And this posting is the reason I follow you Dawn. You clearly and concisely explain the fraud and remind us that viruses are a psyop — never isolated.

May I add contagion has never been proven. They’ve tried repeatedly.

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Thank you. 🙏

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This is a remnant project of something that failed when covid didn't last as long as they wanted. See the link about the way they expected to turn us into cognitive zombies.

I'm not worried anymore.

They underestimated humanity.

What they tried to do with COVID showed how naturally resilient we are, even if delayed and not conscious.

We are witnessing evolutionary psychology in motion.

This is what they gambled on and almost succeeded in doing. But because they lost, we gained knowledge of the predator class, even if subconscious like animals do.


That's why now they are on a blitzkrieg of propaganda of fear, uncertainty, and doubt. People are no longer reacting to it like they used to. And we even reacted differently to past generations. Genetics the same, but the environments were different.

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Once bitten twice shy as a rock and roll brit put to music by the name of Ian Hunter. We must never fall for such an attack on humanity again. Remembering is our first line of defense, and those memories must be spoken of often. They are at their core evil and don't give a damn about who gets affected or worse than that dies, as long as the power over us is achieved. Research is key and it saved many a family with strong ties from falling for the big lie. thanks, we need this more than most know. I still have faith but it waivers more than ever in today's world.

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Thanks again, Dawn. The BBC and the rest of the mass media are planting the narrative in our brains, where it will lay low till renewed media alerts are to activate it.

FWIW, one of Trump's executive orders yesterday, one of over 70 which he signed in his very first day, pulls the US out of the WHO. But the reason is abhorrent, it's that the WHO has done nothing about China creating "COVID" and spreading it via a lab leak.

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That's why I keep writing, so people don't fall back into their slumbers!!

I had heard that Trump had signed that document but not the reason, so thank you for sharing that with me. That makes sense - and does not make him the 'hero' that lots of people think he is, because he's perpetuating the germ theory narrative.

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Perpetuating the narrative while pretending to be attacking it. Deception!

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thatwas nih &china making a bioweapon

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"Bioweapons" are a crock! The very notion relies upon Contagion Theory to be true, and 120+ years of experiments have failed to prove this theory. See Dawn Lester and David Parker's book "What Really Makes You Ill?" Lots of it is at their webpage, https://whatreallymakesyouill.com

See this by Dr Sam Bailey, https://drsambailey.com/resources/videos/viruses-unplugged/bioweapons-bs/ and https://drsambailey.com/resources/videos/viruses-unplugged/when-you-wish-upon-a-bio-weapon/

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British Bullshit Corporation(BBC), just another fearful belief spreading , always trying to implant ideas/thoughts in minds.

BBC ( like 99% media conglomerate) are in the business of deepfake crisis sales and marketing

In a manifested world where perception follows belief

Its good some are out of the fear paradigm, the fake narrative sold by the egoic mind

Love and peace

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This is what happens when you socialise healthcare (or any other service industry).

When taxes are the revenue stream it flips the business model on its head. The new business model is based on creating narratives to secure funding from the taxpayer by:

A) over hyping or even fabricating the problem(s) which needs to be solved

B) continuously claiming to be under resourced, under staffed, over stretched, unable to perform and ill prepared to provide the service now or in the near future (refer to A)

In a free market the service provider can't play these games. They must instead use this strategy

A) provide a useful service ie provide real value to the customer (at the very least don't injure or kill them, or given them chronic ill health for life)

B) provide a competitive service (efficient, streamlined, competent, cheap) so your competitors don't steal all your customers and put you out of business.

The only way the NHS can prevent 'future pandemics' is to revert to a free market (ie non coercive) model and let doctors and nurses compete with each other to provide the best possible healthcare.

The ones pushing fear and drugs would soon be conspicuous by the number of sick and dead customers on their books..... causing them to quickly go out of business. And in any case the cost of marketing 'pandemics' would be too great for any business without being able to offload that cost onto taxpayers.

'Viral pandemics' and healthcare systems perpetually collapsing onto their feinting couch are both effects of taxation. Taxation (a polite word for mafia) is the true dis-ease. The rest is window dressing.

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A) provide a useful service ie provide real value to the customer (at the very least don't injure or kill them, or given them chronic ill health for life)

B) provide a competitive service (efficient, streamlined, competent, cheap) so your competitors don't steal all your customers and put you out of business.

By this metric the NHS should've gone out of 'business' a loooong time ago!

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The flavor has soured in the healthcare setting among both frontline professionals who have been left duped, injured, and angry and normal human beings needing access. In other words, I'm not sure the response would be compliance...

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Of course there was high mortality with the elderly - they were pumped full of medazolam and remdesivir! They don't like old people and they don't like handicapped people so they got rid of a fair few. Baroness Hallet is a liar - or very thick, possibly demented.

Thank you Dawn. I do worry, though, that those who continue to queue up for their treatments will make it hard for us to fight back. Their denial or just blinkered frustrates me - the brainwashing is strong with them it is.

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I do feel that there are far fewer who will queue up now than 5 years ago.

