Another thoughtful update Dawn, thanks. If only people realised how the divide and rule ploy was so widely used and finally woke up, the world would be changed overnight. No more, nation on nation, colour on colour, one sex on another or religion against religion. All these "differences" are politicised so the rich elites can divert attention away from their exploitation.
Great article, Dawn, and I look forward to your writing about the nature of reality, because I really do think it really is all about that. The divisions, the fear-mongering pushed by so many corners, the anger via interpersonal battles, and information overload, is all about the war of frequencies for our attention, which is the true expression of our directed power.
We have one true thing in time and space, and that is our eternal Divine-Spark energy(quintessence), which is priceless, and the more we dissipate it with excessive outward concerns, desires, fears, trivia, etc., it means we are depriving ourselves of our own inner-directed attention, development, growth, true spiritual transformation and ultimate enlightenment. This means the real test is in becoming increasingly circumspect with where, how, when, why, what, and with whom we place that attention/power/spark/energy.
Thank you for revisiting such an important topic .
Well said.
Not only is there poor thinking but many cannot or even want to think any different.
Mathias Desmet and Dr Jordan Grant elaborated on it.
Distinguishing beliefs vs knowledge
How do we claim to know anything that we claim to know.
People presuppose that science is synonymous with truth. This has been indoctrinated in us for quite a while.
Indirect evidence cannot tell you the truth.
People have problems separating claimed caused from real effect.
Denying or asking about the claimed cause in no way invalidated the effect - the experience, the symptom.
We are questioning the cause. Just because the effect exists does not mean the cause is valid or even real.
Science basics:
If you claim x causes y , show me x and show me how it causes it.
People are not in pursuit of truth, they do not care about truth.
If one really cares about intellectual honesty one would apply that everywhere, have to be consistent in applying logic.
A lot goes back in the conditioning to just trust authority and not to question.
They manipulate with inherited superstitious, change definition and meaningless statistics.
The beauty is in peeling off falsehoods.
Rational knowledge cannot touch the truth of human experience.
The moment when you start resonating with the mystery of life around you, with the eternal spirit of life that you can start to tolerate the idea of death and dying.
For centuries we believe that rational knowledge should be the cornerstones of humans living together .
That is an illusion.
Rational knowledge is extremely relative and never the real, it circles around the truth.
That is the elementary disease of our society, because we are so obsessed with the rational understanding that we do not know anymore what to do with the idea of dead, dying, suffering.And we deny it, we pretend it is not real.
That gives rise to great anxiety.
The incapacity to perceive that life can be risky, may lose something, reduces life to something completely meaningless, to a biochemical process .
At the same time we cling to this life as if it is the only thing that counts.
If you reduce life to rational understanding you kill the essence of life inevitability.
That is why it is so destructive. That is what we see now, a radical destruction of life.
When it comes to Complex mathematical systems theory , what we call reality and facts are simply not rational.The illusions that we ever be able to predict life. We will never be able to.
It is the ultimate manifestation of this materialistic and mechanistic ideology which believes that the entire universe is like a set of elementary particles, atoms and molecules that all interact with each other according to the laws of mechanics and that can be perfectly understood in a rationalist way.
If you start with such a view on man in the world then the logical conclusion is this universe machine and this machine like society be guide and led only by those who possess the rational knowledge.
The real enemy is not the elite but the ideology.
Some believe so blindly and fanatically in their ideology , including many critics, they think it is justified to lie, cheat and manipulate.
And it not only about vested interests , for some the ultimate motivation is always ideological in nature. Many believe in their logical fallacies and do not realise that just because a story is true in their head is not necessary true.
One can come up with a thousand different stories , coherent, logically consistent to explain something and they may all be false.
There is nothing wrong with speculating if you admit you are speculating.
Nothing wrong with stories, part of human nature but when you have tyranny from it you have a real problem.
When it comes to worldview issues. If take someone’s claim and show them where they contradict .
A lot of people who are honest will realise they cannot think that way anymore, who appreciate it, ok I have been thinking about it the wrong way.
A lot will not recognise their own worldview contradicts itself.
People want to dominate the world with laws and regulations because someone does not believe what they believe.
The root is the mechanistic ideology that presents itself as science but has nothing to do with science.
The essence of the universe is not material in nature ,not mechanistic in nature.
Universities are not institutions that search for truth.
Most people are not motivated by searching for truth.
We have to educate people in such a way that they start to see and develop the capacity to connect to the world in a different way.
