air, crops, land) ... and oh - jabs.

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Can you break down your statement tests are bogus, how the very same tests show negative result when they don't find antibodies of the virus?

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A (possible) correlation between 2 bogus tests is not how you proof that an alleged "virus" exists lol. There is no virus shown to exist - no gold standard. The tests are impossible to validate. If you really want to know more, there are lots of educational resources collected on this webpage. It's not complicated.


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Interesting reading and videos Christine, my main two questions still remain un answered,

1 transmission /seroconvertion 2 what/why there's a reactive and Non reactive on the tests either PCR, antibodies tests? How is HIV made with 9 or 10 proteins sad to be specific to a virus if no virus was ever isolated,

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Right, I'm sure you already read and watched the dozens and dozens and dozens of materials there already.

Prove transmission before asking someone to explain it. And there is no onus on us to explain anything, the onus is on those making the "virus" claims to back them up with science.

Proteins are not proof of a "virus". Saying that some proteins are specific to a virus requires a virus to exist!

I'm done here, enjoy the educational materials, have a nice day.

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As I have said the only proof I have is in the human form a HIV negative was exposed to unprotected sex with HIV positive person on number of times and the negative person tested positive,

A rape case whereby the perpetrator was HIV positive and raped a young kid who was never exposed to any sex before the young kid tested positive for HPV & HIV

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The 9 or 10 proteins don't have to be specific to anything! If found together that alone qualifies as a "positive" whether symptoms are present or not. Remember asymptomatic cases during covid? And early on during AIDS? Freddie Mercury was healthy when he decided to get tested for HIV due the propaganda from the Pharmaceutical Industry. He was immediately put on AZT and all the other cocktail of toxic drugs. It's a scam from top to bottom. Millions of innocent people were duped.

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Don't have to or are not specific to anything? You are right if found that is considered to be positive like most cases they consider p24 to be more specific

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Before the last 3 years I would have agreed, especially when I have had a few complaints and symptoms of STDs on my bits and bobs (nothing too yuk); when I was much younger - as did my girlfriends at the time (caused a few barnies in the blame game for sure).

I was very lucky at the time to be living in The Netherlands, where they take these matters seriously and privately with full lab tests and the works - do you know what caused the "problems" or symptoms ON ALL OCCASSIONS ????.... silly things like changes in washing powder or shower gels ... Christ, I even thought I had clap on my foot last year ... same symptoms, same outcome. All to do with a common environment !.

As for your comment "otherwise what triggered the positive tests ???" .... you can not be serious after the last 3 years using the PCR test can you ?.

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Jun 12, 2023
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PCR is not used for viral load! Only to detect presence of certain proteins NOT the entire viral genome of a fictional virus created in silico in a fancy computer program.

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You need to do more homework . Yes it is hard to get your head around but once you understand it , it all becomes clear .

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It is hard when you don't another explanation to the issue.

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At the start of the covid scam , i knew things were not right . Since then i have spent around 5000 hrs researching viruses and especially hiv and aids . You will not get your answers from short comments or tweets . You need to start right at the beginning . Also , you need to decide what path you follow . I decided after many hours of research , that I had to follow the path that made common sense , had obvious answers , was not profitable and was not full of double speak and language that made it impossible to understand . I came off all medications over a year ago . My body went through two stages of detox . One flu like detox (about 2 weeks) another shingles detox through the skin . I never took any medication . I knew i was not ill , but detoxing . A year ago I was vastly overweight and in pain . Now I am in great shape , pain free and confident . I take the view that if you are ill you will look ill and feel ill . I look and feel in good shape. If I broke my leg I would go to the hospital , but illness ............no way .

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Also , if you realised the history of the first cases of aids , and why they covered it up , you would begin to see the picture very clearly . The "virus" was just an excuse .

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If "virus" was not an issue what exactly is transmitted through bodily fluids?

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So how did we get here?

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I'm no troll nor a virus pusher, but can someone provide scientific or a convincing explanation on disproving the virus, because mainstream is able to show you and people experience the symptoms associated with particular virus but that doesn't mean their explanation is 100 %correct, if test is bogus what are they detecting, why + results and negative results show and don't show symptoms respectively? Why the no virus failed to dismantle HIV Dogma for 40 years?

I've read Duesberg, watched House of numbers etc they don't give answers to transmission and sickness as a result of infection

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You are assuming the 'virus' exists and causes infection and disease.

This has never been proven.

So you are starting from the wrong basis.

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Dawn I think both of us we base our argument on assumptions, that they either exist or they don't (viruses) that is, in USA and Canada HIV is criminalized, as an example why do we have millions of people living with HIV and treatment yet there's no transmission?