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Oh yes, most definitely! I know a few of them, sadly closer friends and family just trundle along the path to goodness knows where! But the tide turned, I think, when rollout 3 came along. A big drop after the second and more again after 4. It would be interesting to see how many are ignoring the begging emails with invites for free poison! Actually I'm not sure if my husband had the latest - he's had 5 . . . he might have been sneaky along with the floo one, because he knows I don't like him doing it. I hope some of the other people we know has made him think twice. Annoyingly I got the fog cough "floo" thing and he didn't! Oh I know - it must have been avian flu as we have ducks and chickens! LOL!

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Is it a coincidence that the outbreak of a 'deadly' respiratory disease described in the SPARS document, written in 2017 by the criminals at Johns Hopkins University, happened in October 2025, the exact date this exercise is scheduled to happen? This seems too much of a coincidence for me. However, based on other data, something big will likely occur around the 14th of March (the feast of Purim) and the 15th of March (the ides of March). They love doing things by the numbers.

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I don't think there are any coincidences. I do think that they have multiple 'tricks' up their sleeves, so we just need to stay vigilant - but not scared!

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Have you heard about the latest “BioNano”?

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No I haven't. Would you share some details with me please. 🙏

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Dawn, again you have exposed the fraud of these Malthusians, and their eugenics plans. So, we have long passed peak oil, and they do not want to panic the sheep by telling them that one day soon there will be no gas, oil at the pumps, at the refineries or anywhere. So, it is control that they need and false pandemics with a virus that does not exist will require stricter controls over everyone and dissent of any kind will not be tolerated. They will use AI to lull people into not thinking for themselves or problem solving because they will lose the ability to do so and just like the Shepard that the sheep think care about them but is actually going to shear and slaughter them, they will march to their death still thinking the same. The elite of the world know that as soon as the oil is gone there will be riots of then of millions of people and they are trying to get ahead of the curve in order to kill off the bulk of humanity, not their own of course, but all the lesser humans they look down on. This is the motive behind the Patriot Act, the multi theatre wars, the surrounding of China, Africa and Russia with military basses because the beast does not know what else to do to get control of the remaining oil and gas that remains. Survival of the elite and their descendants is the plan, and the method is medical emergencies that do not exist. First, they run exercises about what is planned and then they implement them based on lies that spread fear throughout the human population. As you know there is no such creature as a virus and germ theory is still a theory that to this day has not been proven. Thank you for this information, Jack Williams, Teneessee, USA.

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Wow! Spot on commentary.

Not often I come across someone that understands the true reasoning behind the fake pandemics, the climate change 'crisis,' the Hopium push for renewables and EVs but here we are.

Very few people are actually able to put themselves in the shoes of the central banking and elite family managerial class. You have to be able to see things from their perspective. Oil is certainly becoming a problem otherwise nations would not be scrambling for what's left and fracking and colonizing the North Pole!

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Thank you, my friend. are you familiar with Matt Ehret and Cynthia Chung of the Canadian Patriot site? if not then you need to read all of their articles, videos and books as they have exposed the connections that go back many decades if not centuries, thanks again for the positive feedback, Jack.

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Thank you for your column.

I don't have a specific solution for future plandemics, but I believe I can provide some direction for making a difference.

All of the information needed to make sound decisions are always with us ..., but up to 75% of the general population fail to recognize the correct information.

You didn't believe the bullhockey pushed by "experts" (i. e., "Baroness"), mentioned seeing the big picture, you scanned 217 pages instead of reading the 217 pages. On the surface, I'm guessing you tend towards having an intuitive perceiving personality. If I am correct, you and I are among the approximately 25% who are willing to question those in authoritative positions, connect dots and see patterns, especially seeing the big picture.

The other 75% tend to have a sensory perceiving personality. Sensors tend to trust those in "authoritative" positions, trust what they are told, and rarely connect dots because they don't see dots, due to their focus upon details.

There is no right or wrong personality and as a population, we are better having both personalities, be we the masses need to find a way to communicate, not throw barbs at each other. What is sacred to the sensory personality is untrustworthy, boring, and limiting to the intuitive personality. What is liberating, exciting, and limiting to an intuitive personality is threatening and incomprehensible to a sensory personality.

My theory is that a majority of those with an intuitive personality resisted the authoritative "believe in the science" message while the other 75% believed the misinformation and outright lies of those using an "authoritative" message as though it was coming from a pulpit. I'm open to exploring the possibilities that might exist for improving the communication capabilities of those in both pools.

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Thank you Arthur. Yes, I do use my intuition. Part of the reason for not reading the whole 217 pages is because I knew it will be filled with misinformation, which would just irritate me, so I scanned for the key messages to share and comment on in my article.

I agree there is no 'right' or 'wrong' personality. I am sharing my perspective to help others see that there are other ways to view what they are being told.

I am also keen to find ways to improve communication, my aim is to help people not to fall for 'divide and conquer' strategies, which I have written about in another Substack article.

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So, it's Plandemics for which people must prepare.

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It's good to be aware of what 'they' are planning. But no, we don't need to prepare!

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theyknewin jan21 about bloodclots and mycaditsfrom isreal. crimial. on the take frompharma mustbe

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theywwon. 5miiion vaxes world wide. 4$$$$$$$$

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thenext 'lableak

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