They’re worried that people will stop vaccinating their children; and given enough time, that will expose the vaccine fraud even to the normies.

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I know three new mothers who have not vaccinated and will never vaccinate their children as a result of the Covid hoax. And that's just me and I hardly know anyone 😅

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That's really good to hear. 😊

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FLiRT? Seriously? That's the new "variant"? What's coming, KiSS? Omicron was an anagram of "moronic," they are really humoring us, knowing most people will repeat whatever they hear, see, read via the order-giving-organs of the mighty Wurlitzer. Any "freedom" folks who are keeping the virus ideology alive are helping this project. Thanks for undermining this pillar of the dominant narrative, Dawn!!

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There is NO test for covid. There are NO standards for testing for covid. No covid test was vetted or pretested. It is late July, and no massive flu/covid season starts in the summer. It's all a joke, a lie, a ruse.

Notice how over the years the same "flu" and viruses keep coming back and none of these experts have any clue as to why or how. It's all invented to get you to believe you are ill and are going to die if you don't get "drugged" up by big pharma and the modern stone age medical mafia.

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I vote for junk they spray over us all the time

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Yeah, I was thinking that too. All of this is a perfect cover story for "environmental toxins" aka the junk they spray over us!

Or the junk they spray from trucks in our neighborhoods.

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Or the way they spray our food and toxify our water. So many ways for them to make us sick while monetizing their entire system. Unless you're a rural homesteader, it's very difficult to escape. And even those folks need wi-fi!

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I just use cell data, which I've heard is worse than wifi.

When I feel crappy, I laughingly say to myself, I wonder which of the many toxins are affecting me. And then of course it's negotiating the stress of all of it and many other pieces. Argh again,

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It's frustrating, I know. A lot of health comes from state of mind. I do the best that I can, but I refuse to live in fear. I hope you do the same ; ) Remember, our bodies are amazingly resilient and designed to heal.

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I agree with you 100%.

The pieces that float my boat the most are using the vibration of my own voice for healing. Pure improvisation. Being in a flow state... singing, letting the vibration of emotion move through and on or out. I think all the gifts of being human are meant to heal and empower us. Any creative endeavor taken out of the field of performance or being good enough , a judgement, is a gift to and for us. (dance, singing, drawing, the use of color... )

But vibration is a particularly interesting place to play. Especially now.

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I'm off the grid. These days I can see stripes in the sky at night, then the days are often white skies. When the sky is blue I am completely blown away by the color, it astounds me.

I'm lucky to have a drilled well but the water will still be affected by what comes from the sky.

I'm on an abandoned town road, so no trucks spraying here. I don't know if trucks spray in this town at all.

I do remember trucks spraying our street when I was a kid. My mom would yell for us to run inside and close the windows. She heard them coming and my older brother and I we were quick to respond. Curiously I never felt afraid.

Waxing nostalgic about the poisoning of the earth and it's life forms. Argh!

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Us rural homesteaders are blasted with chemtrails, drift from those spraying crops both by ground and by crop dusters, runoff, etc.

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It's all so hideous.

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After the response of the masses during the plandemic, yes, they will milk it FOREVER! Coughing is a natural response to air pollution from mosquito spraying, chemtrails, nano-particulates flying all over from the fires that are burning everywhere, etc. And in my neighborhood, the blasted leaf-blowers create toxic noise and air pollution from sunrise to sunset!

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Thanks again…and again…

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Thanks for your well expressed sanity (as usual).

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It’s late August and unfortunately for many of my work colleagues the there’s an ever increasing risk of “catching covid” narrative continues to overwhelm their otherwise exceptional ability to think critically and rationally. It’s been more than a month I’m warned at least 4x a day from co-workers clad in snot cloths that I need to start wearing masks cos covid has stormed back with vengeance. Instead of attempting to share the facts based on empirical evidence I’ve resorted to mockery and sarcasm like comments like “well as long as you’re wearing your mask you should be safe from me,ain’t that what Fauci said?” Then I say, “I hope you’re not tryna say something cos I can’t see whatcha saying thru your mask.” I wish I had recordings of way they usually stomp away, epic!!