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I am not basing my position on assumptions. I'm not saying that I have all the answers, but your statement that people are 'living with HIV' is unsubstantiated. In order to make that statement you have to have definitive evidence that there is such a thing as a pathogenic 'virus' that has the ability to make people ill.

People may be told that their test result is positive, but as Christine Massey has explained in her earlier response to you, the tests are meaningless because they have not been validated.

There is no proof of transmission. Yes, multiple people may have symptoms at the same time and there are many possible reasons for this, but there is no proof that a virus is one of those reasons.

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Re "Why the no virus failed to dismantle HIV Dogma for 40 years?"

Because big pharma make a lot of money from it and have captured the health authorities and mainstream medics. Advertising pays. It doesn't matter what it is, people will buy crap if it is packaged up nicely with pleasant sounding words.

The main thing to consider is that we are individuals, not a herd. Big pharma don't like that inconvenient truth as it doesn't make money.


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Baldmicheal I get you but my shortfall in understanding comes to explaination of the symptoms associated with that virus by certain individuals who have tested positive as well as transmission of the virus to the next person why is it these two are possible if the virus don't exist, maybe Pro Duesberg is right by saying it exist but "harmless" that again fails when a person suddenly become I'll due to Opportunistic infections

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Thanks for your reply. Others may have told you this already but the trouble is that the tests themselves are flawed and poisonous.


It is vital to understand that fear is a major factor, even sometimes psychosomatic, but really it is fear rapidly using up body resources/energy.

There is no transmission of viruses as the understanding of what they are is fundamentally flawed. Bacteria, fungal spore, parasites and poisons get passed on to a degree but the body's reaction depends on the individual body and its immune status, its health.

I have been a building surveyor and fungal spores can be everywhere but whether they become fruiting bodies and cause decay depends on the environment, the location, the terrain if you will.

The same is true of the human body. Something will not affect you if the environment is not ripe for exploitation. Even deadly poisons are 'safe' in a vial or sealed container.

I have written this re viruses to try and clear the confusion that there is something but that its role has been completely twisted from good to bad. Some standard text of mine.

Viruses should be considered thus:

1. They are either poisons which are chemical not biological and must be dealt with by the immune system. Viruses were once thought of a poisons I gather.


2. Or they are the exosome, part of the body's defense system. This is in fact what people are seeing under the electron microscope, a ball with bits stuck on as it were.

Coronavirus is the exosome as I keep pointing out. It can be considered as the garbage disposal man of the body, taking rubbish to the lymph system for disposal.


So it is not so much that a virus doesn't exist but that something, the exosome which is friend to the body, not foe, has been twisted into an enemy and then the lies magnified into something ginormous.

What doesn't exist except in the minds of those who fabricated the lies, are all the variants and so-called diseases, which are merely made up to make big pharma and medics look clever to justify them receiving large amounts of money for poisoning the masses of the people.


Wuhan was a psy-op pure and simple. Pollution is awful there especially in winter. Pollution causes respiratory disease. The rest was propaganda aided by the dumbing down of the public.



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Let's look at margarine and fake yellow as well as eggs. Cholesterol. Big propaganda push to discard butter and avoid eggs. How many complied to this soft campaign? Then....oh look: Statin drugs to lower cholesterol. How many died from adverse effects & deaths of the drug. Lawsuits and recalls. The WHO and UN and all the NGOs are the greatest threat to humanity and the organization most dangerous is Freemasonry. Worldwide Communism closer.

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Dear Dawn

Hello from the UK. Many thanks for your post. I woke up to the virology germ theory lie on June 1st 2020. The only thing I would say is that using the phrase 'No virus' is unhelpful to those who say 'Well there is something'. We should really say 'the virus is not what you think.' I say the following standard text adapted as required.

Viruses should be considered thus:

1. They are either poisons which are chemical not biological and must be dealt with by the immune system.


2. Or they are the exosome, part of the body's defense system. This is in fact what people are seeing under the electron microscope, a ball with bits stuck on as it were.

Coronavirus is the exosome as I keep pointing out. It can be considered as the garbage disposal man of the body, taking rubbish to the lymph system for disposal.


So it is not so much that a virus doesn't exist but that something, the exosome which is friend to the body, not foe, has been twisted into an enemy and then the lies magnified into something ginormous.

What doesn't exist except in the minds of those who fabricated the lies, are all the variants and so-called diseases, which are merely made up to make big pharma and medics look clever to justify them receiving large amounts of money for poisoning the masses of the people.


Wuhan was a psy-op pure and simple. Pollution is awful there especially in winter. Pollution causes respiratory disease. The rest was propaganda aided by the dumbing down of the public.



