Your writing is always a model of pure logic and restraint in the face of dire propagandising. I look forward to your further researches.

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Thank you so much. 😊

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Well written Dawn.

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Thanks John. 😊

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Yes absolutely Dawn and why we should choose love as that fear is the mechanism of ( the egoic)State control .

All freedom is of and in the mind.

As above so below.

It is very nice to see a few people at Substack that are shifting paradigms.

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I read your recent article about climate anxiety and appreciated your point about distinguishing between climate change narratives and real environmental challenges. I wanted to share my research about a concerning environmental issue that often gets overlooked - the significant decline in ocean phytoplankton and its impact on our oxygen production systems. My article examines how various factors like ocean pollution, overfishing, and agricultural runoff are affecting these crucial marine organisms that historically provided up to 90% of Earth's oxygen. I think you might find it interesting how this perspective focuses on concrete environmental impacts rather than CO2-driven climate change. I'd value your thoughts on this analysis, particularly given your interest in examining environmental issues separate from climate change narratives. https://normanjames.substack.com/p/ocean-phytoplankton-decline-a-critical

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You make many important points in your article about the impact of pollution on the environment, thank you for sharing it.

I think you might find Tom Cowan's recent webinar of interest regarding the question of whether we actually breathe oxygen,


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Yea, in communications. He mentioned Stephen Young, so I searched for him in his book, which braught me to your post. I have a paper potentially solving the double slit, and it's rather compelling im unaffiliated with no academia and managed to get published in Cambridge! Im told it's good!! Dumbed down version https://substack.com/home/post/p-149897466 and DNA with EMF https://jamesibbotson.substack.com/p/electromagnetic-field-induced-amplification?utm_source=publication-search. Got some mind-bending stuff i can point you to and Niece to meet you. James

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I just perused this article this morning and appreciated your further opening of Pandora's box for full view ... You're really a gifted writer and thinker, Dawn ...

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Thank you so much Sol. That means a great deal to me. 🙏 ❤️

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Thank you for this essay. I agree that “climate change” is a lie and it is intended to misdirect people to not notice the real threats to our way of life. This is easy to see: we are admonished to lower our standard of living in order to “save the planet”. It is a con.

We live on a planet that is subject to many forces, some we know, some we do not know. To claim that reducing our standard of living will preserve the weather as we have known it for the past hundred or so years is a lie. It is just a way to guilt trip us into reducing our standard of living. And letting politicians and others with an eye to profit to coerce us into abandoning our wealth.

The corporate news is, no surprise, loudly trumpeting the “climate change” lie. It is so easy to see: every weather-related disaster is ascribed to “climate change”, which it is not — because there is no “climate change”, there is only weather which varies with different intervals of time. We are most familiar with the calendar year: weather changes with the seasons. I wonder when we will be told that winter is really summer.

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Jun 23, 2023
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I don't accept that they are in total control. That's why I refer to them that way.

The reason I write is to share information to help 'unblind' people.

I look forward to reading your views on how you think we can defeat them. I have to say though that fighting them is not the way to be free.

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I agree with Dawn that the Controllers are not as powerful as they like to portray. It's all an illusion. And the illusion requires an enormous amount of effort to maintain through the brainwashing of children and adults, the continuation of all manner of traditions and fairy tales that prevent people from thinking for themselves, and taxation to keep people in a state of wage slavery. I mean, of course, they can rough up small numbers of people when cornered, but the masses have all the power in the end. Once the mind spell is sufficiently lifted, and lifted it will be, then the tables will be turned. The most powerful technique we currently possess is to down tools and refuse to follow illegal proposals. The more that people take back agency and refuse to go along with the nefarious agenda, the more we can steer reality in the direction of peace and cooperation for all.

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Beautifully stated, thank you. The mind spell will definitely be lifted.

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Jun 23, 2023Edited
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Yes, yes, yes... but you're missing the point. Those are the mass death blood sacrifices or burnt offerings carried out by the militarily trained brainwashed minions that I mentioned above, quite separate from the individual "roughing up," bullying and assassinations to make the much larger crowd stand down.

The point I'm making is that the bullying and picking off of prominent leaders is their most powerful technique and it's wearing off. Once the masses - and that includes military and police - lose any respect they had for their masters and weaker elements among the crowd begin to stand up to the bullying, that's when the strongest among us, the defenders of what's right, regardless of which ideology you ascribe to, they turn on their bosses and wipe the floor clean with them.

