If these idiots only knew that what they test for is not the cause of disease but a result of disease which was caused by other things.

But then, our medical systems profit off of hyping up and treating the result of disease without looking at the causes.

Typical group think is why so many of these scientists fell for this genetics and virus bullcrap.

"The evolutionary psychologist William von Hippel found that humans use large parts of thinking power to navigate social world rather than perform independent analysis and decision making. For most people it is the mechanism that, in case of doubt, will prevent one from thinking what is right if, in return, it endangers one’s social status. This phenomenon occurs more strongly the higher a person’s social status. Another factor is that the more educated and more theoretically intelligent a person is, the more their brain is adept at selling them the biggest nonsense as a reasonable idea, as long as it elevates their social status. The upper educated class tends to be more inclined than ordinary people to chase some intellectual boondoggle. "

-Sasha Latypova

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I could not agree more, and I have made that clear on numerous occasions in the past. No pathogenic virus has ever been found or identified in human history. According to Christine Massey this has been confirmed by every administration on the planet. Please read the brilliant findings of Drs. Sam and Mark Bailey. Obviously, this means that there has never been and can never be a "pandemic" and virology is an edifice of lies form top to bottom.

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I am aware of their work, that's why I cited Mark Bailey's excellent essay.

I've also been writing about this for years.

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In this connection I should like to make one point with which you presumably agree: Reading the various comments over the years I have found it infuriating that people - ad nauseam - go on about the "quality" of the vaccines instead of stating the fact that viruses do not exist and that consequently no vaccines are required and no pandemics can happen. If this fact is driven home it also wipes out the WHO and its efforts to "create" pandemics on a regular basis and shut countries down. In other words, it preserves our freedom.

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Yes, I do agree. Those points were all covered extensively in the book I co-authored, What Really Makes You Ill that was published in 2019.

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I was not aware of the book or that you had written a book on the topic. Obviously, we are kindred spirits. Let's hope that we will succeed eventually.

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I assumed that was the case. Yes, we clearly are kindred spirits. And yes, I do believe that we will succeed.

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Yep. It's a house of cards. Foolish decisions, when challenged as foolish, lead to more foolish decisions.

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One of my concerns with the “health freedom” crowd is that they approach the issue on the terms laid out by the medical establishment. So saying that medical treatment needs to be safer doesn’t actually take a stand against the root problem. It’s like saying it’s wrong to beat your slaves and trying to get violence in slavery outlawed, without addressing the issue of slavery itself. Safer vaccines is not the answer. The entire edifice of modern medicine is the problem and that’s what needs to be withstood

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I agree. I would add that there's no such thing as a 'safe' vaccine, they are all based on a false idea about disease.

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Yes. We understand that, but I don’t know if they ever will

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Sadly , Americans are narcotized - reason they knew they could get away with scam

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But at least previous vaccines used atenuated or death pathogens and they tried to conform to US Law which requires that a vaccine PREVENT a disease.

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The problem is that, as I state in many of my articles, there are no 'pathogens'. There is no evidence that vaccines can prevent any disease, because they are not based on a true understanding of how the body works.

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Unfortunately , US Law has used the Germ Theory as a guideline. So the believe then was that dead or attenuated organisms provoked an immune reaction . That was what were taught in the 1970's.

But the proposition that mRNA vaccines work by providing instructions to the body to produce a viral protein, which triggers the immune system to produce antibodies is far fetched.

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It's more than just far-fetched, it's completely wrong.

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You need to read Sasha’s stack. They were never designed to be safe. Never. The “pathogens” had nothing to do with it. It was always about the poisons, the adjuvants

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Thanks . Actually I’m very familiar with the Brooks v Ventavia Case - USDC Beaumont TX

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Yes. But it goes back to the beginning-over a hundred years ago. Always poison.

This is not a recent development

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Respectfully dissent.

The Medical Community had a very limted responsibility for the CONvid19 SCAM DEMIC.

The CIA-DOD concocted the scam to destroy the Trump Administration because of his refusal to bait/provoke Russia to attack Ukraine. They used Anthony Fauci as their medical/scientific source. While it is true that that he is a doctor he has also been employed by the DoD since 2007. Plus he does not speak for the medical community.

Pfizer was contracted by THE UNITED STATES ARMY to create some type of concoction profitable to them and which they could call a "vaccine". They had to make all us actually believe that the PLANNED DEMIC was real - They even directed the CDC to manufacture deaths and new cases.

