At one time, 30-40 years ago, I was always conscious of the sun and the possible damage they said it could do. Of course, they were all liars. My brother died of skin cancer about 27 years ago and so everyone said to watch out for sun exposure or that the cancer thing could be hereditary.

I went in the other direction and paid little mind to my sun exposure only being concerned with excesses. I stopped using sun lotions and tried to get more sun if it wasn't too hot outside. Now, I get as much as I can and living in the North, it is hit or miss.

I have all but quit taking Vit D as it is a chemical substance I no longer believe is healthy. Give me the real thing...the sun!

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The sun is good, natural. With out we would die, all would die. Be afraid of those blotting it out. Those people need to be destroyed, they are trying to kill us....they are killing us. Harsh words i know, but true.

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oh woops, I missed the middle part of your paragraph when I gave you a like, Bill. Oh what the heck, I'll live dangerously and leave my like in place. I know that you're a bicycle touring guy, and those of us who have done that know that the sun is our friend. Even when it's "too" hot in early afternoon, it's actually reminding bike tourers to take a siesta and forget about mileage.

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Just the fact that you go car-free, Bill, is probably doing a lot of good to the air quality.

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Thank you.

I've gotten sun burned in the past, but when I was working for a concrete repair/coatings company I was outside for most of the day in short sleeves because the job was so strenuous. I took a gamble and slowly decreased the amount of sunscreen I was using along with the seed oils that were in my diet the result being that I could be out in the sun for most of the day with no problem. I now try to get out in the sun for most of the day but just for short bursts of 30-45 minutes.

There are studies that show skin cancer has been on the rise in those between 30 and 50. I like choosing various age demographics as a counter to the, "It's because we're living longer" answer from modern medicine lol. However, most of us are inside more than any group in human history. My thoughts are that a combination of our relationship with the sun, the artificial light we're exposed to, and the foods we eat bring about our skin issues. But these issues are ignored and the blame is placed on climate change as is everything else smh.

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Construction workers who are out in the sun all day and do not get skin cancer is one of the best bits of evidence against the idea that getting “too much sun” will give you melanoma. It’s as you say—work up to it, and once your skin has had a chance to develop more melanin, that’s the protection.

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Interestingly I swapped from margarine, albeit a good quality, to butter in 2020. I am in the UK but I no longer burn like I used to. High level air quality probably plays a part too affecting the ultraviolet light.

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Dosage. Dosage. Dosage.

Early morning sun is a good way to develop the callous so that the dosage can increase.

I live on Maui. There is fancy crap sold by every store. The marketing and merchandising reveal the psy op. It’s loaded with poisonous chemicals. Oh, but it smells so good. 🤮

And they continue to play the trick of using phones forecasts. Wasn’t the there a British fellow who developed a pathetic model that predicted millions of people dropping dead from a fake pathogen known as Covid-19? And his name was Neil Ferguson at Imperial College.


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Nothing about cancer treatment smells good!!!

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Sadly, the author of this piece doesn't seem to be aware, or at least didn't mention, the solar callous concept. A disservice to anyone reading this article.

Shared by an Irish blooded woman with inherently white/fair skin living close to the equator with skin darker than the locals... Gradual exposure. Circadian rhythms...

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Ah yes, Neil Ferguson, or 'sod all Neil' as I think of him. I explain why here. There are rather a lot of anagrams of his full name but they are very revealing.


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My son is vegan, Vata Constitution, lives at high altitude,. gets vaxxed, covers himself up from all sun exposure. He is in his early 40s. He is priming himself for disastrous health.

I'm 25 yrs older, have been full circle with vegetarian and vegan diets. I've tried to give my son 20 years of data, but he won't even pay attention to my empirical evidence. I'm healthier than many people his age, and most people my age!

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It makes me sad that he won't even listen to you.

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It must be frustrating for you watching your son going down the wrong road. But what is the correct road? I don't know. But I guess the best any of us can hope for is that we stumble upon it eventually.

I'm 71 and transitioning to veganism. I am trying to overcome a lifetime of fears, e.g. stay out of the sun, avoid infections, listen to the 'experts', etc. So far so good. I've never felt better physically and mentally even though I suspect most people who know me think I am a weirdo.

I know practically nothing but I do believe in my own instincts. And they tell me to follow my own path which I have always tried to do.

I don't know where I will end up but the journey is exciting!

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Yeah, I hear you about full circle with vegan and vegetarian. It was all a useful part of the progression, I guess, but it would be nice to offer the young some of our notes.

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It hindsight, I didn't listen to my elders. Me thinks each soul journey has it's own path and time-frame.

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When I was composting in the city, including gathering road kill from the neighborhood and putting it into the biggest, hottest heap I’ve ever run through the winter, my kids never showed the least interest. Now completely on their own they’ve become permaculture farmers thousands of miles away.

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VICTORY!!! Thanks for sharing this! 👏🎉😁❤️

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The media and mainstream perspectives continue to astound me. Unfortunately the way these perspectives are presented somehow lull the average consumer to take on similar viewpoints. In other words, the brainwashing works! So - thank you Dawn, for making these sensible articles.

