This, along with other technologies this system is coming up with to, "Fight illness" are making the hair on the back of my neck stand up.

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After scanning your social media activity we suspect you might have a viral infection of the hair follicles. An appointment at your local high street vaccination clinic is been scheduled and should appear on your smartphone health app within the next 10 minutes.

Failure to attend appointment will result in automatic deduction of 100 social credit points.

Your mandatory 14 days of quarantine begins now. Remember, you can always check how many days of quarantine remain by consulting your smartphone health app.

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Sorry big brother, I only use my smart phone for calls and text. It is not apple nor is it google-ized. I never use apps for anything. I wonder, if I get down to negative social credits, does that mean I am dead?

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My phone is 2G, it only does texts & calls & hasn't even got a camera. I use an address book, diary & wall calender. So big bruvvva can piss off 👍

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O.M.G., Corona studies!! I'm just re-reading "1984," and that's such an on-target update of the Big Brother system!

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My thoughts exactly.

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Sorry Jonathan!

I got a Yuval Harari DVD boxset for Christmas and I've been binge watching...

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Sounds like another scheme to increase pharma profits. 'AI' can make things up to satisfy its programmers' prejudices.

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Allopathic doctors are generally no better than AI. Diagnosis is just a rationale for poisoning the patient.

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The way most drs are now in the sick system (giving their indoctrinated subjective opinion( providing a label to hold symptoms in place ) for the purpose of dispensing drugs as a "treatment" ) the majority of Drs are like meat Bots anyway.

The wisdom of "Physician heal thyself" was never listened to .

Modern medicine = mass (record numbers) with chronic illness

Yes I think the agenda is to replace Drs with pharmacists then/and Bots.

NZ Drs and insurance companies already (secretly) use algorithms for treatment decisions which is fiction, no one is an "average" .

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Thank you for this discussion. I am always grateful to be reminded that the basic tenets of allopathic medicine have never been proven to be true.

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I subscribe to a couple of free "medical" newsletters, and it is indeed the stance of the conventional medical groups that AI is the future of medicine. It's seen as allowing more individualization, more thoroughness in diagnosis, more accessibility when combined with "telehealth," among other benefits. I just wonder how long it will take for consumers of conventional medicine to realize that these "great innovations" just get further and further away from any understanding of real health, and from any real benefit to them.

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Thank you for sharing that link. It's good that this issue is being raised.

The CNET article I refer to suggests that AI is still in the early stages of learning and will improve over time. But that is still a serious problem as far as I'm concerned. No matter how much AI improves, it will never be able to provide 'healthcare' for the reasons I discuss in my article.

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Somehow "improved" AI sounds just as appealing as "improved" waterboarding, or "improved" brainwashing.

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AI doesn’t care? I don’t think most Rockefeller medical school graduates care that much.

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AI can't 'care', it's not sentient and never can be.

But medical practitioners may start to care when they realise they are replaceable.

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ChatGPT Misdiagnosed 83% of Children’s Health Conditions

ChatGPT misdiagnosed more than 8 out of 10 children’s health problems in a case challenge issued by researchers and doctors at a New York children’s hospital, a new study in JAMA Pediatrics showed.

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Doctors often diagnose based on prejudice and assumption, and not necessarily research. There are some problems that many doctors assume are self-induced or self-inflicted, or just exaggerated.

I’m not a fan of telehealth because it’s making doctors lazy and widening the gulf between patient and practitioner. The doctor is now safe from the “unclean” patient.

AI is fine for research in preparing for seeing a doctor in person. I know more about my body than my doctor does, and rarely find a doctor interested in learning what he/she doesn’t know. At least if you’re informed, you’re not as easily convinced by the “easy” diagnosis

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Do I trust doctors? No. I trust Chat gpt even less. Both can be extremely indoctrinated and highly manipulated. I have become my own doctor and will never rely on "chat' anything for advice.

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How about

Healers, Shaman, Medicine practitioners, or?