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I'm sorry to hear that people are falling for it all again.

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Well after the “Monkey pox is coming” campaign failed to create widespread panic and fear they’ve chosen to return to the tried and true method-the pandemic of the pcr test.

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The deception of what really makes a person sick/ill/dis-eased goes way too deep in the heart — which is already sick-unto-death & full of deceit & desperately wicked — and way too deep into the mind — to be dug up and rooted out. Some people have overcome the deception about (so-called) “viruses” and “contagion” and “infection”, but the mass of the people LOVE their overlords of deception. The mass of the people actually prefer lies to the truth. The mass of the people are beyond hope, in my opinion. I don’t put my hope in my fellow man, even those human beings who have seen through the virus delusion.

“The great enemy of grief is hope. Hope is the four-letter word for people who are unwilling to know things for what they are. Our time requires us to be hope-free. To burn through the false choice of being hopeful and hopeless. They are two sides of the same con job. Grief is required to proceed.” ― Stephen Jenkinson

"George Orwell once talked about his ability to face unpleasant facts, and that’s always inspired me. I want to look at the things that are happening in the world that we may not want to think about and try to really understand them" (Roy Scranton).

"Don’t confuse me with those who cling to hope. I enjoy describing how things are, I have no interest in how they ought to be. And I certainly have no interest in fixing them. I sincerely believe that if you think there’s a solution, you’re part of the problem" (George Carlin).

“The meanings of life aren’t inherited. What is inherited is the mandate to make meanings of life by how we live. The endings of life give life’s meanings a chance to show. The beginning of the end of our order, our way, is now in view. This isn’t punishment, any more than dying is a punishment for being born.”―Stephen Jenkinson

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Are you saying that everyone is 'desperately wicked'?

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Jeremiah, the prophet to the nations (i.e. the Gentiles) described the heart as incurably sick and deceitful and desperately wicked. You might not agree with this prophet — believing that every person essentially has a (so-called) “good heart” — but I would rather err on believing a prophet than believing in the inherent moral goodness of human animals. One must receive a new heart, which newness comes from cleaning and purification. It’s like what James, the brother of the Lord, wrote. “Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.”

For those who reject teachings from the apostles and the prophets, it makes perfectly good sense to me that these people would create substitutes, i.e. invent all manner of ideologies. One basic idea is that people are naturally good (instead of spiritually “desperately wicked”). I think that such an idea of human basic goodness is divorced from our objective & observable reality.

If you want to know more about the mass of people being morally sick, I reference this essay by Emma Goldman regularly. https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/emma-goldman-anarchism-and-other-essays#toc4

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I would rather believe in the inherent moral goodness of humans.

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Agree. It's clear the inherent goodness is there from the beginning of an incarnation, whatever your belief is about that. The wickedness of a heart is a religious teaching meant to control. There are many things that cause a person to engage in less than beneficial actions, and many that do manage to come back to their inherent goodness.

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“… wickedness of a heart is a religious teaching meant to control.” Objecting to the inherent wickedness of the human heart is a secular teaching meant to manipulate. (See how these types of disagreements ensue?)

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No, not at all. There is no objection to a teaching, just a lack of belief and support in one. I don't object to it, I simply do not acknowledge it even exists because it doesn't. There is no evil manipulation in natural truth.

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Such a belief is a nice notion. It is kind and generous. One’s belief probably comes down to, when one does a deep dive into man’s inhumanity towards man, one’s core attitude. Is your default attitude pessimism or optimism or keeping a balance between the two or realism.

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Realism is subjective.

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I think that reality is both subjective / abstract / noumenal and objective / concrete / phenomenal. Everyone creates his or her subjective reality. Not objective reality. An objective reality exists which is shared by all rational observers. (And the following is its complementary opposite.) Every individual experiencer has his or her unique subjective reality which cannot be fully understood by another.

