Thank you. A great article.

Reminds me of the documentary Playing God .


-A group of special interest -do decide who lives and who dies.

-Medical staff get desensitised to what should not be practiced.

-There is no scientific way of choosing who is dying and if you try to do it you get it wrong.

euthanasia - by taking people that are not dying and putting them in a situation where they are sedated and drowsy and then they die , you kill someone without allowing them to get ready for death.

There is a process that you go through in the last few days of your life when you start to realise that you are dying , but that takes time, you go through a stage of anger, denial and then finally acceptance.

We need patients to be able to communicate, to face death in a natural way and not in a manufactured way.

Conservative woman had an article .


As for Progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) . Another reclassified “diagnosis”.

A biological shock that affects on a deep level where you feel paralysed.


Progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) was originally described in 1964. Although some contended it was merely a variant of Parkinson's disease,

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Thank you for sharing those articles. 🙏 They are very useful.

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Like COVID 19 was essentially the flu rebranded, neurological diseases get rebranded too. It is more profitable to the medical industrial complex and makes doctors look extremely clever.

I have a facial palsy, primarily caused by sodium nitrite (E250) poisoning which I write about.

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Thank you for bringing up the point that no doctor can predict how much time a patient has to live. I've always believed the only reason their predictions often end up being true is that their words to the patient are no more than a hex, which when believed and internalized by the sick person, become a self-fulfilling prophecy. It's a crime in my opinion.

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Definitely. That's exactly my point, their 'predictions' become a self-fulfilling prophecy - in many instances - which makes them think they are 'right'. But without that prediction, who knows how long the patient would have lived?

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It's step by step. Don't want to rush it. Yeh right. It's eugenics by back door. Watch out if you have a disability. When abortion laws were introduced in 60s emergency use only. Now common place. Will be same with this. Logan's Run. The carousel awaits.

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That is wild, D Fenwick; while I was reading the article i thought 'yeah, eventually it'll be like Logan's Run'

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To me, it’s simple. Life is a gift from our creator. When we think of life as a preference or convenience then we have opened up the can of worms for any type of evil. That’s where we risk doctors making those decisions for us even if it’s simply a matter of convenience for others. How frightening! How do we get doctors killing babies in the womb? Their oath is to do no harm.

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They are already killing people covertly with medicine in hospitals. Now they want you to be acquainted with the idea that it is just fair for the institutions to murder people. We already know that diagnostics in allopathic medicine are flawed if not pure lies. A four-stage cancer is considered incurable, yet so-called 'alternative" medicine cures it in a few months, same with diabetes and heart disease.

This idea is straight from the eugenists' agenda and what they did during fascist Germany, not speaking about the depopulation agenda.


Some people say, the assisted death is a horrible death with plenty of suffering so that they may harvest adrenochrome from it. I would like to see the proof of that. But just like abortion at the late stage of pregnancy, it could amount to satanic sacrifice.

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My wife has college friends, husband and wife, where he was diagnosed with a stage 4 bowel cancer as I recall. They researched and avoided chemo and this reduced the cancer to a point where surgery was sufficient (although I questioned if it was necessary at all.

Sadly I suspect they may still have had the covid vaccines. But he is still alive after about 4 years now.

I find that anagrams of phrases and words reveal interesting things. For example 'satanic sacrifice' can be ' fascistic carinae'. Carinae is "... an area of ancient Rome. It was one of its most exclusive neighborhoods, where many of the senatorial class lived" according to Wikipedia.

As 'vaccination' is an anagram of 'icon Vatican' I say all roads lead to Rome.

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"I find that anagrams of phrases and words reveal interesting things"

You should look at 'BaldMichael, The Resolute Protectors Son' blog on Substack, he is big into anagrams.

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Sorry, just saw it was BaldMichael!

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Fame at last!

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Thank you very much. I had a look in the mirror. With my facial palsy it was an awful shock!

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From my years of research in the field, I believe adrenochrome is mainly taken from tortured young children. Many millions of children go missing every year, I wager all taken for ritual abuse purposes, sex/pedo trafficking, and yes, adrenochrome harvesting/blood drinking by very evil people. I know this sounds outlandish, but I am sure we will all admit, our world is full of some very sick people. Just look at the people who perpetrated the Covid crimes on humanity...that alone proves my point. One Cathy O' Brien talks about adrenochrome harvesting, and if anyone would know, she is that person. She and her daughter were in MK Ultra for many years so she has first-hand experience of some really dark things that go on behind the curtains.

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Thank you. I am aware of Cathy O'Brien and her story. I've watched a couple of her interviews.