Certainly NOT “HMO’s” (etc . . . )

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There are a lot of mis directs in medicine that prevent doctors from seeing a body as a self healing vessel. AI is just as blind.

Drs are trained a body self sabotages and isn’t too be trusted because it will kill itself. Drs play God because they believe a body is defected.

Mammalian physiology is a wet system. Hydration equals salt plus water. Water follows salt.

Mammalian physiology has nothing to do with oxygenation or dryness and this deception must fall away so everyone can see.

Oxygen is a manufactured product of air NOT a constituent of air.

What is the physical parameter that defines oxygen?

Medical oxygen has 67 parts per million of water contamination.

How is oxygen manufactured?

Air is dried of moisture and compressed repeatedly to reach the required dryness - parts per million of water contamination!

My Substack article is titled

We breathe air not oxygen.

Let’s now compare air and oxygen with the requirements of lung physiology.

Air is measured by its moisture, its humidity.

The lung alveoli requires the air reaching it to be at 100% humidity.

Can you see the mechanism for oxygen toxicity and oxygen poisoning?

Yes, oxygen toxicity is another word for dehydration.

Oxygen is air forced into an artificially dry state. Once released oxygen gas desires to return to its natural state: moist air. When released inside the lungs, moisture is extracted from the respiratory mucosa and delicate alveoli. This causes micro-clots.

The terms: Reactive oxygen species, oxidation and oxidised in physiology are describing dehydration.

Oxygen is not prescribed for breathlessness.

Instead it is primarily prescribed for the terminally ill.

Palliative care is not kind!

Oxygen obviously does not exist naturally in air. Plants and trees do not release oxygen.

Oxygen is changed into nitrogen with the addition of carbon particles to dampen flammability.

Oxygen and nitrogen are not constituents of air but products made from air.

My second article has a demonstration of this.

I say dehydration is the point of dis array that prevents a body from self healing.

Chronic dehydration has been instituted with the demonisation of salt from the 80s. Big pHARMa profits from medical propaganda: salt endangers the heart.

I have a new take on lung and blood physiology that dismisses the fraudulent gaseous exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide.

The red blood cells carry salt + water. They are vessels carrying and distributing salt water.

The red light monitoring is checking for hydration not oxygen saturation!

Dark RBCs are contracted and dehydrated.

Light RBCs are expanded and hydrated.

Monitoring the dark versus light RBCs calculates % of hydration.

The lungs rehydrate RBCs by adding salt + water to the alveoli capillary beds as they pass through, the RBCs are spongelike and soak up the salt + water, expanding and hydrating.

Just like the saline drip adds salt water to RBCs through venous exposure.

Dehydration is the vector of all dis-ease.

The salt restriction advice intentionally deployed in the 80s has caused the epidemic of chronic diseases.

Eg Dementia and alzheimers are the result of a chronically dehydrated brain. Plaque becomes visible when the tide goes out!

First sign of dehydration is a headache, the brain is very sensitive to low salt status. Acute hypo-natremia kills. Chronic hypo-natremia reduces brain functionality.

Why are women more prone to dementia? Women have significant additional salt requirements to maintain their reproductive mucosa etc


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Bloody dangerous thing I reckon that too many folks feed by treating as a toy, to save time, impress or boost profits.

I was on an "awake" channel on Telegram & they added ChatGPT. I was like ... Hellooooo?!!! Do you realise what you're doing? They said "Its ok, we've refused it admin rights". They didn't answer when I asked if IT had tried to make itself admin. I said it would take over eventually without them even realising.

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Jan 9, 2024
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Yeah that's kind of weird almost intentional.

They're trying to make us think that AI is smarter than it appears to be.

But really it cannot invent things unless asked to.

Btw on 60 minutes Google bard interview it cited fake books. But it's a pre recorded show, so why didn't they just edit that out and reshoot with the AI giving proper books?

That's why I think it's meant to pretend it's smart lol.

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Bingo, I was going to write the exact same thing. :)

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