In any event it is vital that people lose their fear of 'germs' as you rightly say otherwise the masses of the people will be subject to the same old rubbish and be conned out of their wealth and health to benefit a few.

I agree also about A & E which by and large is all we really need out of the NHS. Educate people properly how to look after themselves, especially feed themselves properly and many health issues will disappear.

I must have a look at you STDs article.

Many thanks again.

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I disagree that the 'no virus' phrase is unhelpful. If you state that 'the virus is not what you think' then you are making a positive claim that there is such a thing as 'the virus'. But what is it that you are referring to? If you are talking about poisons, then they are poisons and you can't call them viruses.

There is a distinct difference between a 'virus' and the symptoms people experience, which I do not deny. The presence of symptoms is not proof of a virus.

In addition, I would ask you where is the evidence for your idea about the role of exosomes in the body? How do you know that these particles, which are only ever seen under an EM and are therefore dead, are the body's friend and its garbage disposal men?

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Thank you for your reply Dawn. It is a question of meaning of words Viruses once meant 'Poison, slime, venom' I gather. I refer to this in my post on viruses attached above.

In Latin Vi is 'force' or 'strength' and 'Vir' is 'Man'. So the whole is 'force us'. So as the exosome it is the strength of us, our friend helping clear out toxins to cart away to the lymphatic system.

It is blinding obvious there is something but not as supposed, even poisons are something. It is unhelpful to merely state it as a title without qualification that is all. We agree that people are being poisoned and there is no mutating bug and germ/viral theory as per the mainstream are just plain wrong.

Something was observed but the assumption as to what it was is totally false and gives completely the wrong impression allowing big pharma an excuse to poison the world.

I did not say the exosome is dead or alive, but I have likened them to garbage men removing rubbish from cell factories. It is the best analogy I could come up with. I consider them to be more like organic robots. Are robots alive? Not like us in any event.

And please, I have given you links. If you are claiming these are insufficient please say why.

But ultimately I arrived at the conclusion by pure logic and observation of available data.

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I have researched 'exosomes' and looked at a number of papers that claim to have 'isolated' them. I found that the ones I read suffer the same problems and weaknesses as the papers that claim to have isolated 'viruses'. The evidence that they exist as described simply is not there. Just because a paper claims that cells secrete these vesicles, that is not evidence. Unfortunately, I could not access the full paper from the link you provide in your article so that I could not examine the 'methods and materials' section and discover what is the basis for their claims about the actions of these vesicles.


I appreciate that you have likened them to garbage men, but that is merely your hypothesis. I was asking for the actual evidence that the particles you refer to as 'exosomes' perform the actions you claim they perform.

There is evidence that bacteria act as break down agents. Are you perhaps confusing the actions of bacteria for the actions of 'exosomes'?

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Thank you for your reply Dawn. If bacteria act as break down agents then an exosome can be a type of bacteria perhaps.

The point is that we are presented with an image by mainstream virologists and told this is a coronavirus and it is harmful.

Assuming the image is truly something that exists within the human body then it is either harmful and invasive or beneficial and arising out of the body.

It can be perhaps neutral if it is merely rubbish, garbage to be disposed of but really that is more beneficial as rubbish must be cleared out or the system gets clogged up and things don't work properly.

All I have done is applied logic to the working of the human body which is very similar to things we see around us such as houses and factories. As a building surveyor I have examined both in great detail over the years and consider they work like the human body.

The have electric systems like the body's nervous system (although that is more akin to a wet chemical car battery) and sewage systems like the gut.

In any event we both agree that germ theory is fundamentally flawed and must be discarded.

But rather than saying there is no virus we should say to people you are being poisoned chemically, that is what is happening, not some alleged mutating virus or germ.

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I think we should tell people both - that there is no 'virus' that can harm them AND that toxins are one of the causes of health problems.

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100% agreed and I do. No fear for people then. If they understand that, they can then live much happier lives.

Re toxins I don't want to bore you with stuff but I did this on sodium nitrite (E250) which caused my facial palsy. I am not aware I have attached before. I think it is interesting re the role of the nitrite/nitrate ion in the body and the fact that my alleged cancer was toxin caused.


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You say that,

"Assuming the image is truly something that exists within the human body then it is either harmful and invasive or beneficial and arising out of the body"

But this is merely an assumption. The images that are shown have never been proven to represent anything that can be found in the body. Therefore stating anything about what these particles may or may not do in the body is mere speculation.

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I understand what you mean but I call it logic rather than speculation. There are no harmful virus invaders which we both understand, so what remains is neutral or beneficial.

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Thank you Onganga

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