Thank you for your contribution to the discussion. I basically agree with what you say. The universe is not material in its essential nature, although that is how we experience it. For me, it's a question of balance; of recognising that the world is not 'physical', yet still living in the world as if it were.
I have listened to Mathias Desmet and I know Dr Jordan Grant personally. Jordan has a lot to say about the limitations of 'science' and is very knowledgable on the topic of logical fallacies.
And yes, the foundation of what's going on is based on an ideology, which means we can overcome it by not giving it our energy and creating our own experiences from a place of co-operation.
As DNA was mentioned in the article Dr Lanka has put forward a new theory of life, how life becomes visible to us.
My understanding would be that what is measured as nucleic acid and RNA and then the more stable DNA is the dense water / primordial substance oscillating between energy and matter.
I am sure you are familiar with his 2 videos what is and is not biology which has not made much impact
Worth looking at the findings if consider writing about consciousness.
As Jordan Grand mentioned, one has to have a starting point otherwise there constantly regression.
The starting point is the energy force, consciousness.
Hard to find details as Dr Peter Augustin has passed away.
The most important scientific finding brings us closer to the substance we are made off.
Dr Peter Augustin discovery the dense water -the building substance of life, the energy substance and the information substance of life.
We are made out of this energy force. Not only humans, but all living tissues.
The tissue lives, it regulates itself, makes metabolism , it interacts.
The primordial substance helps explain the immediacy of “ diseases” , miraculous healings or how diseases can develop at speed if perceive an existential threat
eg. in flight or freight or “ My mother’s soul has abandoned me. “
We are connected to an entity of energy , information and symbioses, what other call love .
This energy is driving everybody.
If we learn from nature that there is not just the material and darkness , that you live and then die and that is it.
With this finding it brings confidence back to life.
Dr Stefan Lanka
LankaVision, extracts:
There is an intelligence in every part of the body that understands words and context and that has the ability to increase or decrease highly complex material structures and functions: To enable people to survive even in extreme situations.
This set of informational, energetic and material potency is active spirit.
The body is the translator of the soul into the visible.
Christian Morgenstern
"Faith and trust" is the shortest formula that works. It comes from Bruno Gröning.
I went to a farm shop (equipment not food, although they sell that too) and the woman on the counter was full-on climate change and woe is me attitude. What can you say? So many people are so fixed in what they have been told, it is no wonder there is a them and us situation, made worse by others (like a friend went to be a red person for the ExReb - she is clueless as to the real meaning but she wants to save the planet - by supporting the group that want her dead), so many different groups that drive hatred of one sort over another. I'd like to say wake up to them but those I try just don't want to know. Down to us now to hold the fort as best we can and hope it isn't like the Alamo!
Excellent analysis! Thank you for your clear thoughts and explanations.
Some of those in the second of your three groups are innocently there because they just haven’t looked at everything yet. I believe that there are others placed in that second group at the behest of those in control to maintain the false narrative of scary viruses and pandemics.
If it seems too good to be true, it most likely is. If the source of the "truth" has open seeable agendas that put down humanity or try and divide seek further help. If everyone is doing it do the opposite or nothing at all. If a white coat is involved research the speaker and don't take the speak at its word. If they lock up the healthy and don't remove the sick they lie. Great article and I will pass it on to my son who is my knowledge bounce off person and just a very grounded man. May we get over this attempt to destroy humanity, build back better, indeed, they lie.
Good article Dawn. I have found personally that I’ve withdrawn from all of it, and the friends I made through the nonsense.
I do get hung up on the virology thing with people as it’s intrinsic to how they’ve done what they’ve done and will continue to do. Even after four years people that have “woken up” still talk of catching colds and I can’t stand listening to it!
It’s been said by quite a few people now that the whole no virus debate is another psy-op but I just don’t see that way. If people realised what virology is, the health of the world would change literally overnight.
After lots of the friends I made fell for the Tommy Robinson business and still put their trust in Trump I just decided I had to keep myself to myself. I actually find I get less wound up talking to “normies” now as they don’t know any better.
I have no answer to it all other than to demonstrate health to people, and drop hints when asked why I go years on end without being ill. The rest is too big to fight. It needs to be ignored as best you can manage.
The amount of people that are unwell the last few weeks at our classes is hilarious really. All probably had flu and you know what jabs in the last month, getting stressed about Christmas, out drinking and eating rubbish at work parties etc. All we hear is “there’s so much going round...” and “I’ve had the nora virus” 🤣
The only thing going ‘round is stupidly as usual.
