This gives me such rage (yes I do still get triggered lol). The flu vaccine is the one that gave my daughter a vaccine injury. It also has MSG which some say opens up the blood brain barrier....I postulate this is why we are seeing so many cases of PANDAS in kids - this is one of the fastest growing neurological issues in children and when I had my homeopathy clinic was what I treated the most..... Look at this just one study alone https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24549845/#:~:text=Using%20a%20mouse%2Dadapted%20LAIV,the%20clinically%20important%20bacterial%20pathogens

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I totally understand your anger, Lisa. The idea that it is 'just' a nasal spray makes it sound harmless, when it clearly isn't, far from it. The problem is also that the article is claiming it increases pathogenic bacteria, which isn't the case. What the presence of more bacteria means is that there is more stuff for them to clean up, which proves that it contains toxins the body needs to clear.

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For those who have never heard of PANDAS, it's where kids have an 'autoimmune response to strep' so they get issues like tics, OCD, sensory issues, extreme separation anxiety, rage and other sudden personality changes 'in response to strep.' I'm speaking in germ theory language here.... the causes of this issue goes much much deeper, but it seems this vaccine can tip susceptible children into this state. I'll be going way off topic now if I delve into the more energetic reasons as to why these kids are susceptible so I'll shut up now lol

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Vaccines = DEATH. Start from there and work backwards.

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Speaking of DEATH...

Tamiflu nasal spray monograph.


Alarming deaths of Tamiflu patients - FDA to investigate.


Tamiflu Vaccine Linked With Convulsions, Delirium and Bizarre Deaths.


Tamiflu is not safe OR effective.


2005 Report: Japan Links Tamiflu to Sudden Deaths in Children.


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The more severe the propaganda the more souls will awaken! Because lies really don't resonate with the human soul. It's that simple. It has to be this way for people to awaken. And yes, many need to get injured themselves (or their kids need to get injured) to start questioning. People would not wake up if it was all roses and butterflies!

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I know that's your perspective, Jerneja. I'm not trying to save people, I'm doing what I can to help those who want to become more aware and see things more clearly.

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I think the most important thing to innerstand from these articles is that they are simply communicating offers from the fictional side of reality. In dealing with fiction, there are various forms of remedy but the most important thing to remember is that they actually don’t have any power over us moral divine beings and they know it! Hence all the subterfuge and games. 🤙

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You're right, Mike, it is all subterfuge and games. I'm just doing what I can to help people realise that they are being deceived by propaganda, so that they can recognise their own divine nature and live their lives according to their own inner guidance.

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Latest NHS letter about Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV). Jabs available. Symptoms include cough, sore throat and cold. These may lead to difficulty breathing and then pneumonia.

Seems like a replay of 2020 with a new virus.

I have already ignored their attempts to get me to make appointments for covid, flu and shingles jabs.

I have had two letters, two emails and a phone call. This started in July. People caught in the fear who believe the propaganda will be pressurised to make that appointment.

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That's my concern. That's why I write here, so that this information may reach some of the people who are starting to see there's something wrong and ask questions.

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Vaccination is as dogmatic as major religions are.

They believe in unproven things based on "feeling" and group think.

COVID was kind of a blessing because it blew the doors open. I used to get called crazy for questioning vaccines, even from a coworker that got injured by the flu shot.

These days, they either say I'm not sure or are open to hearing the point that vaccines are not properly tested.

"As traumatic transformations go, the covid operation is up there with industrialisation and de-industrialisation, and for time compression it is out on its own."

"And as for the rabbit hole trope – well, I don't think we’re going down the rabbit hole at all. We’re climbing out of it into the light."

From https://realleft.substack.com/p/no-conspiracies-please-were-reality

Remember that because of the industrial revolution, we got labor and safety laws. After covid, we are going to get medical freedom laws. They can't hide the catastrophe they caused!

I call this the sequel to 1984. The party lost the trust of the masses. Look how they're trying to make us scared of war with China and Russia.... Meanwhile the oil and money still flows.

What a joke.

To use the Alice in Wonderland analogy, we were hallucinating in wonderland and now waking to real land which is much less insane.

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Its all very silly and in your face now, eCash XEC is a digital currency.

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Thank you. I wondered what it stood for. Interestingly, the 'new variant' is claimed to have been first reported on Twitter - aka 'X'. So I thought that might have been relevant in some way. It really is getting very silly - but also very serious for those who follow the narrative and agree to receive these injections or allow their choldren to receive them.

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Hidden in plain sight .Yes its stressful for those who believe in the false narrative and strengthen the unreal, choosing fear in an illusion(media metaverse).

"All the world is a stage"

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I suspect the focus is on respiratory illnesses because we're heading into winter, people's vitamin d levels will drop and some will then acquire a respiratory illness.

I'm not going to bother with the vaccines but I will keep my vitamin d level high.

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Imagine you have a product that cures a disease like COVID, and it costs $100, making you a profit of $50 per cure. That might seem like a best seller. But no. It's not a seller unless someone actually has the disease and you can sell them the product before the disease disappears. COVID , for example, disappears in a few days to a week or two. Like all diseases - most cases are mild, short lived, and fewer are severe, lasting a long time. Frankly, there's not much money to be made.

But what if you develop a product that claims to prevent COVID. Maybe it costs $25. Maybe the profit is only $5 per dose. This product is a firecracker! Everybody needs this product. It's best if it lasts only a short time - then everybody needs it again, and again.

Which product gets advertising dollars? The preventative. Which product gets ignored, even dismissed? The cure. It's not complicated, it's just arithmetic.

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The thing is that there is no 'disease' that was given the label 'Covid.

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