Yip as Rockefeller snake-oiler is a central bankster he can make money off Nation State govt's debt in the people's names, one fraudulent debt scheme after another (war is another one of the banksters fundraisers).

MInd( control) is more important to them, the status quo , that people continue in ignorance to hold wrong belief system so that they keep believing the dogma, obeying and worshiping what is a tyranny . Fear - submission -control . The importance of spreading both the relative truth and the absolute truth has never been as essential . Both truths involve the elimination of fear .

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Oh sure, "deadly" Teddy-pox is all about the key component of all fake pandemics and that is scaring the populace into rushing to get mRNA injections. That satisfies the two critical reasons for any new fake pandemic. Governments buying massive number of injections (money for big pharma) and also government getting control of injections for the purpose of social credit scoring and CBDCs. Please see China's social credit nonsense.

It will boil down to this: Get your required mRNA poison injections that are bound and determined to murder you and if you fail to do that they will shut you out of all services. No food, no housing, no water, no electricity, etc. Your government run digital currency account goes to ZERO. Then they put you in concentration camps and starve you to death anyway.

Your only option is to fully resist and become non-compliant with all of this garbage.

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Scared folks will demand MAIL IN BALLOTS - 50 of them

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Brilliant and concise summation of the monkeypoxcrisy 🙈🙊🙉 On the population thing, I’m seriously beginning to doubt that there is nearly 8 billion on the planet. I mean, that’s what ‘they’ tell us, right? Perhaps we need to have a worldwide census that also includes the question as to whether we want the WEF/UN/WHO//GAVI running our lives. I don’t do censuses but I’d do that one.

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Thank you. I too have serious doubts about there being 8 billion people. But I know the world is definitely not over-populated!

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The calm voice of reason... thank you Dawn :)

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Thank you for all your work too, Christine. 🙏

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Thanks, Dawn!

People in Berkeley can't seem to wait, more and more are wearing masks, be it Mpox or a "surge in COVID" or polio (from Gaza) or.... Hypochondriac Town.

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There seem to be a lot of berks in Berkeley!

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money pox. i loathe the european men who create these scourges and the african leadership who purchase them. a pox on all their houses!

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Love your thoughtful articles Dawn!

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Thank you Nina. 🙏

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I shared that meme for the humor of it all but yes totally agree! There is a war on our very nature as man/womb man and pushing the virus narrative is one of their biggest weapons!

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Thanks Mike. That's why I think continuing to expose the virus lie has value - even though it may seem that I'm focusing on what's 'wrong' - because it removes the fear, which is the core part of their weapon.

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Thanks again!

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Some great statements. People need to know that mpox is a fairy tale and the earth is not over populated. Take a look at a world map and find a dot called Rhode Island. All the world population will fit in there with between 3 and 4 feet per person. The earth has never been short of producing enough food for every person on earth. Hunger is politically created. Media, WHO, CDC, public education and churches are guilty of promoting these lies.

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I have just watched ‘Cognitive Liberty’ where Courtenay Turner had some serious intellects discussing how our cognitive freedom is hijacked, replaced etc. Our cognitive liberty is the last stand against what I’ve are being hit with. Thank you Dawn for continuing to keep it real and encouraging us all to think, use our cognition and maintain our humanity.

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Errata I’ve s/b we’ve

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I see that 'Epidemic Intelligence Service' has 'misintelligence' as the longest single word anagram. We can therefore get this from the whole.

epic misintelligence deceiver

That is better! And if I may, I did this on Monkeypox in 2022 on my WordPress site.


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I live in Johannesburg. Since last week , I have seen a lot of You Tube advertising from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation about ' bringing toilets to the masses ' supported by government employees and NGOs. It is so evil on so many levels , and trying to explain that in the face of supposed 'humanitarian' work....it's impossible. Like lambs to the slaughter.

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For those of you who have a scientific inclination here is an electron microscopy of the MONKEY VIRUS

Please be careful the CDC - Center for Democrat Control - claims that they are DEADLY



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Leprosy caused by smallpox vaccination:


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I am aware that the smallpox vaccination contributed to what is called leprosy in some places, but the condition that is given the name 'leprosy' was first described long before the introduction of vaccines, so they can't be the only causal factor. And just to be clear, I know that leprosy is not caused by any bacterium!

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