We had our second person collapse in class last week too. A flair up of the vertigo she got out the blue around 4yrs ago... 🙄 We we’re lucky she was lying down - the previous person wasn’t!!!
Nora virus? Would that be the bloody Nora virus? :)
As you say, stupidity going round as usual. I have said to people that I am not anti-vax but anti-stupid as I am not that stupid to think that having toxic substances into the body will be good for me!
Going back in history has helped me to figure out how we got into this mess in the first place. As far as I can see, what happened between 1453 and 1648 in Europe is now playing itself out once more but on a global scale and at a much-accelerated rate. Just look at the divisions caused by the reformation and the introduction of the heliocentric model. It's not unimportant to note that ALL of the 'great' scientists were first and foremost astrologers. Astronomy and cartography were the tools they needed to practice the art, which was (and still is) a billion-dollar business. They are very good at what they do. It's tough for people to understand the scope of the lies, but when you convince people that you can define truth using advanced mathematics, you have won. It's that simple. True philosophy, at that point, dies instantly. What took a decade, then, takes the controllers just a few weeks to achieve today.
Science, as we know it, is simply the controller's substitute religion for the Catholic Church that they dismantled by instigating the reformation. Hence, Trust in God becomes Trust in science.
Protest groups that were prominent during Covid seemed as 'on message' as those promoting the lie. Not to mention a devotion to ineffective protest techniques. It is obvious the Dark Lords would also want to control the opposition. I wonder if RFK Jr will decide now is the time to engage with the virology psyop? Your comments about dividing people ARE very appropriate now more than ever. It seems the new agenda is to polarize people to extremes. Good reason to stay away from controlled social media.
Thank you, Dawn. Very astute thinking/writing. And boy-oh-boy you said a lot with "The indoctrination from our school days of needing to know ‘the answer’ to the question so we can be right and pass tests requires some effort to overcome." Our Prussian-modeled education/indoctrination system has had and continues to have immense impact on the ability to think critically. Sending much gratitude to you.
Thank you Dawn. Another great article and those of us who think we are now on the right track, after becoming aware of "all" the lies we've been told, should take some time to digest. I love how you've articulated the 3 groups. It is very clear that there are 3 groups as you have described. Intuition and discernment definitely needs to be tapped in to, particularly when 1 person presents verifiable truth on 1 subject, has a popular podcast, and speaks on a wide range of topics. We (at least I) have sometimes fallen into that trap you have mentioned, of assuming they know "truth" about all their topics. It's too easy to rely on others for all truth. I must read your post again, to really assimilate your points. I don't want to forget them.
Sure Smells like government to me. Government word installed into society for division and control of the narrative. Controlling the narrative I hear echoes in my sleep. Oh that’s the frequencies.
So I am sure like you said they have infiltrated everywhere that they feel they need to manipulate.
The CIA was in the KKK so I am sure they can Handel manipulating the truthers in the digital world.
They changed the narrative of the 1960’s from peace and love to blowing up federal buildings
And hating America.
Truth is thinking for yourself in my country america, that gets you in trouble always has.
Follow the herd is taught in America at birth through school into your work life it’s sad but true.
People are broken, weaken sheep broken from within. Americans are beaten broken down
Cheer leaders are everywhere stirring up emotions and feelings.
The lock downs effect is still in place
They are all easy targets for brainwashing
My mistakes in life make me who I am not afraid to be wrong or not needing to be right.
Just somebody trying to learn how to live free as a human in the 21 century.
My guess it is going to get harder. Been my thing since as long as I can remember
Being me not influenced by society’s wants and fake morals beliefs their medical system their prison system there food pyramid their wars with their division and hatred.
Thinking what a wonderful tool. But be careful, not sure if thinking out loud is permitted
Another thoughtful update Dawn, thanks. If only people realised how the divide and rule ploy was so widely used and finally woke up, the world would be changed overnight. No more, nation on nation, colour on colour, one sex on another or religion against religion. All these "differences" are politicised so the rich elites can divert attention away from their exploitation.
Thank you 🙏 and spot on!
I'm not worried about division these days.
For example, Maha , Kennedy are focusing on food dyes. Yes, it's a huge distraction from the toxic shots.
However, it opens the door for people to start questioning authorities that bullshit about everything, not just food dyes...
