Ya gotta do what ya gotta do! I'll be tuning into to see what new topics you plan to cover in your deep dives. Those take a lot of work and you deserve to be rewarded for your efforts.

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keep up the great work Dawn 👏👏

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Thank you. 🙏

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All the best Dawn. You've always done cracking work.

So, you're fan of the finest arabica beans?!

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As I said in my post, I've overcome my caffeine habit. 😎 But I do have the occasional coffee.

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How's it go last night?

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I assume you mean What if My Body is Brilliant. It was an amazing event, it went really well, thank you. 🙏

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Nice one. Good to hear.

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I did not make a pledge, but I received a notification that I did. PLEASE REFUND.

Thank you

Ron Greenstein

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Hi Ron, you did pledge at some stage, otherwise the subscription wouldn't have been activated. I have a screenshot of your pledge and related comment.

However, I acknowledge that you no longer wish to be a subscriber, so of course I will refund your payment.

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Aug 29
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Thank you. 🙏

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