Statin drugs are as crazy as SSRIs and other stupid treatments that just cause more issues than they help.

These are the times where they become so brash that the people who always believed in their mission start to question things.

DNA research was supposed to cure cancer, help stop birth defects, make people healthier. Didn't happen.

All I've seen is more poisoning via sketchy drugs that go through a lax approval process that's greased by $$$. Goldman Sachs even said in a call that a cure is not profitable.

So as long as we have a for profit system, they'll just keep selling us the same crap in different forms that keeps us from dying but doesn't actually address the causes of diseases.

If DNA held the key to this, the human genome project being completed would have gave us all the answers!

But it didn't. We got stories of cloned sheep...woohoo.

And with the latest "mRNA" technology, you too can stake you claim to a mysterious disease (never mind that Moderna had issues with the foundation-the lipids https://robc137.substack.com/p/years-before-mrna-and-spike-protein )

And they keep doing the loop of the cycle.... Promise gains with new tech to treat diseases that they cause with the previous new "tech".

With COVID they switched from mostly aluminum based adjuvants to lipids... New tech, new diseases to profit off of!

But this time I think people are burned out and have no energy to feed the illusion.

That's why they're so nuts these days with the stories.... Distractions from the central scams.

As long as humanity starts to see the predator of society, psychopathy/sociopathy (corporations qualify as essential psychopaths according to game theory), we can start to say that the emperor has no clothes!

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Great points, Dawn.

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Thank you Christine.

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AI has so far been either unable or unwilling to alert humans to the fact that:

1. Over 200 contagion studies have disproven contagion theory

2. 2020 saw no excess mortality- other than those attributable to lockdown policies, Midazolam etc.

3. Virology has been debunked by its own controls

4. Smartphones are not suitable for modelling contagion between people (a disproven theory anyway) which means the 2017 experiment by the BBC, Cambridge Uni and LSHTM should never have been used to inform government policy (as it was).

5. Studies show the vaccinated have more health problems than the vaccine free.

6. The covid vaccine is the deadliest vaccine in a century.

I see no reason why AI (a simple web crawling bot) could not have alerted humanity to these things and saved millions of lives as a result.

The people who have researched all of this have done so by essentially putting their emotions and herd mentality instincts to one side so they can look at the evidence / research/ data dispassionately. In other words they have acted like an AI is supposed to act, trawling the internet and hoovering up the facts without fear or prejudice :)

Whatever they are calling AI, it's not true AI. It's just a digital replacement for TV news presenters/ doctors/ politicians which is cheaper to run.

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Like stated above it’s a way to control. AI is a computer that is programmed by the controllers. Probably in harmful ways. We who are on Substack I hope have their eyes open and relies that the big plan is to have everyone hooked up to the matrix. People, cars, phones and eventually everything and everyone on earth.😞

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Transhumanism. Technocracy. Totalitarian imperialistic socialism. (“You’ll own nothing and be happy.”) The Fourth Industrial Revolution. This is what you’re calling “the matrix”, if I understand you correctly.

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When has technology ever contributed positively to health care?

It is inevitably based on the beliefs of the dominant medical system in the West - allopathy. The system that failed to cure or protect people from COVID.

AI is all about replacing human "experts" and trained "technicians" with technology that can be administered by low-trained personnel. A cost saving practice.

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What’s the difference between an MD diagnosing and prescribing versus an AI program doing the same thing?


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If the AI was really able to decide for itself, it would do better than the doctor. There's so much information that contradicts the mainstream bullshit.

But the AI is set up to follow the biases that the doctor has 😂.

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Programming is programming. Whether it’s a human or a computer, it’s programming. The powers that be control the content.

In fact, they control whole damn system.

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Don’t GPs in the U.K. use AI already. They use systems that tell them what to prescribe etc

They use their computers for all information. Where do the programs come from?

So this allows GPs to be removed. Already we have associates performing consultations and telephone consultations. The links between doctors and patients are already being broken.

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Like I said, there’s really no difference.

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Like stated above it’s a way to control. AI is a computer that is programmed by the controllers. Probably in harmful ways. We who are on Substack I hope have their eyes open and relies that the big plan is to have everyone hooked up to the matrix. People, cars, phones and eventually everything and everyone on earth.😞

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Some things I have noticed happening within the NHS because of a recent visit to a clinic:-

More private healthcare being used within the NHS structure. In the SW mainly attached to a NHS.GP clinic which is large and newly built. Gathering in one place several smaller GP services.

These services cover minor eye ops and skin surgery.

Information provided before a minor op at such a clinic asks you to take a lateral flow test just before op.

Some not all staff wearing masks.