We are allowing our selves to be divided as we still feel divided (internally its an egoic/fear trait)
Us vs them is a egoic mind pattern
After the media's separating, isolating, fearing others memes this mind control trick worked a treat
In love divide and conquer doesnt work and we can see the silly memes of tyranny
Great article, Dawn, and I look forward to your writing about the nature of reality, because I really do think it really is all about that. The divisions, the fear-mongering pushed by so many corners, the anger via interpersonal battles, and information overload, is all about the war of frequencies for our attention, which is the true expression of our directed power.
We have one true thing in time and space, and that is our eternal Divine-Spark energy(quintessence), which is priceless, and the more we dissipate it with excessive outward concerns, desires, fears, trivia, etc., it means we are depriving ourselves of our own inner-directed attention, development, growth, true spiritual transformation and ultimate enlightenment. This means the real test is in becoming increasingly circumspect with where, how, when, why, what, and with whom we place that attention/power/spark/energy.
Thank you. 🙏
You're welcome.
Thank you for revisiting such an important topic .
Well said.
Not only is there poor thinking but many cannot or even want to think any different.
Mathias Desmet and Dr Jordan Grant elaborated on it.
Distinguishing beliefs vs knowledge
How do we claim to know anything that we claim to know.
People presuppose that science is synonymous with truth. This has been indoctrinated in us for quite a while.
Indirect evidence cannot tell you the truth.
People have problems separating claimed caused from real effect.
Denying or asking about the claimed cause in no way invalidated the effect - the experience, the symptom.
We are questioning the cause. Just because the effect exists does not mean the cause is valid or even real.
Science basics:
If you claim x causes y , show me x and show me how it causes it.
People are not in pursuit of truth, they do not care about truth.
If one really cares about intellectual honesty one would apply that everywhere, have to be consistent in applying logic.
A lot goes back in the conditioning to just trust authority and not to question.
They manipulate with inherited superstitious, change definition and meaningless statistics.
The beauty is in peeling off falsehoods.
Rational knowledge cannot touch the truth of human experience.
The moment when you start resonating with the mystery of life around you, with the eternal spirit of life that you can start to tolerate the idea of death and dying.
For centuries we believe that rational knowledge should be the cornerstones of humans living together .
That is an illusion.
Rational knowledge is extremely relative and never the real, it circles around the truth.
That is the elementary disease of our society, because we are so obsessed with the rational understanding that we do not know anymore what to do with the idea of dead, dying, suffering.And we deny it, we pretend it is not real.
That gives rise to great anxiety.
The incapacity to perceive that life can be risky, may lose something, reduces life to something completely meaningless, to a biochemical process .
At the same time we cling to this life as if it is the only thing that counts.
If you reduce life to rational understanding you kill the essence of life inevitability.
That is why it is so destructive. That is what we see now, a radical destruction of life.
When it comes to Complex mathematical systems theory , what we call reality and facts are simply not rational.The illusions that we ever be able to predict life. We will never be able to.
It is the ultimate manifestation of this materialistic and mechanistic ideology which believes that the entire universe is like a set of elementary particles, atoms and molecules that all interact with each other according to the laws of mechanics and that can be perfectly understood in a rationalist way.
If you start with such a view on man in the world then the logical conclusion is this universe machine and this machine like society be guide and led only by those who possess the rational knowledge.
The real enemy is not the elite but the ideology.
Some believe so blindly and fanatically in their ideology , including many critics, they think it is justified to lie, cheat and manipulate.
And it not only about vested interests , for some the ultimate motivation is always ideological in nature. Many believe in their logical fallacies and do not realise that just because a story is true in their head is not necessary true.
One can come up with a thousand different stories , coherent, logically consistent to explain something and they may all be false.
There is nothing wrong with speculating if you admit you are speculating.
Nothing wrong with stories, part of human nature but when you have tyranny from it you have a real problem.
When it comes to worldview issues. If take someone’s claim and show them where they contradict .
A lot of people who are honest will realise they cannot think that way anymore, who appreciate it, ok I have been thinking about it the wrong way.
A lot will not recognise their own worldview contradicts itself.
People want to dominate the world with laws and regulations because someone does not believe what they believe.
The root is the mechanistic ideology that presents itself as science but has nothing to do with science.
The essence of the universe is not material in nature ,not mechanistic in nature.
Universities are not institutions that search for truth.
Most people are not motivated by searching for truth.
We have to educate people in such a way that they start to see and develop the capacity to connect to the world in a different way.
