Excellent info here. I remember Dr Jennifer Daniels some years ago showing a direct correlation between Dr's/hospital strikes in the US and an overall reduction in death figures.

Many will disagree but I think it's important to recognise that we haven't arrived here as a result of a series of random capitalist events. The NHS is Fabian in conception which in turn is the masonic off spring of Knights Hospitaller, this goes deep. In essence the whole idea of the 'The Sick Care System' which is an excellent description falling under the Dep't Of Death is to stop you from getting too strong whilst being seen to be fixing bones, but maybe that's far too conspiratorial!

Ya gotta laugh, a least the Doc's and nurses can have more time to perfect they're dance routines 😂

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Thank you Dawn This is excellent information.

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Excellent. Thank you.

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great article! i always sensed to stay away from that system and i've seen so many friends and family get stuck there for life.

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The 35% pay increase strike sounds strategic right after the convid boosted up drs egos . Yes unfortunately they are seen always striking for pay rises and the $trike shows how far away from the purpose of healing they are . Most drs role play and disempower their patients which eliminates their ability to heal in a dysfunctional system thats been in a "crisis" running parallel to humanity's crisis.

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Thank you very much for your post.

The NHS is a useless, bloated organisation. I had to suffer it from 2018 when I suffered a facial palsy.

After 18 months and various scans and tests I was diagnosed with cancer. I underwent immuno-therapy for 9 sessions before I worked out what was really wrong. Sodium nitrite (E250) poisoning via bacon I ate.


Not once did a medic ask about my diet, not once. Most doctors useless, I had a better conversation with a physiotherapist who looked at things more roundly.

Last time I went to GP in 2022 she was wearing a mask and fussing over cleaning the chair I was to sit on and ventilation. Most doctors have lost their collective marbles.

I wanted to say, 'Its the 'flu dear and you can't catch it'. I have known this since June 2020. Gr#@??!%f*^k! etc. etc.

I say doctors can go on strike and the UK will be a lot safer. Sack the lot and reemploy on much cheaper terms those worth keeping (which is not many).

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I'm glad you were able to discover what was wrong with you.

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It's peripheral here, Dawn- but I'm asking if food additives using insect derivatives is another source of harm for us or via the animals fed this way. "It's not what we eat, it's what been done to it" i.e. processing, additives, subtractions ...


I was remembering about farmed fish can't build crucial omega3 from their diet

EU regulations may still be in force ...?


Of course, the 'global warming argument' comes in to boost sales and deflect any criticism

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Most food additives are problematic. They are rarely - if ever - actual food-based, so they reduce the nutritional value of the food product being manufactured. I would suggest that this must also apply to 'insect-derived' ingredients.

It's always better to eat foods that are natural rather than manufactured - then you know what you are eating!

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It is broadly true that as you say "It's not what we eat, it's what been done to it".

I had my own experience with bacon causing facial palsy and associated issues. Sodium nitrite (E250) the culprit (but no thanks to NHS as no doctor asked about my diet).


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But, but, but... My doctor is such a lovely man... 😝

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Ha ha, 😄

I'm sure doctors are decent people - well, a lot of them anyway. Sadly, for the most part, they are just victims of their incorrect training, but they have a hard time accepting that what they are taught isn't 'healthcare'.

But I know you know that 😎

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They are also victims of their own arrogance. Being decent is not going to save them from severe judgement.

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That white coat symbolizing purity and that gleaming smile. Offering a nice white pill or powder.

Like heroin which Bayer in Germany once sold. Now they resort to different neuro-toxic drugs.


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Please, Strike! Maybe it will give them time to reflect and research nanotechnology. Murderers on strike is always a Good Thing!

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The role of the NHS

As a distant American observer, I suspect the NHS suffers from having too many roles, some of which are conflicting: uniform medicine delivery, single employer, affordable provider of medicine to patients, fiscally viable, up to date.

