I would like first of all, to thank every single one of you for subscribing to my Substack, your support in reading and sharing my posts really means a lot to me.
Ya gotta do what ya gotta do! I'll be tuning into to see what new topics you plan to cover in your deep dives. Those take a lot of work and you deserve to be rewarded for your efforts.
Ya gotta do what ya gotta do! I'll be tuning into to see what new topics you plan to cover in your deep dives. Those take a lot of work and you deserve to be rewarded for your efforts.
keep up the great work Dawn 👏👏
Thank you. 🙏
All the best Dawn. You've always done cracking work.
So, you're fan of the finest arabica beans?!
As I said in my post, I've overcome my caffeine habit. 😎 But I do have the occasional coffee.
How's it go last night?
I assume you mean What if My Body is Brilliant. It was an amazing event, it went really well, thank you. 🙏
Nice one. Good to hear.
I did not make a pledge, but I received a notification that I did. PLEASE REFUND.
Thank you
Ron Greenstein
Hi Ron, you did pledge at some stage, otherwise the subscription wouldn't have been activated. I have a screenshot of your pledge and related comment.
However, I acknowledge that you no longer wish to be a subscriber, so of course I will refund your payment.
Thank you. 🙏