Thank you for your contribution to the discussion. I basically agree with what you say. The universe is not material in its essential nature, although that is how we experience it. For me, it's a question of balance; of recognising that the world is not 'physical', yet still living in the world as if it were.
I have listened to Mathias Desmet and I know Dr Jordan Grant personally. Jordan has a lot to say about the limitations of 'science' and is very knowledgable on the topic of logical fallacies.
And yes, the foundation of what's going on is based on an ideology, which means we can overcome it by not giving it our energy and creating our own experiences from a place of co-operation.
As DNA was mentioned in the article Dr Lanka has put forward a new theory of life, how life becomes visible to us.
My understanding would be that what is measured as nucleic acid and RNA and then the more stable DNA is the dense water / primordial substance oscillating between energy and matter.
I am sure you are familiar with his 2 videos what is and is not biology which has not made much impact
Worth looking at the findings if consider writing about consciousness.
As Jordan Grand mentioned, one has to have a starting point otherwise there constantly regression.
The starting point is the energy force, consciousness.
Hard to find details as Dr Peter Augustin has passed away.
The Primordial Substance
The most important scientific finding brings us closer to the substance we are made off.
Dr Peter Augustin discovery the dense water -the building substance of life, the energy substance and the information substance of life.
We are made out of this energy force. Not only humans, but all living tissues.
The tissue lives, it regulates itself, makes metabolism , it interacts.
The primordial substance helps explain the immediacy of “ diseases” , miraculous healings or how diseases can develop at speed if perceive an existential threat
eg. in flight or freight or “ My mother’s soul has abandoned me. “
We are connected to an entity of energy , information and symbioses, what other call love .
This energy is driving everybody.
If we learn from nature that there is not just the material and darkness , that you live and then die and that is it.
With this finding it brings confidence back to life.
Dr Stefan Lanka
LankaVision, extracts:
There is an intelligence in every part of the body that understands words and context and that has the ability to increase or decrease highly complex material structures and functions: To enable people to survive even in extreme situations.
This set of informational, energetic and material potency is active spirit.
The body is the translator of the soul into the visible.
Christian Morgenstern
"Faith and trust" is the shortest formula that works. It comes from Bruno Gröning.
Thank you. I've been aware of Dr Lanka's work on this for some time now. It is a shame that we don't have access to much of Peter Augustin's work.
I went to a farm shop (equipment not food, although they sell that too) and the woman on the counter was full-on climate change and woe is me attitude. What can you say? So many people are so fixed in what they have been told, it is no wonder there is a them and us situation, made worse by others (like a friend went to be a red person for the ExReb - she is clueless as to the real meaning but she wants to save the planet - by supporting the group that want her dead), so many different groups that drive hatred of one sort over another. I'd like to say wake up to them but those I try just don't want to know. Down to us now to hold the fort as best we can and hope it isn't like the Alamo!
Excellent analysis! Thank you for your clear thoughts and explanations.
Some of those in the second of your three groups are innocently there because they just haven’t looked at everything yet. I believe that there are others placed in that second group at the behest of those in control to maintain the false narrative of scary viruses and pandemics.
Thank you. 🙏
"although we cannot be referred to as a ‘movement’ and we do not have leaders."
Emiliano Zapata: "A strong people need no leaders." [He said it in Spanish]
If it seems too good to be true, it most likely is. If the source of the "truth" has open seeable agendas that put down humanity or try and divide seek further help. If everyone is doing it do the opposite or nothing at all. If a white coat is involved research the speaker and don't take the speak at its word. If they lock up the healthy and don't remove the sick they lie. Great article and I will pass it on to my son who is my knowledge bounce off person and just a very grounded man. May we get over this attempt to destroy humanity, build back better, indeed, they lie.
Good article Dawn. I have found personally that I’ve withdrawn from all of it, and the friends I made through the nonsense.
I do get hung up on the virology thing with people as it’s intrinsic to how they’ve done what they’ve done and will continue to do. Even after four years people that have “woken up” still talk of catching colds and I can’t stand listening to it!
It’s been said by quite a few people now that the whole no virus debate is another psy-op but I just don’t see that way. If people realised what virology is, the health of the world would change literally overnight.
After lots of the friends I made fell for the Tommy Robinson business and still put their trust in Trump I just decided I had to keep myself to myself. I actually find I get less wound up talking to “normies” now as they don’t know any better.
I have no answer to it all other than to demonstrate health to people, and drop hints when asked why I go years on end without being ill. The rest is too big to fight. It needs to be ignored as best you can manage.