I no longer use the phrase “health care” as in the past three years that has been shown to be an oxymoron. Not many doctors and hospitals even attempt to deliver health care, they are confined by proscriptions of what they are allowed to do to various classes of patients. We know that many people died in hospital, under the care of the NHS, because their doctors and nurses were confined by government edicts about appropriate medicine. And we know that many patients were not helped by understaffing. There must be a fine line between too many doctors and nurses and not enough; the NHS needs to address this.

It would be helpful if the NHS wasn’t committed to allopathic medicine as the only method. It is likely true that one system of medicine is not universally appropriate; allopathy has failed certain classes of patients. We need to have access to all the tools.

An aging population is a sign of national success. It should not be viewed as just another challenge the NHS must solve. The NHS must not abandon any age group.

If the mortality rate drops when or immediately after doctors go on strike, it is the fault of the system, not the strikers. Yes, the NHS must provide sufficient human resources to deliver medicine, and those resources must be satisfied with their employment contract. Anything else is a failure of management.

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As a UK resident who was misdiagnosed by the NHS in 2020 and given unnecessary treatment and as I have researched the issue I now know the NHS is a sacred cow that needs slaughtering.

There is not much worth keeping, bar proper nursing care, A&E trauma care and some surgery.

The whole organisation is a waste of money which could be better spent on making sure the infrastructure of roads etc were in good repair which would save on some accidents.

Perhaps the doctors thrown out of their jobs could be road sweepers.

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Mar 18, 2023
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Medication is decimation. Amazingly, the words are anagrams of each other. We should have checked earlier!



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I am discovering that words have meanings, so I would say that it is no coincidence that they are anagrams of each other.

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You are quite right, no coincidence, they are designed that way. I have been examining words much more closely since perhaps late 2020 and realised I should have done this a lot earlier.

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"Free" care is the main problem. I'm qualified as a nutritionist and a homoeopath but don't earn enough to live on so I keep my job in main stream as a radiographer. I see people would rather go for taxpayer funded sickness management than pay to do anything to make themselves well.

The doctors are not wholly to blame. One friend whose daughter studied medicine, got to the end of her studies and nearly threw in the towel. She couldn't face general practice with all the patients coming in expecting a drug to fix their problems and completely unwilling to do anything to change their lifestyle for the better. She went on to specialise in surgery instead.

The "system" is at fault. There's the incentivising of medicine too. I see so many unnecessary tests being done to drive healthy people into treatment they don't really need that makes them "captured" for the rest of their lives. Get-it-early cancer treatments, statins or thyroid meds for the term of your natural life, etc.

Reading Robert Kennedy Jr's "The Real Anthony Fauci" helps to explain some of it. The brain washing of the population by the media is also a big part. Not to mention school curriculums. My teenage son often comes out with the "show me the science" statement when I contradict something he's learnt at school.

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Apr 11, 2023
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Agree on the alternative remedies & lifestyle. BUT. Huge corporations allowed to commit crimes & unethical behaviour only to be protected from punishment by corrupt law makers that are profiting from the misery is NOT free market capitalism. Nationalised health care is the center piece of socialism not capitalism. Along with socialised indoctrination of children who aren't allowed to attend screw-all unless they have been poisoned with a stabby. Along with government controlled media whose job is to provide the next thing to be afraid of, like our own *breath, or the next global villain so we have to rally behind the next military invasion. Along with socialist tax rates so high that the mothers of our children have to somehow squeeze taxable labor into their daily schedule (this system was designed to double tax revenues by doubling the tax-payer base). Along with heavily manipulated stock, bond, foreign currency and commodity markets - either through pump & dump media like CNBC, investing news letters or big money & central banks behind the scenes. I would like to see free market capitalism given an opportunity! The whole idea of stock markets - including futures markets is supposed to be "price discovery". There is no longer any honest price discovery - just look at the oil and gold prices. The truth is heavily censored so thank goodness for Dawn. *Beware & Be Scared: your breath contains germs AND carbon dioxide! Good luck.

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