Thanks, Dawn! Gotta "love" people who try to co-opt terrain by putting forth a "compromise" that unhealthy terrain makes one more vulnerable to viruses and other pathogens, showing how they understand nothing.

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And gotta "love" people who keep insisting Covid is "just the flue by another name". No it is not ! It is something completely different. How do I know ? I got infected early on and I am battling long-Covid for more than three years now. Yes, the terrain is important - that is probably why I am still alive. But to get help to combat an insidious virus I opted to get vaccinated. I knew a second round would probably kill me.

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How do you KNOW that you got "COVID"? PROOF? What is "COVID"? How is "COVID" distinguished? Sorry you got sick, but getting sick doesn't prove you were "infected" by anything, "flu" or otherwise. You got fooled once, glad you didn't get fooled a second time but now you're trying to fool others.

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Of course ! It just happened because my body, le terrain n'est-ce pas, decided to become sick the moment it heard Covid was coming. What a coincidence. Great explanation ! I am not trying to fool anyone, I just stated what happened. Take it or leave it. But do not accuse me of deceptive practices.

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You haven't told us what "COVID" is. Again,

What is "COVID"? How is "COVID" distinguished? Sorry you got sick, but getting sick doesn't prove you were "infected" by anything, "flu" or otherwise.

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There are enough publications out there explaining what Covid is, how it is transmitted, etc. In my experience Covid has one big difference over a cold or the flue, and that is the loss of taste or smell, or both - not because of nasal congestion. I got infected, by a virus that came from a Chinese lab, which went to Italy and elsewhere in Europe, then traveled to the US. One of the consequences of international travel nowadays possible for large numbers of people.

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PROOF for that alleged virus? 218 public health agencies around the world admit they have no proof for its physical isolation and purification.


There is no such thing as "COVID." There is "COVID-19," a disease which public health agencies like the CDC and the WHO state can only be distinguished via tests, loss of taste and/or smell are NOT unique. These tests cannot be validated without a physically isolated and purified virus, they are based upon nothing more than theoretical computer models, "in-silico" files alleged to be viruses.


I'd say you have done ZERO reading.

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Wow, you are more than just fooled once. I, too, am sorry you were ill, but that is nothing new to anyone. I'm not sure why you are on Dawn's SS if you actually believe in viruses and infections and contagion. Time to start learning.

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The 'long covid' symptoms match the symptoms of microwave poisoning (electrohypersensitivity). For many years people have suffered with 'long covid' but they were always dismissed as deluded (psychological condition).

Now that the condition is being blamed on 'the virus' it is no longer taboo to talk about it. In fact people are actively encouraged to discuss their 'long covid' symptoms because it props up the virus / contagion narrative.

It is common for EHS sufferers to reach a threshold and then suddenly become intolerant to EMF, and it would make sense that this might occur in conjunction with a flu (detox) signifying a general toxic overload/ stress/ exhaustion etc. Hence "I got the flu and then developed long covid".

While EHS is not a new condition (I think it's likely 'yuppie flu' in the 80's and 90's was a manifestation of EHS, suffered by early adopters of mobile phones), it's also true that the rate of microwave pollution is increasing exponentially and so we would expect a sudden jump in people suffering EHS (AKA yuppie flu AKA chronic fatigue AKA long covid) right at this time.

There's no doubt 99.9% of covid 'cases' were the seasonal flu (which mysteriously disappeared in 2020). But there did also seem to be cases that matched severe microwave poisoning too....... not enough to qualify as a 'pandemic', but enough to make people question the cause.

It would only take 100 confirmed cases of microwave poisoning (requiring hospitalisation) in a large city to put wireless technology in the 'harmful' category and start the demise of the industry. Imagine 100 cases of confirmed radiation sickness from a nearby nuclear power station. That's enough to cause a major backlash and calls for it to be shut down.

If the public can be convinced it's a 'virus' and not radiation poisoning the power station can be spared scrutiny and condemnation.

Just to confuse the issue the symptoms of vaccine damage (another toxic insult) overlap with the symptoms of microwave poisoning, so reports of 'long covid' after 2021 could also be due to the vax (or both).

Many people reported 'catching covid' soon after getting the vax. Automatically blaming 'long covid' cases on the vax takes the heat off wireless technology.

