It’s perfectly clear that efforts to convince people that the ‘germ theory’ is real are continuing and persistent. One of the reasons for this is that the ‘would-be controllers’ need to keep people afraid of ‘germs’ so they can roll out another ‘pandemic’, as I discussed in my earlier article on the topic.
The inspiration for me to write this article was a social media post that linked to an article referring to advice about wearing masks, which is a sure sign that the fear-mongering is increasing. This led me to find an article dated 28th January, on the website of the Independent, entitled HMPV: Virus cases on the rise in UK as doctors issue ‘mask up’ warning that provides the following ‘advice’,
“There are many viruses in circulation at the moment, including flu – if you have symptoms of a respiratory illness and you need to go out, our advice continues to be that you should consider wearing a face mask.”
The article also states that,
“Latest UK Health Security Agency data show one in 20 (5 per cent) of hospital swabs for respiratory infections in England came back positive for human metaphneumovirus (HMPV) in the week ending January 19.”
It’s important to highlight here that ‘positive’ test results from a swab are meaningless. No ‘virus’ has ever been proven to cause any disease, which means that no test can provide any information about someone’s health status.
What is particularly noteworthy in that Independent article is the comment about those who are most affected,
“The age group with the highest proportion of HMPV cases was those aged 80 and over, soaring to 7.3 per cent and well above pre-Christmas levels. Cases have also risen to about 7 per cent in children up to the age of five.”
It is highly unsurprising, at least to me, that there are more cases of people with symptoms post-Christmas. However, this is not what the media is reporting. Instead, they are simply referring to positive test results, which is by no means the same thing, although I am not denying that people may be ill.
The reasons for a genuine increase in illness are in alignment with a true understanding of how the body actually functions, rather than how the medical establishment system claims it functions. These reasons would relate to what people have eaten and drunk over the holiday period, usually in excess of what they would normally consume, that the body then needs to process and eliminate. This can lead to symptoms if the normal elimination channels are overloaded.
In addition, there’s the inevitable increased level of stress during the lead-up to the holiday season, which the body stores and then releases as ‘symptoms’, again if the normal elimination channels are overloaded.
So what is all the fuss about hMPV?
According to the WHO Disease Outbreak News dated 7th January entitled 2025 Trends of acute respiratory infection, including human metapneumovirus, in the Northern Hemisphere
“In many countries of the Northern Hemisphere, trends in acute respiratory infections increase at this time of year. These increases are typically caused by seasonal epidemics of respiratory pathogens such as seasonal influenza, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and other common respiratory viruses, including human metapneumovirus (hMPV), as well as mycoplasma pneumoniae.”
The efforts to make this ‘outbreak’ seem excessive can be seen in the following statement,
“Currently, in some countries in the temperate Northern hemisphere, influenza-like illness (ILI) and/or acute respiratory infection (ARI) rates have increased in recent weeks and are above baseline levels, following usual seasonal trends.”
Interestingly though, the BBC seems to be reporting this in a slightly different way, as if there is nothing much to worry about, as can be seen in their 7th January 2025 article entitled What is HMPV and how does it spread? The article begins with a seemingly worrying comment that,
“A surge in cases of the flu-like human metapneumovirus (HMPV) in China has raised fears of another Covid-style pandemic.”
But then continues with the following,
“While some cases can be hospitalized with bronchitis or pneumonia, most people infected with hMPV have mild upper respiratory symptoms similar to the common cold and recover after a few days.”
The article also states that,
“Images of hospitals overrun with masked patients have circulated widely on social media, but health experts say HMPV is not like Covid, and point out it has been around for many years.”
The obvious question to ask is: Why does this need to be reported if it is similar to the common cold and people recover after a few days?
Also, are the mainstream media outlets not receiving the same instructions from the news agencies?
The media does not generally report on outbreaks of ‘the common cold’, so why the fuss now?
I would suggest, as the title of this article indicates, that this is all part of the build-up to the next ‘pandemic’ psyop - if they can get away with it. They therefore have to keep the idea of ‘dangerous pathogens’ in the forefront of our minds so we don’t simply forget about them and just get on with our lives.
So, what are we to make of this?
Interestingly, it seems that hMPV is not affecting people in the US!
