Another really solid article, Dawn, complete with excellent advice. I wasn't aware of the HARMONIE study. May I republish this over at Snooze 2 Awaken please pretty please? 😇

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Absolutely Sol. Thank you as always for your support, it is very much appreciated. :)

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Right on. Wonderful. Many thanks! 🙏

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Dawn, and Sol. Have you read this interview? Absolutely wonderful perspective related to this subject.


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I know about it, but I haven't watched or read it yet.

But I know that the whole 'spike protein' story is nonsense because it relies on the idea that there is a 'virus' that has a 'spike protein'. But that is an unproven idea.

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It's a written interview, but the logic of his perspective is so clearly stated that anyone should be able to follow the logic AND the Science.

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There's a video at the top of that page too.

I will try and watch/read it when I can.

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True. I find the written word easier to comprehend. Cheers!

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Hello Dawn,

Do you have any articles about bacteriophages? I met my cousin's friend at a birthday party, and the topic of viruses came up. He said that he works with viruses all the time, specifically bacteriophages. He claimed that he grows bacteriophages in Petri dishes, uses polymerase to cut, and can splice a short section of foreign DNA that codes for a compound. If he wants more of, grows, and multiplies altered Phages, harvest and collect compound. He then sent me this article https://health.ucsd.edu/news/topics/phage-therapy/Pages/Phage-101.aspx about bacteriophages.

I took college biology 20 years ago, and I remember that a virus was defined as a nonliving particle or molecule. I had difficulty believing that a nonliving particle or molecule could magically infect a living cell to replicate itself and causes disease. When the global Coronavirus "pandemic" started, I did not believe it, and I told my wife this was a pretext for something else. I was right, and it was for the experimental toxic mRNA jabs.

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Hi Christian,

Dr Stefan Lanka's article The Virus Misconception explains that bacteriophages are not 'viruses', which, as you rightly say, are non-living particles and have never been proven to be pathogenic.

Here's the article,


Also, Dr Sam Bailey's video about Stefan Lanka's work explains 'bacteriophages' from about 4 minutes.


I trust that helps.

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Thank you, Dawn. This will; help a lot. I will read them thoroughly.

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You're welcome.

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I'm sharing with all my family that have little ones (and older ones) !!

Thank you.

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Thank you so much.

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Vous avez absolument raison : il n'y a pas et il n'y a jamais eu de germes (virus, bactéries, champignons) pathogènes.

Ce qu'ils font aux bébés et aux futures mères est absolument scandaleux.

Le meilleur moyen de protéger un nouveau-né est de l'allaiter : il n'y a rien de mieux pour lui que le lait de sa mère.

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Merci beaucoup.

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Another example of the endless supply of lies once one falls for the PCR and virus frauds is the no-touch MKULTRA torture of masking. A few days ago, the leading Pharma mouthpiece, I mean medical journal published pseudoscience worse than their usual on how mask mandates in schools reduce COVID.

It’s here: https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2211029

I would like to reply but cannot find words that would be printable, not only because of four letter words but also because they will print nothing that questions the PCR or COVID fraud fundamentally. They will print only half criticisms like “there are false positives,” which implies that there are real positives and that we should care about them.

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Mike Stone has some great info on "antibodies" at https://viroliegy.com/category/antibodies/

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Yes, I know about Mike's work.

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But not all your readers will.

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All frauds. These guys deserve to be k#lled in a public place like they did in the old days to serve as exemple of the payment of evil doings alongside corrupt politicians etc. No viruses exist, they are a confusion about exosomes that are produced for 3 reasons mainly: first is to rid your cells of mutated genetic information, second is to act as a barrier to the actual problems, chemical agents, which the worst of it all, sadly being sprayed everywhere, is Arsenic, and third to help activate so called immune cell activation to better get rid of the chemicals.

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Learning to ignore fear-mongering is a life saving ability.

The main obstacle is that people near you can get angry if you are not scared with them. It takes some practice to handle that.

To the beginners: don't despair! I was there too! Keep going!

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