Obviously a bad diet, unhealthy lifestyle and a body full of vaccines is going to make people more susceptible to microwave radiation. So 'long covid' is most likely to be caused by poisoning from multiple sources. The idea of a monocausal agent for every disease is part of the germ theory paradigm.

As more wireless infrastructure is rolled out and more vaccines are given, more people will get 'long covid' and it will have to be blamed on 'the virus'. That seems to be the business model. They can't stop these technologies from poisoning everyone and making them sick, but they can invent an invisible unicorn to take the blame.

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A microwave also radiates when it is not in use ? (Just asking.)

Furthermore are you telling me that my body became toxic and that my symptoms started - coincidentally - when I heard the news about Covid on television ? And that the same happened to Millions of people all over the world, at about the same time ? (Just asking.)

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Beautifully spoken to, thank you.

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Back in 2008 the Feds already recognized wind turbine health symptoms and recommended that physicians be trained to recognize these symptoms and learn how to treat. Of course, that went nowhere and to this day docs do not know how to, (or won't anyway for various reasons), recognize and help remediate the effects of turbines, (which is more than just EMF damage to health), and/or EMF symptoms whether from cell phones, smart meters, dirty electricity, and the multitude of other sources.

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I agree with Jeff. However, I am interested to know which, and how many vaccines have you had in the last 5 years? Flu shots? Covid shots? Shingles Shots? etc... Your "Long Covid" may not be what you think it is. I wish you the best of Health.

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Sorry, not going there. I heard on TV about Covid early March. It was not taken seriously (by the anchors of the show) but to me it sounded frightening. It was described as a thing still outside the US. My husband had to go through a busy Internat. airport - twice. I asked him not to travel but he said he had to. He left on Monday morning early. Two days later his co. cancelled all business travel. He came home Thursday eve late. On Friday the Fed. gov. declared an emergency. The week after, the night from Tuesday to Wednesday, I woke up with the sensation I was dying. Or at least having a stroke, as my head felt like it was exploding. My BP ws over 200, my temp 39.5. Four days later I lost my sense of taste. Luckily it returned after several days. I cannot proof I had Covid as tests did not exist yet. But I have had enough head-colds, breast-colds, flue-attacks, etc. that I know this was something completely different. So do not deny that Covid exists, because it does. Thank you for your nice remark re. my health.

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Thank you for your reply. Yes, there are new forms of Toxicity in the world these days. And they can give "new" symptoms. That require severe detoxification. However, that does not prove a "Pathogenetic Virus" was the cause. Take care!

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I have been down that rabbit hole (too) many times. I have tried just about every alternate method of medical care. Year after year. Cost me a small fortune. Nothing over-there really helped permanently. I got some my life back thanks to the Pharma ind. When it invented an Rxmed for my problem. People have died because they went to "healers" who diagnosed "toxicity" and kept them from going to "bad" allopathic doctors.

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I believe you are here to counter the truth Dawn writes about. No one with the mindset you have, that of fear and then severe illness you are absolutely certain is exactly what all the media said it was would be on this site unless to start over and actually learn the truth. Your insistence that you had these things and only Pharma cured you is quite telling.

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Could you at least tell us what specific medication this refers to? "I got some of my life back thanks to the Pharma ind. When it invented an Rxmed for my problem."

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So you got sick after your husband came home. Can I ask, did he get sick?

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Thank you for asking. My husband was extremely sick at the end of Dec. 2019. (He traveled every week twice through either O'Hare or Midway.) He had indicated during the week that he was not doing so well. I woke up because he was babbling gibberish and then started singing. I managed to take his temp and it was 42 F. I had no idea - it was the night from Friday to Saturday - what to do as we had just moved and I was afraid if I called an ambulance I would be unable to find him later on. Luckily his temp came down in the hours after that. My husband wants to be left alone when he is unwell. So he locked himself in his office. I provided liquids and later on food. We are elderly, we have separate beds. When he came home he was very tired, so no cuddles, etc. Maybe the lack of being close kept me safe ? He went do his MD about two weeks later (appointment already stood) and I told him to mention this event. I had never seen him so sick in all the years we have been together ! He told me later he had done that - he is a rather good husband - and the MD had responded: yes we have a terrible flu season at the moment. My husband also asked of that was relayed to the CDC but the MD said the CDC did not ask for that info. (Very angry about that.) Some MD's have now told me they think Covid arrived earlier than previously thought.

