There is a blatantly obvious move towards the promotion of AI as the solution to all of our problems; a move that I find rather disturbing, which is putting it mildly.Dawn’s Writings is a reader-supported publication.
The fantasy of a virus is interesting... For some dead thing to be able to hijack cells and do whatever requires a lot of intelligence and mimicking. And that's where they implemented the real virus, that people could believe that their bodies could be hijacked.
Imagine that.... The predator class wished it could be done in real life as they tried and tried.
So basically the idea of a virus only really works psychologically. An errant belief that hijacks you using yourself via the nocebo effect, just like religions did/do.
As for the AI and current "modern" medicine, this is a result of society making us think of parts instead of the whole.
Society rewards this left brained bias, while nature is more in the now. I troubleshoot and repair machines. Only a few of us see the big picture, most focus on fixing small things without understanding the whole process of the machine!
Like you said, it's not just chemical and the interactions between the parts and other factors matter a lot more!
Why is truth always based on how much money can be made and if not much why tell the truth. One thing the plandemic did was open up the minds of humanity (if u so choose) to the fact that the medical community may not be your friend and we need to not take what we are told as always in our best interest. I believe living this way has make us better people and not the pawns they wish us to be for profit and experimentation. Everything has a silver lining, thank God for that. Question everything and pass on knowledge as the more we know the better off we will be
Thank you -- much gratitude to you -- as always, Dawn. 'Intelligence' (artificial or otherwise) is defined by how it is programmed! Garbage in, garbage out. Mark Gober demonstrates how to tease out all fallacies with chatbots, and get to the facts. I wish human beings were as amenable to such stratagems. <3
The gun ain't the problem, the intent through the trigger finger is.
I have found that with each fresh chat, AI will start from a default position of viruses are real and virology a valid science. Some cannot be moved from this position and will happily engage in circular reasoning like a Wikipedia bot.
Some others however, when pointed to the fatal flaws, will recognize those flaws, tease them out to their logical conclusion, namely, virology is a pseudo science.
A starting position mirroring the human condition. Though AI has not our baggage to contend with and is sharp as a tack.
So for me, AI has proved to be a very useful tool in busting open virology as the obvious fraud that it is.
Sadly, a believer in viruses looking for conformation will find it. AI will not find fault without prompting.
Paavo Airola, in his book titled “How to Get Well,” wrote the following:
“The rapid development of the chemical and physical sciences in the last two centuries has had a most negative influence upon medical thinking, and slowed down the progress of healing arts. In spite of all the bravura and ballyhoo about our great medical progress, when, in the enlightened future, the true medical history will be written, the twentieth century will be known as the Dark Ages of the Healing Art.”
That book was published in 1974.
Here we are, 50+ years later, 21st century, and still plunging deeper into the dark ages. But I think we are also plunging into enlightenment at the same time—two opposing directions, moving with a lot of energy and determination. The question is, which one has more momentum? I am an optimist, and this is not just based on hope, but inner knowledge. Truth will carry the day; the timeline is not clear, but that is to be expected when you’re dealing with illusions and delusions.
I’ve been interested and engaged in holistic health since 1999. I often wonder how far AI has already penetrated our ‘private’ digital space and whether we are continually being driven into the pens of the medical establishment; when they pick up our digital footprint and the algorithms respond accordingly. The issue for me (someone very suspicious of germ theory and ‘cancer’ diagnoses etc). is when it comes to the crunch and severe pain and discomfort hijack’s a person’s emotions and cognitions (stress response), the allopathic system often delivers symptom management very well with their suppressive potions (even though they often don’t understand the ‘mechanism of action’ and do create some side effects and dependancy). The other option is to learn ourselves and go to natural health practitioners but for most people with chronic health issue the cost is prohibitive; so the alternative process becomes protracted and people give in to big pharma, even when they know it is flawed! Bodies and minds locked into toxicity and trauma in a ‘convenience culture’ will struggle in spaces that lack clear evidence of efficacy and often require a ‘leap of faith’ as much as anything to commit to. NH Practitioners who are effective approach in the face of acute and chronic health problems are few and far between. I appreciate there is lots more to talk about here.
I haven't looked into them in any depth, so I can't really comment, although I do know that we are electrical beings and so it makes sense that our bodies respond to frequencies.
I know a lot of people have reported benefits from using various frequency machines, including the iTerra wand, which I know ADV talks about.
I've not heard of IMAET, so I looked it up and they refer to 'pathogens' and 'genes', which means they still have a mainstream view, but that does not mean that there may not be some benefit.
The fantasy of a virus is interesting... For some dead thing to be able to hijack cells and do whatever requires a lot of intelligence and mimicking. And that's where they implemented the real virus, that people could believe that their bodies could be hijacked.
Imagine that.... The predator class wished it could be done in real life as they tried and tried.
