The father-of pathology and a genius, Dr. Rudolf Virchow, ( October 1821 – 5 September 1902) Virchow did not believe in the germ theory of diseases, as advocated by Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch. He postulated that germs were only using infected organs as habitats, but were not the cause, and stated, "If I could live my life over again, I would devote it to proving that germs seek their natural habitat: diseased tissue, rather than being the cause of diseased tissue

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I'd have to ask what he meant by 'infected organs'. Because viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites aren't infectious agents, there is no such thing as 'infection'.

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give Virchow a break! this was 150 years ago and we also use language loosely at times, he means the bacteria are in their natural habitat, inside an organ - he specifically says they are not causing it- they are in a habitat. He was way ahead of everyone else.

Jo xxx

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Hi Dawn, I wondered if you wanted to follow me down the Ivermectin for river blindness rabbit hole. Only observational studies done, no RCT's on mass treatment and Pharma making a bomb on a drug that hundreds of millions are advised to take weekly! https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/ivermectin

I'd never heard of IVM until 2 years ago and the health freedom movement started trying to sell me some. What for I don't know! I knew I was never in any danger, though I didn't know as much as I do now obviously.

Hope you are all well (I'm sure you are)! xxx

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Hi Jo,

I'm fine thank you. I hope you are too.

I have only looked at Ivermectin briefly in the context of it being touted as a useful 'treatment' for Covid. I haven't investigated Onchocerciasis in any detail, but I have looked at similar 'diseases' claimed to be caused by 'parasites' and transmitted by various insects. From that research, I am unconvinced that there is any significant evidence that these 'diseases' are caused by such parasites.

I'm in the middle of writing 3 articles that I'd like to finish this week, so I couldn't dig deeper into Ivermectin and Onchocerciasis just yet.

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[Sorry, I hit the wrong button and posted before I'd finished writing my reply.]

I just wanted to add that we do discuss some allegedly 'parasitic' diseases in chapter 8 of our book and this is what led me to be highly sceptical that the medical establishment has any genuine understanding of these conditions and therefore does not really know their causes. This means of course that their treatments do not address the root cause(s) and therefore will, at best, only achieve a temporary cessation of symptoms, which is not the same as restoring the person to health.

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thanks Dawn, yes I a fine, I look forward to reading your 3 wise articles x

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Thank you. :)

I've already published 2 of them here on Substack.

They are the 2 articles I posted in August - called Disease Madness. xx

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both excellent x

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Thank you. xx

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