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Great article Dawn, I was a builder for many years & can attest that we built our tans up gradually from early spring onwards. In the late 90's early 2000's we were bombarded with melanoma scares & nowadays you're not allowed to go shirtless. As a sufferer of acne in my youth I never seemed to be troubled during the summer (although the acne did lead me to question my diet & the detergent I was using to clean my clothes!)

Regarding cancer......& tests🤔....an acquaintance has been diagnosed with prostrate cancer, as I'm of "that age" I enquired of his symptoms, "I didn't have any symptoms" he replied! It seems the medical industrial complex were checking him for something else & asymptomatic cancer is now "a thing",

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That's so sad to hear. I would imagine that his diagnosis was based on a test result.

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Early Detection Screenings are a Pharma marketing ploy, same as Well Baby Checks. Get 'em in the door to vaccinate them and give them other drugs and surgeries that will make them customers for their newly shortened lifespan!

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That's what I concluded as well Gram, my first inkling was 20 years ago when my dad & uncle suffered cognitive decline after going on statins to lower their cholesterol, I looked up statins side effects (memory problems) & urged them both to stop statins, needless to say neither listened to me. 10 years ago, for a "larf" I attended my over 50 "health check", which consisted of extracting one drop of blood for analysis. When the results came back, I had (as expected) high cholesterol, when the Dr (as expected) recommended statins, I mentioned that everyone I knew whose "cholesterol levels" were tested had "high cholesterol" & that perhaps the "high level" was arbitrarily set too low. I declined the offer of spending the rest of my natural on a drug regime.

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Good for you Andy. How did the doctor react to you when you declined their offer?

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He was very accepting & didn't try to change my mind, he sought of just nodded his head sagely.....however, the health practitioner who offered me dietary advice to "lower my cholesterol" tutted disapprovingly.

A couple of years later when I was trying to get to the root of my back pain, the same Dr gave me a paper with some stretching exercises on it, I pointed to a couple of them & said "oh, yoga stretches", he seemed pleasantly surprised that I knew about yoga & signed me up for a six week NHS "yoga for a healthy back" course. He was an Indian (not Punjab or Pakistan) feller & seemed to be in his fifties.

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I wonder if that doctor who didn't try to change your mind knows more than he's willing to admit? In fact, I wonder how many other doctors are like him who are doing their best from the 'inside'? 🤔

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It was, he truly believes in tests & was horrified when he learned my bowel cancer stool test went straight in the bin.

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The cancer industry is just that, a highly profitable industry. I have my own experience.


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British Bullshit Corporation(BBC) yeah they love combining the old FEAR memes( man made climate change + fear of cancer). This "cancer from the sun" propaganda is also inline with their next medical snake oil launch which is a cancer vaccine .

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Great article! I live in San Diego, CA. I am 60 yo and I do not use sunscreen. ☀️

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God bless you Dawn. 🙏

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Excellent points here. Did you know sunglasses turn off your eyes ability to promote protection for your skin. Without sunglasses your eyes alert your automatic skin protection. I work outside and don't burn because I don't wear sunglasses 😎

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I was a housepainter for a decade.

Now that I'm of an age where I have the skin I deserve, my forearms that were in the sun look older than my upper arms. But...


I also soaked my forearms in execrable plastic chemicals twelve hours a day every summer for a decade. I didn't need Bill Gates or Fauci to do nasty things to me--I did it to myself. Sheesh. [visuals on this are a guy going "I could have had a V8" and he's bopping himself in the head.]

People in scientific societies should be required to wear one-moon shorts when they're at the beach, leaving one buttock white and one exposed to the exigencies of sun and cloud. Then we'd have good stats. Also more fun. Just sayin. If science actually made societies more curious, we'd see way more of our body parts that come in two being experimented upon. I often wear two different shoes to get a real feel for the shoes. Cuz science.

And yeah, I know I said "one buttock white" up there, but I figured you were adult enough to adjust pigment as necessary, heh heh. Perhaps we should agree on a buttock to make comparisons easier. I vote that everyone leaves their left buttock exposed on beaches.

So, what have we learned here?

One sun moon, one control moon. As always, you heard it here first.

Does One Sun Moon sound like a sci-fi novel to you, or more like a Korean exposé ?

Exposé, ha.

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Thanks Dawn. I imagine the fear porn of skin cancer will help cover the rise in vaccine induced cancer.

If I haven't said before, I was diagnosed with a melanoma in my neck at start of 2020 for which I received immunotherapy for 9 sessions until I realised it was a scam. The stupid NHS doctors never asked about my diet which was the prime cause.


Both my father and mother were diagnosed with cancers and had the toxic treatments and radiation. My mother died a few years ago but my father is still alive but not in great shape (he is just 90 years old though).

I consider the NHS's so-called care killed my mother and damaged my father.

As regards the sun I am well aware of how they have demonised it. A truly evil agenda. I had an interesting experience in 2020 when flights were suspended which I mention here.


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Highly recommend people read ‘The Final Pandemic’ — by Drs Samantha & Mark Bailey

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