My comment was about whether adrenochrome would be harvested from people who have accepted 'assisted dying' because their time of death would be more easily knowable. And whether we would be able to find out if this were the case. 🤷🏻‍♀️

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O yes, I understand Dawn, thank you.

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I haven't heard of that aspect about harvesting adrenochrome. I would like to see proof too, although that may be difficult to find.

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The eugenicists are creating the best of both worlds for their depop agenda.

They create the many means of toxins/sickness and then socially condition us for premature death. This was widely practiced during convid with midazolam which was just an accelerated continuation of the Liverpool care pathway. At the heart of this is the same ol' Babylonian cult.

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One thing I don't get is, how does Big Pharma benefit from their paying customers dying? Wouldn't they at least like to get the revenue from all those palliative care drugs?

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That's a good question. Big Pharma does benefit from the drugs used for euthanasia. Maybe the goal to reduce the number of people depending on the 'medical system' is more important than Pharma profits? I do think there's more to it than just the profit motive.

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Wonderful reply Dawn. It is not all about the money, from what I see and understand. No need for details but your answer hits the nail on the head quite nicely.

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That’s right. They already have all the real wealth, and now they have the technology - AI, robotics, etc. - to do most of the necessary labor to keep the system running smoothly. The plan is clearly to manufacture an endless series of staged crises and fictional boogeymen as pretexts to implement the New World Order/Digital Control Grid in order to both kill off most of us “useless eaters” no longer required for our labor power and seen merely as both a financial drain and a latent threat to their wealth and power and also to achieve complete control over the remaining, severely reduced, population of slaves required for exclusive tasks that can’t be automated or done by AI, and for sources of entertainment and pleasure, like the halcyon days of Divine Rule and absolute monarchy.

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That may be 'their plan' - but it's just a plan and that doesn't mean it's going to happen!!

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That’s right. It’s class warfare, and war implies a two-way street. The only problem is their side is much more class conscious, united, organized, richer, and better armed and equipped. Ours is divided, disorganized, distracted, etc.

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I'm not so sure their 'side' is that united. Richer and better armed - yes, but not necessarily united. I think there are different factions that may be vying for the position of 'top dog'. That's just my opinion of course as we can't 'know'.

Our 'side' is more divided which is all part of the 'plan' and that is why I wrote my Divide and Conquer article.

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Bankers in Basel balancing the books…

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Thanks Dawn it topical personally. I had an accident and am open severe brain injury and I was subjected by " health practitioners" to terrible torture and forced active euthanasia as assault and battery, weight bearing on a multi fractured spine and unstable pelvis .

The medical culture, at least where I am in NZ, is political and it is a death culture where the eugenic top down's growing euthanasia meme is pushed and believed and people who cannot , due to health reasons, pay the central banksters taxes for health reasons are called burdens.

Death is never spoken about in our culture, it is the most fearful topic and of course it is when people are fully identified as a body/mind only and not with the Life they truly are .

There is birth and death but life is eternal

Love and peace

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I'm so sorry to hear what you've endured. That is definitely not a 'healthcare' system!!

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Thank you Dawn.

Its been extreme torture.

(And it was not made easier by my work opposing the Govt's BS narrative)

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Prematurely ending life when someone is terminal and suffering by their own or another’s hand all relates to the question of karma and karmic debts. The key word being “prematurely”, which is too soon, before the natural or suitable time.

*“Then something completely different occurred which I had not expected. Instead of the gentle withdrawal of the etheric body, as I described before, the etheric body swelled up. It swelled up powerfully and exploded in countless pieces. The room was full of shimmeringly bright and swirling shreds. The process only lasted a short time, less than a minute, then everything dissolved and disappeared. The light in the room became dim as it was before and her husband seemed not to have noticed anything. And I sat there, the syringe still in my hand. I was very, very shocked. Much became immediately clear to me. Immediately clear where the lie is. It is not only about premature death, and also not about the complete process of the illness. It goes much, much deeper, much further.

People believe they are being merciful when they help someone. To help someone who can no longer endure his suffering from an illness. And afterwards everyone is supposed to be satisfied. That woman’s husband is to this day. But actually something quite different has happened. One does something that, viewed externally, seems helpful and human. But what happens? This human being is catapulted into the cosmos without a post-mortem experience of remembering, without a post-mortem vision of his life panorama, and without spiritual light, because his etheric body explodes.”

*Extracts from “Destiny and the Process of Dying A Lecture by Dr. Zoltán Schermann”: https://www.sterbekultur.ch/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/6.2-Destiny-and-the-Process-of-Dying.-A-lecure-by-Dr.-med-Schermann.pdf

It is not for man, or womankind, to decide to prematurely end their life or the life of another of man, or womankind, as we are not God. By God I, do not mean religion, I, mean, the one from which we came and to which we will return. We are all unique and we do not know what is good for us, let alone what is good for others of man, and womankind.

