God, bless you for taking the time to do this. I learned about the "virus" myth 20 years ago and now I have no patience with the people who defend it. I can no longer waste my time with people who think following the lines on the floor of a public building with a thin paper cloth over their mouth and nose will save them from "deadliest particle in the world" (from a bat no less.) Even if viruses were real and contagious, how could you possibly believe these strategies are anything other than a clown's delusion.

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Thank you so much, Dawn, for continuing to chip away at these fallacies and false assertions. You're a breath of fresh air, as always :)

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Thank you for your continued efforts, Christine, you are most appreciated.

It was great to see that your article was recently published in the Canberra Daily. ❤️

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Sep 29Liked by Dawn Lester

Thanks to both you and Dawn for uncovering the truth.

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Sep 28Liked by Dawn Lester

This was a pretty pathetic straw man approach by the debunker. Nearly every rejection he raised was facile and easily “debunked”. The level of sophistication of the argumentation was at such a low level it could not have been directed to anyone with a modicum of intellectual capacity. Pretty sad all up but even sadder some may have believed it.

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I agree. Sadly, I know someone who does believe him.

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Sep 29Liked by Dawn Lester

Like someone once said here in the States: "Think of your average American. Then realize that half of them are dumber than that." Sad but true.

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Hey. Quit picking on us Americans 😉

Half the world is dumber than the average person lol

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The entire field of virology is based on an imaginary entity that was assumed to exist because “researchers” were stumped and didn’t know what caused a certain illness. In other words it’s a lazy and illogical way to explain any phenomenon of unknown origin. Culturing is fatally flawed because it assumes a virus is already present. Unfortunately. with the advent of Big Pharma and the unlimited upside to profits it’s likely virology will be with us for a long time to come.

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Not if I can help it.

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"And then there is the psychological effect of the Big Lie which is axiomatic in gaslighting. The paradox here is that the bigger the lie, the harder it is for the mind to bridge the gulf between perceived reality and the lie that authority figures are painting as truth. I believe that the prospect of being deceived evinces a primitive emotional response on a par with staring death in the face. We are hard-wired to fear deception because we have evolved to interpret it as an existential threat. That’s why deception can elicit the same emotional response as the miscalculation of a serious physical threat. Lies told to us don’t always bear the same cost as a misjudged red light, but the primitive part of the brain can’t make this distinction and we rely on cerebral mediation for a more appropriate but delayed response. And in the long run, the lie is often just as dangerous as the physical threat. Many government whoppers – ‘safe and effective’ – do cost lives.

To avoid the death-like experience of being deceived, a mental defence is erected to deny that the lie is happening."

(From https://leftlockdownsceptics.com/alleged-cia-involvement-in-jfk-assassination-goes-mainstream-so-now-what/ )

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Sep 28Liked by Dawn Lester

Instead of proving "sarscov2" and/or "covid19" he just says " I say 'viruses' exist because Louis P said so"

with absolutely no proof at all actually being provided.

Here the mind control trick is when "Covid" is the key misconception , instead he redirects says there are "covid misconceptions" much like the time they directed people to think about masks ignoring the fact there was no " virus".

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Sep 29Liked by Dawn Lester

In the south, you can say anything you want about someone as long as you add “Bless her/his heart”


He’s a shiftless no-account, bless his heart.

Bless her heart, she just doesn’t have a brain.

She dresses like a cheap hooker, bless her heart.

And so on

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Taking a contrary position to the MSM is not a valid argument, nor is it science ...... but on a practical level if you don't have time to put in the hours of research it's the kind of rule of thumb which will serve you well (and could save your life).

At the very least, a sustained MSM propaganda campaign/ sales pitch (such as we witnessed in 2020) should have been a giant red flag that compelled people you to do their own research.

In 2020 it was only 11 years since the last contrived 'pandemic' where the MSM, Big Pharma and politicians conspired to declare a pseudo pandemic in order to trigger a WHO Level 6 alert, which would in turn trigger millions of dollars worth of pre arranged vaccine contracts between governments and Big Pharma (paid for by the tax payer).

By 2010 it was already acknowledged that there was no 'pandemic' in 2009 and most European governments ended up trying to sell millions of unused vaccine doses BACK to Big Pharma. It was a huge scandal at the time.

Not trusting the MSM (and doing the opposite of what they say) is one of the top health tips anyone could possibly follow. And conversely, trusting the MSM and following the health advice has led to injury and death for millions of people.

'Mantras' might not qualify as science, but that does not mean they are not full of the wisdom and common sense of past experiences. Learning from history is the defining feature of a sensible person, and a sensible civilisation.

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Yes. As the root meaning of science is knowledge, taking a contrary position to MSM is based on past experience as you indicate. MSM lies through its teeth frequently and cannot be trusted and that is knowledge or science.

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The quantity of specious reasoning and patronisation employed here strongly suggests a limited hangout, ie "we're all comrades here against the nasty government, but if you just drink this Koolaid, you'll see where you've gone wrong. "

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Sep 28Liked by Dawn Lester

I wish more thoughtful people would read this information! Thank you!

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Thanks Dawn. Neil Sanders anagrams to:

denser snail

sine slander

in lad sneers

er insane lsd - (the drug or money)

lend arse sin

He was programmed to do what he did. :)

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Do you have any information about him being programmed? I wonder who by and what they hoped to achieve with him, because he certainly isn't a 'big name' is he?

It's definitely puzzling that his main work is about mind control, but he failed to see the obvious mind control at work in 2020. So 🤷🏻‍♀️

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Sadly not. Although he seems to 'sell' mind control on his website assuming that is who comes up in internet searches.

It's only I find that the anagrams of someone's names seems to determine part of their character. It is not the whole story but a significant part.

I think a lot of people have been paid to do this sort of article against the truth, flooding the net with rubbish to catch the unwary and unthinking.

But some people can be very narrow in their application of what they know and will not cross over into areas outside their knowledge where the same logic would apply.

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Oct 2Liked by Dawn Lester

He is already wrong in saying isolation is impossible because a virus needs a host to exist - because the very same mainstream sCiEnCe™️ says viruses not only jump species, but jump from host to host. So they MUST be able to exist and survive during all these jumping exercises.

Why can't the sCiEnCe™️ catch and isolate when the virus jumps? 🤔 where is the proof that this is even happening? Either viruses jump, or they are coming from WITHIN - as in, pleomorphism, as in normal detox processes that occur in the body - just as we've been saying for years now.

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"One of the key issues underlying the discussion about the existence of any ‘pathogenic virus’ is the issue of ‘isolation’, which Neil Sanders describes as follows,

“Isolation is the process of culturing the virus on a host cell and then removing its genome to prove that you have a newly found entity.”

That is indeed the medical establishment’s definition of ‘isolation’, but this is a sleight of hand, because the methodology used by virologists does not ‘prove’ any such thing.

Neil is simply relying on mainstream ‘science’ to prove its own claims. An appropriate analogy would be accepting the claim that their food is healthy and nutritious from the CEO of McDonald’s."

WORD! Thanks for the brilliant debunking of this pretentious idiot Neil Sanders, Dawn!

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Oct 4Liked by Dawn Lester

Great article as always. Neil needs to remove his blinkers and do some proper research.

Thanks Dawn

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Sep 29Liked by Dawn Lester

well said

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Thank you.

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THE CHICKEN OR THE EGG. The Germ Theory Opposed in Song. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/the-chicken-or-the-egg

The fraud of virology explained in song Watch THE DISH. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/new-music-video-the-dish

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