Bombshell: Pfizer Exec admits COVID vaccine never tested on preventing transmissions


Peter " I Love Federal Grants " Hotez, MD, PhD, also promoted the "vaccines"

The States Medical Boards helped the scammers by penalizing doctors who did not adhere to the National Security Apparatchick narrative.


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Can I ask who your dissent is for? What comment are you disagreeing with?

I would add that from my research, there is a lot more to the 'pandemic' scam than merely an attempt to destroy the Trump administration.

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>>>>>>Can I ask who your dissent is for? What comment are you disagreeing with?<<<<<

This one .

>>>>>>>>>One of my concerns with the “health freedom” crowd is that they approach the issue on the terms laid out by the medical establishment<<<<<

NO EVIDENCE that the scam demic was orchestrated by the medical community !!!!!

>>>>>>I would add that from my research, there is a lot more to the 'pandemic' scam than merely an attempt to destroy the Trump administration.<<<<<

The evidence shows a secondary issue :

In December 2019 Moderna was in dire financial straits

Fauci 's NIH owns 50% of the Moderna Vaccine Patent . The DOD/CIA wanted to reward Fauci for his contribution to the scheme.

As shown by Senator Paul (R-KY) Fauci has raked in a considerable amount of royalties from the CONvid19 poison.

There may very well be additional motives which are not so patently obvious.


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The central bankers rolled out Operation COVID to shut down the global economy for a while which they may try to do again when we reach the next dip.

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Respectfully disagree.

Central bankers already have powerful tools in their arsenal to shut down the economy (a) INCREASE INTEREST RATES and (b) refuse to print money. I fail to see how concocting the CONvid19 helps them - Nor have I seen any evidence that they were involved.

While it might be true that the CIA/DoD may persuade Jerome Powell to shut down the economy I can't believe that the FRB's Board of Governors would go along with the scheme.


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I do love a ‘’there is strong evidence…’’ without showing any. Absolutely crucial that the ‘no virus’ becomes our norm.

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As we can easily see, the entire covid pandemic was a fraud and so will the next pandemic and all the rest that follow. They practiced the pandemic response months before any pandemic was announced as if they knew it was gonna happen soon afterwards. If pandemics were real they would come from nature and would be totally unpredictable as to when they would occur and how severe they might be. Ignore the experts.

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This is all part of the agenda to ‘outlaw’ animal husbandry and route us chattel into eating ze bugs… of course, I’m on my way to being a breatharian so they ain’t gonna get me! 😀

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Thank you, Dawn, on behalf of all humanity!

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Does the unicorn come from mutated horses, or mutated deer? :-) One wonders how many "health freedom" activists will grab on to this ...variant of the official narrative in hopes of getting some mileage out of it, unaware that by doing so the narrative is getting mileage out of them. Thanks for the shot of sanity, Dawn!

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Wanted to tell you your book it is a masterpiece for medical awaking.

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Thank you. 🙏

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great work

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>>>>>>>>[A team of Scientists found that ] Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), the causative agent of coronavirus disease 2019, emerged in December 2019.”<<<<<<<

I wonder when the "team of scientists" ISOLATED AND IDENTIFIED " the SARS-CoV2 virus as the pathogen is CONvid19?

I wonder when/how the "team of scientists" concluded that the RT-PCR can identify the SARS-CoV2 virus ?

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demonization is a tool of the controller. as is rape and all other first three chakra abuses…

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The narrative has very limited set of 'ideas' to work from.

The creators of the narrative (N1), are following the course of the creators of the overall plan (plan A). As the narrative fails, the same people must come up with a new narrative (N2), just as the planners must come up with an alternative plan (plan B, C, D etc).

Same idiots working with the same moronity.

The latest - "XEC" - is a positive proof as this.


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This also fits into the narrative to stop we slaves eating animal products.

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great article, although the general use of 'theory' is misleading, they should say 'hypothesis' but i suppose they want to sound like it is real and not just an idea.

also the term 'animals' is used to suggest that we are NOT animals, we are! it should i think read non-human animals etc. this whole idea that we are somehow better and are not animals comes i think from another fake ideology, Religions. the idea that there is or are sky daddies. when there is no proof they exist just like the fake virus.

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I think the flip back to wet market is more to do with continued sinophobia and their (alleged) disgusting foreign ways of showing animal cruelty rather than hiding it on factory farms and the prepping for the next zoonosis than the smart city nonsense.

Still being fooled by Imperialists at the fossil fuel and animal ag industries and their 'globalist Agenda 3030 dairy free cities I see. Time to wake up. https://jowaller.substack.com/p/im-anti-vax-and-anti-geoengineering

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What makes you think I'm being fooled by imperialists? I am well aware of the 2030Agenda.

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