Any recommendations on which are critical to watch?

I'm already up to speed on virology and COVID. I remember watching an interesting video on Lyme last time it was free.

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I would also recommend the Law for Mankind sessions at the beginning of each module if you didn't watch them before.

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Did you watch any of the sessions in the last 2 modules that are called A New Health Story parts 1 and 2?

If not, they are what I would recommend.

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Good news ! Looking forward to buy ´The End of Covid´ library. Are the videos with Spanish subtitles or at least with english subtitles ? In this way TEOC can reach more audience. Thank you for all the good work that you are doing. Very much need it now in our beautiful planet Earth !


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Thank you so much for your support, it is really appreciated. 🙏

The videos do not have subtitles, at the moment at least. I realise that this does limit the potential reach. It would be a huge undertaking to produce subtitles for more than 90 sessions in other languages, although I also appreciate that there are many Spanish-speaking people.

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My pleasure ! 🌹

In the past we have been using for subtitles this plataform :


Which is a great help for implementing subtitles.


Another possibility is paid human transcription and captions in this plataform :


1,50$ per minute.

Or get translated subtitles for $5 per video minute (spanish). Free English Caption file included!


Here with this option you will get : human transcription+captions (subtitles)+translation in english and spanish. So, subtitles will be in english (which help a lot for people who the english is not native like for me) AND spanish.

This plataform (rev) i have not been using.

i was happy to realice that one of the featuring TEOC people is Ana Maria Olive to whom i have been following few years already in spanish

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