I know it's been a long time since this has happened in a historical context, and that we're all suffering from normalcy bias, but we're reaching fever pitch and everything is about to explode. That fire may not come so much from the anesthetized, well-off, western populace, but there are plenty of populations around the world that are getting all riled up and ready to finish this.

Again, you're giving the "enemy" too much credit. You're putting "them" on a pedestal. Which is how they see themselves and how they want others to see them. They have to bribe, blackmail, and assassinate their own "employees" for a reason. To keep them in line. Once the line is broken, their code breaks down and no one has to respect or follow it any longer. Imagine the whole world simply walking away from the parasite. The parasite will bellyache and stomp its feet and cry like a little bitch because that's all it has. The farmers will become the farmed and they'll be turned into compost.

And for anyone thinking it'll all collapse if we don't have the parasite organizing civilization, that's just another huge lie to keep people in their boxes. The parasite doesn't actually provide anything of value at all. It simply runs a protection racket and trafficking operations just like any criminal mafia. All the drama that happens on the world stage is drummed up by their intelligence agencies and special forces. That can all be brought to a halt once the general public applies enough pressure on military and police. Everything else can carry on with some adjustments and empire building as a model will give way to cooperation between nations.

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Jun 24, 2023
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Again... and I repeat... that was in the past. And the covid era caught a lot of the people involved in the bullying aspect of things by surprise. The more reasonable among them hang their heads in shame now and dare not bring up their unreasonable behavior during that event. They know they did wrong. It'll be difficult for the scammers to pull something like that off again (I don't call them rulers). They are pulling out all the stops, reaching deep into their bag of tricks. All that's left is world war (which is not as it was 100 years ago) and alien invasion (which most people find ridiculous).

The idea that the scammers are smarter than you're average bear is false. They learnt a few tricks a long time ago and they have been lucky up to now. They follow their code which inevitably shows their hand like a psychopath that actually desires to be stopped and because of this idiotic "religious" code they are doomed to fail in their mission of global dominance. And that also forms part of their prophetic writings so we'll probably see that unfold at some point soon - the demise of the scammers to much fanfare - or at least the very visible front men that they will sacrifice, thereby creating the illusion of victory for the masses only to create a new angle of attack and rally around new centers of power in Eurasia.

And I get it... there's good reason to believe that the BRICS+ formation is just more of the same with the scammers still at the helm shifting their weight (literally in some cases) to the non-American world as America continues to get shafted and the petrodollar becomes less relevant.

What needs to happen in either outcome (a resurgent America or a BRICS+ breakaway) is for the consciousness of the general public to keep rising and awareness of these issues to become the dominant factor in all debates. The military and police are regular people too with families and concerns just like everyone else. When they sense the tide shifting, they will refuse to carry out illegal proposals no matter how much they are threatened by their superiors. And this will happen in the much contested civilian arena too. The medical industry will change dramatically - Big Pharma will take a big hit - and public education will be completely revamped - the garbage will be tossed out.

All already happening. Will be tough times for many. But we have to push ahead down this road. There is no alternative.

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I agree with Dawn and Tsubion that they are not the controllers of me. I am my controller. I take responsibility for learning about nutrition, disease, gardening, how to be sustainable, how to steer away from mindless media, and help others. The more you keep doing and learning these things, the easier it becomes.

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Jun 23, 2023
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true, but I do as much as I can to be independent of their systems designed to keep me and others enslaved. Every year, i do more, and hopefully i can get my food to be 85-90% from my land or local farmers, etsy, etc. I have my wireless off most of the day now, use less than 300 kwh per month.

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Jun 23, 2023
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i'm not denying that, and we can use the internet, but just don't use it to a point where you are succumbing to the mindlessness. And it's sort of a metaphysical thing- i mean no one is completely free, except Ramana Maharshi, Buddha, etc, but even then they succumb to cancer, etc. Diogenes carried a lamp still, lived in a luxurious wine barrel! We have to strive to be free though.

btw, my electric company is a scam b/c for each hour, according to their usage stats, they have a baseline .125 kwh charge just to have the electricity on, which means a minimum of 3kwh per 24 hrs. Plus, they have infrastructure and delivery charges and then fees and taxes, so more than half of my bill is just to use their service. However, i realize i am playing in their system, and i'm not advanced enough to get to a level to be off grid on solar, etc.

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