At least this is what makes the most sense to me regarding what we humans conceptualizer as (so-called) “reality”.

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It sounds like he's saying many (most) people are desperately deceived by the wicked ones.

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After more comment exchanges I'd say that no, he believes everyone is inherently wicked in the heart. See our comment exchange for more if you are so inclined.

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I understand. I believe 'original sin,' and 'the fall of man' to be brainwashing on a grand scale.

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It’s very possible that there are unique and set apart and saintly (i.e. sanctified) people who have good hearts, due to not being deceived by the wicked.

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He's speaking strictly of himself. Maybe without realizing it.

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I’m quoting the prophet Jeremiah. Do you need chapter and verse? Those who believe that the prophet was speaking about others (including you and me) in addition to himself? (It’s A-Okay if you insult me by saying that I’m only “strictly speaking of [my]self, Elizabeth. I wouldn’t expect any more or any less.)

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"There is no hope." ~Buddha

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Hope is a form of resistance, ain't it? Resisting the possible outcome of an imagined worse case scenario (or even a simple disappointment). We hope FOR something -- meaning we resist what is, or we hope AGAINST something possible that is bad.

Dante said "Abandon hope all ye who enter here". He was supposedly writing about a mythical hell -- but he was writing about this place, and this place sure ain't heavenly.

Didn't Kerouac say, "It all ends in tears"?

Except for the very rare few, it sure does for most of us.

Hope is a peculiar thing...abandoning hope is not the same thing as being hopeless. It implies a neutrality -- a wait & see what happens and we'll cross that bridge if we come to it. We could be killed between now and then.

Hopelessness is despair.

Being neither hopeful or hopeless is being without hope, without expectations, without insisting on a preferred outcome. This temp life unfolds & unfurls moment by moment and is not beholden to our plans or desires or preferences. It's a strange, mysterious trip we're on and we don't know how this happened nor why. We don't have one molecule of a clue what happens when it's finished. And yet we have a million speculations...

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Eckhart Tolle would agree with that. In 'The Power of Now', he quotes the Buddha a fair bit, and would say that hope is about an (as yet) non-existent future

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I wasn’t aware that the Buddha purportedly said this! How interesting!! After an internet word search — Sister Clear Grace: In the Anguttara Nikaya 3:13, the Buddha teaches us that there are three kinds of people in the world: “The hopeful, the hopeless, and the one who has done away with hope.”

I’d rather “do away with hope”. Why? The hopeful often have way too much false hope. The hopeless are too full of despair.

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I believe there are only two kinds of people in the world: 1) those who like to classify others; 2) the rest of us.

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Which group is stating this? :D

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Exactly! As I was saying above, 1st prize is an honorary medical degree, 2nd prize is a virology degree.

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I guess I’m stupid about this. I presuppose that EVERYONE classifies people, whether we like to or not.

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Well done, you've won the prize!

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I only “win” because I admit I’m stupid. 😊

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I heard the quote in 2000 in a story from one of my yoga teacher training instructors. To me, the truth of it is stunning.

'A devotee who had followed Buddha nearly her whole life was struggling after an auto accident killed her husband, and 2 children. Her grief consumed her. She was suicidal with despair, sadness, and anger. In desperation she begged Buddha to tell her something, anything, that would give her hope to continue living. Buddha said, There is no hope.'

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I would have followed up the Buddha saying that to me with the question “Why is there no hope?” I wonder if it has to do with the nature of this mortal existence and what the Buddha taught about the three marks of this existence or the inherent traits that all worldly phenomena share.

I believe that it was Plato who gave us the concept of the immortal soul. The Buddha gave us the concept of no soul. The prophet Ezekiel gave us the saying “The soul who sins is the one who will die.” If a soul exists, it’s subject to death.

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And I can imagine Buddha smiling compassionately and thinking, 'Have you learned nothing all these years?'

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I’ve learned that learnedness contributes to duḥkha (commonly translated as "suffering", "pain", or "unhappiness"). Śūnyatā, “all things (including individual persons) are empty of intrinsic existence”, sometimes translated as “voidness” or “nothingness”, might be worth meditating on.