Advertisement, outside clinic, that the latest vaxx is available. Already received a letter a month ago asking you to book an appointment.

They seem to be making sure they keep hold of the believers and perhaps preparing for the next stage.

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FWIW (probably nothing to the deceived & depraved masses), this present-day planetary civilization is sick-unto-death. Humanity has a terminal illness, and it’s our moral rot. “The end of the human race will be that it will eventually die of civilization.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

We’re slaves to this global civilization’s belief system. Break free of the chains. Stop being domesticated. Find your wild side. Form alternative communities. Don’t be conformed to the lusts and the appetites and the desires and the passions and the wants of this sick, sick worldly civilization. Everyone who sincerely believes that the purpose of life is to make the world a better place for future generations is hopelessly deceived. The world (along with its passions, lusts, etc) is passing away/dying.

In the book “The Four Agreements”, Miguel Ruiz explains how people are indoctrinated to adopt a particular belief system, a process he calls “domestication” because he believes that children are both wild and free before they learn to behave according to certain belief systems. His aim is to undo the domestication process and teach people how to be free again.

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The impression I have gained from my reading is that inflammation is an altered regulatory state that opens alternative metabolic pathways within the cell. It may well promote the return to a healthy state by various means and it cannot be said to be unhealthy by itself but prolonged maintenance is unsustainable and long term damage will be the inevitable result.


I believe that influenza (for example) is an acute and temporary alteration in the regulatory state triggered by atmospheric disturbances. Considerable inflammation results but there is no initial damage to the individual cells; the damage comes as a result of the disturbance and is not the cause of it.

Cellular damage is not disease any more than a cut finger is disease and nor do these insults by themselves cause disease. The symptoms arise from the altered metabolism so it is this that may be called 'disease' and the inflammation is part of this. Inflammation can therefore arise in healthy tissue and will do damage long term.

In the particular case of influenza then, we can't really call inflammation a 'healing' state as there is nothing to heal from and there was no initial damage. However there may well be other situations where such a process is necessary and so in these cases we are tempted call it a 'healing' state.

The idea that 'health' and 'disease' are separate entities and that one moves from one to the other via 'healing' is misleading everybody I think. Is 'healing' a healthy state or a disease state? Inflammation 'is' the disease and the healing at the same time and in the short term can be also said to be 'healthy' functioning. It only becomes a true disease when it is maintained inappropriately.

Hypothesis: The regulatory systems work on the basis of closed-loop attractor systems that can sometimes slip into a side 'well' that has detrimental properties. Inflammation is a high energy state that can provide just enough energy to shake the system out of the well and thus restore normality. So we have a general purpose system that resets regulation on a statistical basis.

I talked to a person who claimed to have had covid and it cured her type II diabetes, another who said it cured his cancer and then many others who still haven't fully recovered from loss of smell, taste etc. So not a targeted and intelligent healing system but a shaking up and 'hope for the best' approach.

This works because all functional states are in some sense 'least energy' states. This gives the organism great stability as any minor perturbance will return to homeostasis by the laws of physics alone. There is no need for the body to keep a database of different healing processes because they are all the same; a degree of energy is input to the system (inflammation) and a 'least energy' pathway represents the return to health.

Chronic disease and 'long' covid may well be simply the body getting stuck in an antipathetic feedback loop. Bad symptoms may persist even when the initial impulse is long gone. The existence of miracle cures is support for this. If recovery can be instantaneous then what does that tell us about the nature of 'disease', what was the healing process?

A weed is healthy plant that is in the wrong place.

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Covid was AI generated.

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A.I. does not exist. The Wall Street is selling the "machine learning" hot air. Machine learning needs all historical data, i.e. including everyone's vaccination history (post 2020 #plandemic), DDT concentration (post 1950 "polio" scam) or one's fluoride daily intake...

Without a comprehensive data (which always excludes the chemical industry's wrongdoing), M.L. is indeed "garbage in garbage out".


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Mr. A/I is a dumb butt. He can be programmed to give you whatever they want you to hear. As far as they want you to believe they have come with "modern" healthcare, it is still administered as if we lived in the stone age. Do not be fooled. Your doctor is dumb because he has been programmed as a drug pusher and trained to follow the medical establishment's dictates. And the same with medical A/I. A/I is NOT self thinking and never will be.

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Like stated above it’s a way to control. AI is a computer that is programmed by the controllers. Probably in harmful ways. We who are on Substack I hope have their eyes open and relies that the big plan is to have everyone hooked up to the matrix. People, cars, phones and eventually everything and everyone on earth.😞

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Aug 8Edited
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I am running in that direction.

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