So basically the idea of a virus only really works psychologically. An errant belief that hijacks you using yourself via the nocebo effect, just like religions did/do.
As for the AI and current "modern" medicine, this is a result of society making us think of parts instead of the whole.
Society rewards this left brained bias, while nature is more in the now. I troubleshoot and repair machines. Only a few of us see the big picture, most focus on fixing small things without understanding the whole process of the machine!
Like you said, it's not just chemical and the interactions between the parts and other factors matter a lot more!
Here's more about the left brain bias.
Why is truth always based on how much money can be made and if not much why tell the truth. One thing the plandemic did was open up the minds of humanity (if u so choose) to the fact that the medical community may not be your friend and we need to not take what we are told as always in our best interest. I believe living this way has make us better people and not the pawns they wish us to be for profit and experimentation. Everything has a silver lining, thank God for that. Question everything and pass on knowledge as the more we know the better off we will be
Thank you -- much gratitude to you -- as always, Dawn. 'Intelligence' (artificial or otherwise) is defined by how it is programmed! Garbage in, garbage out. Mark Gober demonstrates how to tease out all fallacies with chatbots, and get to the facts. I wish human beings were as amenable to such stratagems. <3
The gun ain't the problem, the intent through the trigger finger is.
I have found that with each fresh chat, AI will start from a default position of viruses are real and virology a valid science. Some cannot be moved from this position and will happily engage in circular reasoning like a Wikipedia bot.
Some others however, when pointed to the fatal flaws, will recognize those flaws, tease them out to their logical conclusion, namely, virology is a pseudo science.
A starting position mirroring the human condition. Though AI has not our baggage to contend with and is sharp as a tack.
So for me, AI has proved to be a very useful tool in busting open virology as the obvious fraud that it is.
Sadly, a believer in viruses looking for conformation will find it. AI will not find fault without prompting.
A tall tail.
Another AI hallucination.
So we have a situation where "AI" has been programmed with misinformation as a foundation and uses it for its "lineal logic" .
Wisdom isn't an attribute of AI, nor is creativity.
Throw in one variable and AI crashes like a Tesla.
I cannot roll my eyes hard enough. It will be a fascinating year in which to be an observer.
Brilliant, thank you, Dawn.
Paavo Airola, in his book titled “How to Get Well,” wrote the following:
“The rapid development of the chemical and physical sciences in the last two centuries has had a most negative influence upon medical thinking, and slowed down the progress of healing arts. In spite of all the bravura and ballyhoo about our great medical progress, when, in the enlightened future, the true medical history will be written, the twentieth century will be known as the Dark Ages of the Healing Art.”
That book was published in 1974.
Here we are, 50+ years later, 21st century, and still plunging deeper into the dark ages. But I think we are also plunging into enlightenment at the same time—two opposing directions, moving with a lot of energy and determination. The question is, which one has more momentum? I am an optimist, and this is not just based on hope, but inner knowledge. Truth will carry the day; the timeline is not clear, but that is to be expected when you’re dealing with illusions and delusions.
I've not heard of him or his book, but I certainly agree with what he says. Modern medicine definitely does not practise 'the healing art'.
I am also an optimist and agree that truth will carry the day.
Thank you
An important article - thank you Dawn! AI seems to have the same false assumptions as most of science and medicine.
Thank you Nina. Yes, it can only process data that is input into its system.
I’ve been interested and engaged in holistic health since 1999. I often wonder how far AI has already penetrated our ‘private’ digital space and whether we are continually being driven into the pens of the medical establishment; when they pick up our digital footprint and the algorithms respond accordingly. The issue for me (someone very suspicious of germ theory and ‘cancer’ diagnoses etc). is when it comes to the crunch and severe pain and discomfort hijack’s a person’s emotions and cognitions (stress response), the allopathic system often delivers symptom management very well with their suppressive potions (even though they often don’t understand the ‘mechanism of action’ and do create some side effects and dependancy). The other option is to learn ourselves and go to natural health practitioners but for most people with chronic health issue the cost is prohibitive; so the alternative process becomes protracted and people give in to big pharma, even when they know it is flawed! Bodies and minds locked into toxicity and trauma in a ‘convenience culture’ will struggle in spaces that lack clear evidence of efficacy and often require a ‘leap of faith’ as much as anything to commit to. NH Practitioners who are effective approach in the face of acute and chronic health problems are few and far between. I appreciate there is lots more to talk about here.
Dawn, what do you think of frequency machines like IMAET, ITerra Wand etc?
I haven't looked into them in any depth, so I can't really comment, although I do know that we are electrical beings and so it makes sense that our bodies respond to frequencies.
I know a lot of people have reported benefits from using various frequency machines, including the iTerra wand, which I know ADV talks about.
I've not heard of IMAET, so I looked it up and they refer to 'pathogens' and 'genes', which means they still have a mainstream view, but that does not mean that there may not be some benefit.