**”Since March 2020, a transnational deep state operation (Hughes, 2022b) has been underway to institute a novel, technocratic form of totalitarianism. In many ways, we are still at the thin edge of the wedge, but the warning signs are undeniable. Although, in the West, we may not yet find ourselves “under the yoke of totalitarian regimes comparable to those we know so well from the twentieth century, there is no doubt that we are faced with a global paradigm that brings forth steadily expanding totalitarian tendencies […]” (Alting von Geusau, 2021). However, Alting von Geusau is wrong to claim that those tendencies are not “planned intentionally or maliciously.” They are by design, instigated by a transnational ruling class seeking recourse to totalitarianism in response to an acute crisis of capitalism—the same principle as in the 1930s. Then, as now, totalitarianism did not simply spring, fully formed, into existence. The descent into its worst horrors took place over many years. The origins of Nazi genocide, for instance, can be traced back to earlier euthanasia programmes, making the reappearance of state-sponsored euthanasia since 2020 deeply troubling (Hughes et al., 2022).”

**Extract from ““Covid-19,” Psychological Operations, and the War for Technocracy Volume 1” by David A. Hughes: https://dhughes.substack.com/p/covid-19-psychological-operations

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they should all test it for us...be the first to be assisted!

they don't want to rush...where has this failed in recent years? oh yeah the poison shots..but we know a lot about why that is now.

how long before we have a 30 year old life limit? Logan will be coming after you...

great article...

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Who are you referring to as the 'they' who should test it for us?

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most politicians...😂🤣

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OK, I thought that's who you meant.

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With the Nanoparticles etc. in the jabs, the alleged dangers of 5G networks; maybe this film is more applicable and direct.... "In time" = https://www.imdb.com/video/vi775265305/?playlistId=tt1637688&ref_=tt_ov_pr_ov_vi

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I've just watched the trailer thanks. Interesting!

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And there is Logan’s Run.

People will ask to be “ renewed.😉

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If one believes in the concept of "The Eternal Validity of the Soul", (Seth Speaks), one will realize that a "Self Decided Release" from one Human Condition to another Condition is never "wrong". You/We aren't really going away. And the soul will introspect on all it's human decisions.

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I do accept the eternal nature of the soul. One of my main concerns is that people might be encouraged to leave this human experience before they need to - and maybe before their soul is ready to.

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"There are no victims" (LRH) You and I can never know what another's path may/should be.

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I'm with you on that, but I believe the people practising traditional religion are taught that taking control over one's bodily autonomy goes against their god. They have a much more linear belief of: life>heaven or hell.

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Many thanks Dawn, great article. Not always easy to high the key points but I like this which you said.

< ‘modern medicine’ operates from a flawed understanding of disease, health, and the human body. >


<...‘modern medicine’, ‘palliative care’ is not developed in accordance with a true understanding of disease, health, and the human body. If ‘modern medicine’ did operate from that basis, there would be far fewer people who would even need ‘palliative care’, because they would know how to look after themselves.>


<Yes, certain drugs may help to alleviate pain, but pain is an indicator that there is an underlying issue within the body and it is this underlying problem that needs to be addressed. But ‘modern medicine’ does not know how to do this and instead, merely focuses on chemical aspects of the body>

As regards chemical aspects of the body they don't even properly understand that, as they think administering neuro-toxic drugs will do any good long term. I have experienced that with my so-called cancer diagnosis in 2020.

And if I may, my take on Assisted Dying Bill.


While I am at it, Happy New Year and keep up the good work.

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Thank you. 🙏 I look forward to reading your article.

Happy New Year to you too.

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Love the word: "medical hexing".

Which is why I haven't been to a doctor for as long as I can remember and I'm the healthiest person I know.

However, I also like the idea of checking out when I choose.

As a disability content writer, I think this may give people with disabilities more rights, but the grey area would be pertaining to cognitive disability.

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How do you see that this will give disabled people more rights?

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It gives people with disabilities the choice to decide on their end of life experience instead of leaving that decision up to others.

It's a controversial topic among the disability community, but moreso among caregivers than people with disabilities.

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This is a foot in the door as the WEF (UN and WHO) plans to promote end-of-life murder as all humans reaching age 75 are to be rendered gone. Poof!

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I know that might be their plan, but we don't have to follow it. As more people become aware of what's going on, fewer of them will be willing to request such a procedure.

Also, as I said in my article, as more people become aware of how to look after themselves, there will be fewer people in the system.

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cutthe waiting lists. every cloud

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