
My enjoyment of historical fiction has reminded me that these games around germs have been played since the middle ages and 1670s in Venice - the great Republic, as a way to control trade and the population of these small islands and their power. Thought you may enjoy another rabbit hole to travel down.

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Thank you. That may be useful as well as interesting. Is there a specific starting point that you'd recommend?

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I've been reading The Glassmaker by Tracy Chevalier and Phillipa Gregory, Dark Tides. They both contain extensive bibliography. Chevalier lives there in London and has been hosting readings of The Glassmaker.

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BTW: I'm another random person whose life has been changed by your book. During the shut down, it was recommended to me on FB, I bought it, read in a few days and then found Dr. Jennifer Daniels. We support the Drs. Bailey and I'm quoting your book almost daily. Thank you for sharing your light.

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Thank you so much for your support. I really appreciate it. 🙏

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How accurate are the details of these books though?

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Right, so that's why the most useful part is the Bibliography. The Council of Venice arrested people who showed any signs of disease, particularly the poor and starved then on an island. Very few returned to society. They called it a plague and had plague doctors, etc. As we know, the environment or an envogue toxic remedy was the real culprit or perhaps there wasn't actually a plague, just a government anxious to create one.

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Thank you. 🙏

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Thank you for your continued efforts in waking people up from the germ theory brainwashing!

I'm enjoying your book and sharing it with others.

Truth, Love, Justice and Freedom!

There is no virus!

There is no test!

There is no contagion!


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Thank you for your support. I really appreciate it. 🙏

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Preparing us to be scared, thanks Dawn for your updates and insights.

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You're welcome. I think it's all the same thing really.

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My theory is that they try to get as many people wearing masks voluntarily until they reach a threshold where they can be sure that a mandate will be enforced by private businesses and individuals. They explain it to themselves that if they issued a mandate and not enough people obeyed that would undermine their authority which they need to maintain and increase so that they can be optimally effective in their role to prevent or minimize illness and save lives! The heads may not believe it but go along to continue to receive the perks they've become addicted to and only a few at the very, very top know that it's a satanic psyop of gaslighting and subjugation. There might even be other entities behind them.

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I think that's a pretty sound theory and I'm sure it's part of their plan because they have been studying us for many, many decades, so they know how the majority respond to 'authority'.

I also think most of the people who work in the medical system are not 'in on it', but simply believe what they've been taught and don't wish to 'rock the boat'. I'm sure many of them must be wondering what's going on.

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We have had numerous fake pandemics over hundreds of years and many times with no vaccines to save us. Yet, humanity is still flourishing. I have had no vaccines in about 50 years and I am sill alive despite all the pandemics which to me are all totally fake. I am proof that you do not need any vaccines and I am hardly a health nut (nearing age 75). I just avoid all big pharma drugs.

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Dawn, I'm honored to be among a group of people who, like myself, have dug up the rabbit hole and found a conspiracy....... Thank You for all you do and have done to confirm what many of us suspected for years....... Psalm 86:11

May God Bless you all....

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Thank you. 🙏

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They’re keeping viruses alive in America by bringing up the Wuhan lab leak story, see we know the the virus was not from a bat. We know the virus came from the Wuhan lab. That is the psychological warfare in America no science no understanding just brainwashing.

Germ theory by brainwashing. Come on people get with the in crowd not from a bat.

But from a wuhan lab leak and the hated Fauci. This way you still believe in the virus the fear factor and china all at the same time. What I call the triple whammy.

There are so many psychological operations going on it is impossible to keep up.

But gain of function Fauci and germ theory are way up there. Controlling the eager minds of plenty. Reverse engineering their minds.

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Keeping people afraid of one thing or another is the name of the game and very lucrative at that.

Whether it's invisible bugs desperately trying to invade your nostrils or big bad nukes ready to rain down on a city near you or terrists lurking under your bed or globbly wobbly threatening to set fire to the entire world the pressure is always on and never lets up.

In this way people never catch a break and always have a preprogrammed mantra to repeat to each other and thereby confirm that it must be true because everybody's saying it.

Until the signal from the MSM and mainstream alternative media is weakened the few people on Substack talking about these Big Fat Lies are simply not going to have much effect.

So I ask... how does the nefarious signal get sufficiently weakened so that the new messaging can take hold?

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I think we just have to keep putting out our signal where and when we can and know that it is reaching others through resonance.

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Pre-programming . Think the basis of inception . In a world where what you believe you perceive is truth.

They are always using fear as fear works on the conditioned mind.

And true freedom is knowledge you are not the conditioned mind you are so much more( awareness).

Gratitude Dawn for all your work debunking the Rockefeller's very old snake oil sales pitch , the utter dogma that also makes an excuse for people to feel isolated and being afraid of "others".

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Thank you. 🙏

And I totally agree that we are more than the 'conditioned mind' as you refer to it.

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Scaring us. Fear is their biggest tool. Thanks, Dawn.

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My money is on the reason the symptoms are similar to the common cold being that iy *is* the common cold. Remember that they roped cold symptoms into the (endless) list of symptoms to be frightened of with "Covid". This is purely for fear - though that alone is cause for concern.

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I agree and would add that there is actually no such condition as 'the common cold' - it's a collection of symptoms that represent the body's efforts to eliminate excess toxins, as I say in my article.

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Thank you Dawn,

"Metapneumovirus infection" is also listed as an adverse event of the C-shot in Pfizer´s post-marketing document on page 35 https://phmpt.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/5.3.6-postmarketing-experience.pdf

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I agree with everything you state, but as stated before; please look at how the jabs have infected / killed / changed .. the hormones ... especially those related to the hormone "Cortisol". Look around you at your family, friends and neighbours - see AND THINK if they they have changed SO much mentally after the jab = FOR ME it is unbelievable AND YES THAT INCLUDES MY CLOSEST FAMILY and NEIGHBOURS (Wife and daughter).

Germ theory is bllx, but part of the FEAR campaign. When I understood that finally =Ihad "NO Fear" of catching a so called cold, flu or whatever AND GUESS WHAT I have not in 4 years.. even after cancer and stuff, that kept me bed ridden etc. had 1 cold.

FEAR IS THEIR GREATEST WEAPON, CONFUSION NEXT; people need to ruddy wake up and ignore their bollox.

PS If there were global pandemics -how is the human population allegedly growing ?; we should all be dead shouldn't we ?

PPS I can not believe I believed in thisbnonsense for most of my life - wake up people and wake up now.

PPS Yes we get ill; BUT THINK WHY ?

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The northern hemisphere in winter has coughs, sneezes, lung infections every year. Coincides with being damp, dull, miserable and cold at the best of times. Lack of sunshine. Immune systems at a low. Why can't the cause be damp along with mould spores at this time of year? Nobody seems to mention that - probably because money can't be made from it. Seems the nose bags made it worse, so that seems to go along with my thinking. I'm not a medical bod, learning more herbals and building up my own apothecary, trying to lose weight and get fit whilst enjoying the new route away from the snake oil peddlers. I guess people like me were burned at the stake a long time ago - and no I'm not a witch! LOL!

A friend looks after her father who has been going downhill rapidly. The docs say he's healthy. But he certainly wasn't right. I said she needed to ask the docs if he had a vitamin D or maybe B12 deficiency. They did blood tests and he is now on a super booster session of vitamin D and he is improving. I did suggest eggs as a natural supplement - the yolks have it. And now I'm waffling - sorry!

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