You’re awesome Dawn. Thank you. God bless you. 🙏🏼

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Thank you for your kind words and support. 🙏 ❤️

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Thank you Dawn.

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Thank you, Dawn. I took a class (paid) in 2021 and learned a LOT -- making use of it as well. I've signed up for this one, too <3

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Thank you. Please feel free to share my article with anyone you think may be interested. 🙏

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Thanks Dawn. Always good to hear your thoughts on any subject.

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The problem is that written law does not detour action of an opposer to that law. So laws themselves have no teeth.

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Do these legal issues apply to all countries?. I am writing from South AFrica and from my FOURTEEN YEARS of travails through the legal system here where judges and advocates alike, not to mention the Legal Practice Council, the Special Investigative Unit, the Law Society, Legal Aid and any number of puported legal structures including probono.com behave with utter impunity and are completely unable to comprehend the meaning of justice i.e. they are a law unto themselves, and protect each other. I am also referring to the Human Rights Commission. It is a system set up to protect itself. No wonder corruption in this country runs so deep?

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This isn't about learning how to deal with the Legal Society in any specific country, it's more about learning how to understand who we are and then live from that understanding.

The Lessons are all free, so maybe you'd like to watch them and see how you feel and how you can use it to apply to your own circumstances.

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thank you , will do. (ps the 'like' button is not working. )

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That's odd. I just clicked the 'like 'button on your comment and it worked for me.

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maybe an odd glitch with my computer? I have had this issue on other comment threads.....

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This subject is actually very well developed and is known as Private Law, which is a branch of Common Law.

In Private Law, the parties concerned mutually decide upon the law which governs their contracts. It is a maxim many have relied upon many times in the past.

Like the Public domain, the Private is a legal fiction, not a jurisdiction, which nevertheless determines the law that applies in whatever jurisdiction the parties made the contract subject to.

Therefore, UCT trusts operate in accord with Private and International Law, under the UCT jurisdiction created by the ratification of the treaty.

As far as I'm aware, UCT is the only organisation that has created a jurisdiction in which to operate.

In my view, the complete answer to the existing tyranny is to form communities under natural law and UCT has created a jurisdiction for that very purpose. We're just waiting for everybody else to catch up.

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What do you know about Greg Paul's work? You might find these Lessons in Law interesting and a useful addition to what you're doing, because his starting point is helping us understand who we truly are as men and women.

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I have my intel 😉

Natural law already makes it clear who we are.

It may sound pompous but I learned early on that UCT has this subject covered entirely.

My point is that all these different groups etc do not have a jurisdiction in which to operate. The entire ‘freedom movement’ does not seem to understand the significance of that.

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That is true, they trick people into giving them jurisdiction, the last video Dawn posted " dont speak to police" the first 30 seconds is a good one. (Maybe Greg would add "only ask their name"- I am not dissing that as thats good to but the important thing in the police vid was not to agree to give them authority- jurisdiction over you (which answering their questions does ) . Even if they ask " do you Understand? " Do you stand under.

The mind conditioning of this upside down world since birth makes people believe govt(a tyranny) is their authority .and then following belief people act like they do or as you pointed out " I have authority over you because this napkin says so" which is the core of govt legislation .

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Their 'authority' comes from us believing that they have it in the first place. That's one of the reasons I write a lot about the power of our mind - and how our beliefs can trap us. And to show that the purpose of 'school' is to indoctrinate us. I know you know this.

As you say, it's all about comprehending the language we use. But it does start with comprehending who we are as men and women.

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...And who we really are beyond men and woman. Beyond body and mind, name and form.

Its no surprise Greg has one law and that is the law of LOVE, who we are.

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Yes, absolutely, who we truly are, as aspects of the divine, and then how we express that in this world as men and women. ❤️

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