But Americans are not free from the fear-mongering nor are they claimed to be affected by only one allegedly ‘viral’ disease. Instead, reports have been circulating that the US is undergoing a ‘quad-demic’, which is said to mean that there are 4 circulating ‘viruses’ causing 4 different ‘diseases’, as can be seen by a 26th January Forbes article entitled Quad-demic’ Hitting US With Flu, COVID-19, RSV, Norovirus Surging,
“The U.S. is currently going through surges of not one, not two, not three, but four different viruses. That’s prompted folks to nickname the current situation a “quad-demic.”
The use of the suffix ‘-demic’ immediately conjures up images of some form of epidemic or pandemic, which is clearly part of the propaganda to ramp up fear of ‘deadly diseases’.
The article then states the following, under the heading What Is The ‘Quad-demic’?
“The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Respiratory Virus Activity Levels website shows that COVID-19, influenza A and respiratory syncytial virus have all been on the upswing since November.”
However, this statement does not seem to be consistent with the CDC web page to which the article links.
Below is an extract from that web page, which indicates that only ‘influenza’ levels are high, highlighting the contradiction.
One of the significant points to be aware of is the reference to ‘wastewater viral activity’.
The CDC page explains how this is determined and states,
“Wastewater (sewage) can be tested to detect traces of infectious diseases circulating in a community, even if people don't have symptoms. You can use these data as an early warning that levels of infections may be increasing or decreasing in your community.”
Yet again, I would draw attention to the standard definition of ‘disease’, which refers to the presence of signs and symptoms. Therefore, according to the medical establishment, if there are no symptoms, there is no ‘disease’.
So how are they testing wastewater to ‘detect’ these allegedly ‘infectious diseases’?
Below is an extract from a 2001 NIH study article entitled Viral outbreaks detection and surveillance using wastewater-based epidemiology, viral air sampling, and machine learning techniques: A comprehensive review and outlook
The method does not rely on ‘isolation’ - it would seem that the medical establishment has maybe recognised that this method has been exposed as being unscientific and therefore invalid. Instead, the method used involves ‘genetic sequencing’, as can be seen in the diagram below,
However, this method is equally invalid, because in order to discover which ‘pathogen’ is supposed to be in the water, it is essential to have already identified each of them as a distinct entity that has been proven to be the cause of a specific disease.
But this has never happened.
So it is irrelevant what ‘genetic sequences’ they discover in the wastewater; if they have never ‘isolated’ any pathogen to know they are separate and distinct entities that can be readily recognised by their specific characteristics, then they cannot assert that they have ‘found’ any ‘pathogenic agent’.
If anyone has any doubts about this, I would refer you to the 2022 document “Settling the Virus Debate” Statement, by Dr Thomas Cowan et al., which states,
“Perhaps the primary evidence that the pathogenic viral theory is problematic is that no published scientific paper has ever shown that particles fulfilling the definition of viruses have been directly isolated and purified from any tissues or bodily fluids of any sick human or animal. Using the commonly accepted definition of “isolation”, which is the separation of one thing from all other things, there is general agreement that this has never been done in the history of virology.”
It is obvious that these reports are all intended to keep alive the ‘germ theory’, except this ‘theory’ was never alive in the first place.
There never has been any evidence that the particles that have been called ‘viruses’ cause any disease.
There have always been challengers to Pasteur’s theory. Dr M.L. Leverson MD, for example, gave a lecture in London in May 1911, in which he discussed his investigations that led him to the conclusion that,
“The entire fabric of the germ theory of disease rests upon assumptions which not only have not been proved, but which are incapable of proof, and many of them can be proved to be the reverse of truth. The basic one of these unproven assumptions, wholly due to Pasteur, is the hypothesis that all the so-called infectious and contagious disorders are caused by germs.”
So, looking at the ‘bigger picture’ to understand what may be going on, I would suggest that there are efforts to keep us in fear of ‘germs’ so we will believe any new narrative about a ‘dangerous pathogen’ that could create a new ‘pandemic’ and permit the rollout of a whole range of repressive measures and potential ‘mandates’.
Knowledge is power - knowledge that there is no evidence that ‘germs’ cause disease is certainly empowering!
Dawn 🌹
My enjoyment of historical fiction has reminded me that these games around germs have been played since the middle ages and 1670s in Venice - the great Republic, as a way to control trade and the population of these small islands and their power. Thought you may enjoy another rabbit hole to travel down.
Thank you for your continued efforts in waking people up from the germ theory brainwashing!
I'm enjoying your book and sharing it with others.
Truth, Love, Justice and Freedom!
There is no virus!
There is no test!
There is no contagion!