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I ❤️ that you quoted George Carlin and Stephen Jenskinson; authentic elders, sages.

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I’ve not come across anyone on social media who has heard of Stephen Jenkinson.

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Nor have I. ;- )

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I offer the unhealed mind as the reason.

Record levels of fear ( anxiety +stress is fear) with the media spreading suggestive symptoms( nocebos), a whole generation told they have "no future" , the central bankster's recession plus a WW3 looming

I suspect they may try a "bird virus flu" lockup( but I predict it wont go well haha)

When I read " the CDC has the authority to impose global health regulations" I know and think the truth which is the opposite ...that the CDC has no authority .

Remain in a state of love as that is your natural state and who you are in essence

Peace and blessings to all

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LOL. The fuckers are relentless.

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Here's a quote from the BBC (Panorama) from 2007 talking about wireless pollution: "If you look at the position of the government on this you'd think there's only a small handful of fringe academics anywhere in the world who have found adverse health effects with this sort of radiation - people whose views can easily be dismissed. But that simply isn't the case"

Like most institutions the BBC has now committed itself to following the WHO narrative (as per the Trusted News Initiative). It has stopped even pretending to do balanced investigative journalism and has become the British Virus Corporation.

I must say I am weary of 'disease X' / 'Bird Flu' because I believe wireless infrastructure does have the potential to cause mass sickness (and worse) either intentionally, or just because it is a stupid toxic technology.

The fact is, birds keep falling out of the skies and this needs explaining. The bird flu narrative is already being used to 'explain' this but given the importance of wireless infrastructure I feel this narrative is going to be ramped up to the max.

While we should continue to douse the 'virus' fear mongering with facts and common sense, I do feel we should be prepared for a 'bait and switch'. That CDC guy did warn of a 'bird flu' pandemic 100x worse than covid with 'significant mortality in the 10% - 50% range'. That's one hell of a specific prediction.

Anyway, that BBC quote in in this film somewhere which is also my commentary on 'bird flu' .... I hope you don't mind me linking it here :)


I do feel that if more people grasped the link between bird deaths and cell towers this could put an end the the 'bird flu' narrative, because it would become counter productive (for them) to keep drawing attention to all the dead birds dropping out of the skies all around the world.

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Arthur Firstenburg addressed this in his book "The Invisible Rainbow". Birds, bees, trees, and more were devastated long ago when telegraph wires and then radio etc were put into place. It's certainly not new news although most pretend that it's unheard of, as you well know.

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Sure. But it's getting more prevalent and extreme... and therefore noticeable. It's prevalent enough to make the mainstream news. That's a problem. The wireless industry is not only hugely profitable, it's also the key technology for the 'smart' revolution. So presumably they will protect it at all costs.

The birds are going to keep falling out the skies. So I guess either the 'virus' narrative wins or the EMF narrative wins. Either way the implications are huge.

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Yes, I agree with that. Masses of people will always choose to believe the mainstream narrative for many reasons. There will be no win either way. People always will need to live the way they choose to live on their own terms and protect themselves accordingly, which includes many different forms, and people need to become educated on all the means available for their own safety. The collective consciousness has far more power than most realize.

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"Masses of people will always choose to believe the mainstream narrative for many reasons."

On the positive side there has never been a better time to challenge the media. And the media gaslighting is getting very, VERY obvious now.


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I just think, now, that it's better to not spin our wheels trying to expose each and every thing but rather to build a new community, a new paradigm, a new government, should we think we need one, and make the old one obsolete. That's really the only way to "win". When more and more come over, as you will, to the better environment, the less and less power the globalists, elite, and whatever else you want to call those calling the shots, will have. They will eventually just shrivel up and go away. Sound silly to many, but yet that's always been the most helpful advice, forgot who said it initially, but just make the current one obsolete. People are already doing this and once it reaches out a bit more TPTB will be TPTUsedTB.

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