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Wow! Wouldn’t I love to take such a course but I am of very meager means and 1200 dollars is just way out of my abilities to pay! But I do understand the need to charge for such information! I am new to The Terrain Paradigm, having been schooled long and hard on germ theory but I am seeing the holes and problems with that field of science, or pseudoscience, as it may be!!! Much Love and Peace to you all and many blessings for enlightening us with your information and truths!!!

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Dr. Lando has interviewed them as well multiple times and you might find some helpful info via those talks. Harvey Bigelsen wrote a book many years ago that you might be interested in. It should be on Amazon and other booksellers, but right off I can't remember the name of it.

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Harvey Bigelsen wrote 3 books. Doctors are More Harmful than Germs, Medical Conspiracy in America and Holographic Blood.

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Thank you for that. I Have have the first one but it's been years since I first read it and forgot about the others. Excellent reading!

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I like this approach: germ/contagion hypothesis versus terrain paradigm.

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Exactly. The term "terrain theory" is tossed around to make it sound ridiculous and unfounded just like the term "conspiracy theory" is used. We ain't buying it.....

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The title says it all! I am looking forward to your interview. I always had an issue calling it terrain 'theory', and first heard Marcelina Cravat call it a paradigm in an interview, and thought that was an excellent description.

Perhaps the pleomorphic aspect could be or have been a theory at one point, though we can see that pleomorphism does happen and it's more about sorting out those details now.

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Timothy, this is to Dawn. I can't access my own posting box. I apologize.


I came across an interesting conversation. One idea completely resonated with me as it was my experience as well, quite distinctly.

The idea that it is the emotional body that influences the health of one's internal terrain.

I wonder too that it might be good to call it 'internal terrain'? I had originally thought the conversation was about external terrain, as in toxins introduced into the environment versus disease/viruses/contagions. It might be useful to make a distinction, even if in the end it is all the same ball of wax in a way.

Although one person could be influenced by the external terrain because of the state of their emotional body in one way, while a person in the same external terrain might be influenced differently. Likely all too obvious to point out.

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The influence of the emotions in our health is discussed in our conversation.

It is the terrain of the body that we talk about, so that is the internal terrain, although the external terrain can also influence the internal terrain.

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My reference was more specifically about germ theory vs terrain theory. I had thought the conversation was about external influences only. Sorry if that wasn't clear, I'm dragging.... my internal terrain is not happy.

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Okay, I can't access the conversation right now. (I'll bookmark it)

Yes, I understand the second part, thank you.

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You are right, Elizabeth, in that everything presents in the emotional/etheric body before manifesting in the physical.

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And I apologize if that felt sharp.

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Thank you for saying. Although I do have difficulty when another tells me I am right about my own experience.

I don't doubt what I feel. And it is wonderful when others are on the same page.

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Thank you Dawn!

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Please ask the Bigelsen Academy to renew the certification of their website. Currently search engines will not link.

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I have informed them that there is an issue.

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Thanks, although the other link you gave worked !

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Does anyone have info about release of the belly button trauma

Is there self release techniques?

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I'm not aware of any self release techniques. Adam and Josh refer to this release being done by bodyworkers and osteopaths who know bodywork and understand what needs to be done, because many of them don't know.

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What is the name of the method?

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I'm not aware that it has a specific name. I would imagine that just discussing the situation with a practitioner will reveal whether they understand what is the appropriate procedure.

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Bigelson's certificate for his website expires today 21/9/23.

Might still be valid in Hawaii or California as maybe they're still on 20/9/23 but without that certificate you cannot guarantee that the website is kosher.

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I have informed them that there is an issue.

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Also, your link for Bigelson Academy is being blocked by Safari and Duck Duck Go as a fake site! Just thought you might want to know!

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I noticed that too! It was working a few hours ago, so that is a very recent thing.

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Safari is very keen on doing that.

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Also flagged by google and Brave as unsafe.

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So is my substack on occasion. I guess neither can be trusted.

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