I think that leading by example is a really powerful way to help people. And dropping hints and sharing information when asked.
It’s all I can think to do.
The amount of people that are unwell the last few weeks at our classes is hilarious really. All probably had flu and you know what jabs in the last month, getting stressed about Christmas, out drinking and eating rubbish at work parties etc. All we hear is “there’s so much going round...” and “I’ve had the nora virus” 🤣
The only thing going ‘round is stupidly as usual.
We had our second person collapse in class last week too. A flair up of the vertigo she got out the blue around 4yrs ago... 🙄 We we’re lucky she was lying down - the previous person wasn’t!!!
Nora virus? Would that be the bloody Nora virus? :)
As you say, stupidity going round as usual. I have said to people that I am not anti-vax but anti-stupid as I am not that stupid to think that having toxic substances into the body will be good for me!
Going back in history has helped me to figure out how we got into this mess in the first place. As far as I can see, what happened between 1453 and 1648 in Europe is now playing itself out once more but on a global scale and at a much-accelerated rate. Just look at the divisions caused by the reformation and the introduction of the heliocentric model. It's not unimportant to note that ALL of the 'great' scientists were first and foremost astrologers. Astronomy and cartography were the tools they needed to practice the art, which was (and still is) a billion-dollar business. They are very good at what they do. It's tough for people to understand the scope of the lies, but when you convince people that you can define truth using advanced mathematics, you have won. It's that simple. True philosophy, at that point, dies instantly. What took a decade, then, takes the controllers just a few weeks to achieve today.
Science, as we know it, is simply the controller's substitute religion for the Catholic Church that they dismantled by instigating the reformation. Hence, Trust in God becomes Trust in science.
Protest groups that were prominent during Covid seemed as 'on message' as those promoting the lie. Not to mention a devotion to ineffective protest techniques. It is obvious the Dark Lords would also want to control the opposition. I wonder if RFK Jr will decide now is the time to engage with the virology psyop? Your comments about dividing people ARE very appropriate now more than ever. It seems the new agenda is to polarize people to extremes. Good reason to stay away from controlled social media.
Thank you, Dawn. Very astute thinking/writing. And boy-oh-boy you said a lot with "The indoctrination from our school days of needing to know ‘the answer’ to the question so we can be right and pass tests requires some effort to overcome." Our Prussian-modeled education/indoctrination system has had and continues to have immense impact on the ability to think critically. Sending much gratitude to you.
Thank you. 🙏
Thank you Dawn. Another great article and those of us who think we are now on the right track, after becoming aware of "all" the lies we've been told, should take some time to digest. I love how you've articulated the 3 groups. It is very clear that there are 3 groups as you have described. Intuition and discernment definitely needs to be tapped in to, particularly when 1 person presents verifiable truth on 1 subject, has a popular podcast, and speaks on a wide range of topics. We (at least I) have sometimes fallen into that trap you have mentioned, of assuming they know "truth" about all their topics. It's too easy to rely on others for all truth. I must read your post again, to really assimilate your points. I don't want to forget them.
Thank you. 🙏
“The truth movement “ the “truthers”
Sure Smells like government to me. Government word installed into society for division and control of the narrative. Controlling the narrative I hear echoes in my sleep. Oh that’s the frequencies.
So I am sure like you said they have infiltrated everywhere that they feel they need to manipulate.
The CIA was in the KKK so I am sure they can Handel manipulating the truthers in the digital world.
They changed the narrative of the 1960’s from peace and love to blowing up federal buildings
And hating America.
Truth is thinking for yourself in my country america, that gets you in trouble always has.
Follow the herd is taught in America at birth through school into your work life it’s sad but true.
People are broken, weaken sheep broken from within. Americans are beaten broken down
Cheer leaders are everywhere stirring up emotions and feelings.
The lock downs effect is still in place
They are all easy targets for brainwashing
My mistakes in life make me who I am not afraid to be wrong or not needing to be right.
Just somebody trying to learn how to live free as a human in the 21 century.
My guess it is going to get harder. Been my thing since as long as I can remember
Being me not influenced by society’s wants and fake morals beliefs their medical system their prison system there food pyramid their wars with their division and hatred.
Thinking what a wonderful tool. But be careful, not sure if thinking out loud is permitted
In their new world.
Thank you for sharing Tippy. You're definitely allowed to think out loud here!! Although I have to say that I'm more optimistic than you.