Dec 21, 2023Liked by Dawn Lester

I began waking up to what was going on in 2020 and then woke up to the scam that is the medical industry and viruses in 2021 when I discovered Sam Bailey and Andrew Kaufman. I have desperately been trying to wake my husband up to what is going on since then but to no avail. I’d send him documents and videos to look at, even trying to explain it myself and it was always in one ear and out the other.

When he announced at the beginning of this year that he had tested positive for Covid, I didn’t know if I should laugh or cry.. So I frankly stopped trying and we stopped talking about it because I just don’t have the energy to keep doing it when he so stubbornly refuse to listen.

As I’m writing this, I’m currently 9 weeks pregnant with my first child and need less to say that this has shoved me right back into the conversation again - and with the morning sickness and general misery that comes with “the miracle of life”, I’m really not in the mood to keep having this conversation, but now I seemingly can’t escape it anymore.

We went to the doctor for a confirmation a few days ago (because I needed a document to prove I’m pregnant for some bureaucratic bs, otherwise I would have rather stayed at home).

This being “flu-season”, there were of course little notes and posters everywhere reminding us all to get the flu-jab. My husband saw it and went on a long rant about how dangerous the flu is and what if he catches it at work and brings it home to me and then the baby dies. I told him that both me and the baby are fine and I’m not worried about the flu. Well, he still is so the rant continued.

Before leaving the doctor, we are given a stack full of documents with everything from making a reservation to give birth at the clinic to a seemingly endless list of tests for me to take.

I think my favorite was the ridiculous long list of tests for STDs that they want me to take. We were given a form for me to fill out to give my consent for the tests which I promptly threw in the trash for obvious reasons. Seeing this, my husband yet again set off on yet another rant. Not interested in having this discussion again, I simply told him “I’m not at risk of any of those diseases so I have no intention of taking any test for them”, to which he responded (and I quote) “I’m not sure you are allowed to say ‘no’. What if the doctor gets mad?”.

Why in the world would I care if the doctor gets mad?!

I’m so incredibly frustrated right now that I don’t know what to do with myself.. And I’m only 9 weeks along.. I can only imagine what the rants will be once I’m further along or when the baby is actually born... Not gonna lie, I’ve seriously started questioning who and why I married..

So much time spent trying to open his eyes and yet he still believes that invisible boogie men are out to get him (and now this baby).. Worse yet, I’ve quickly learned that the man I thought would stand up to protect his family is in reality the kind of guy who’d immediately drop to his knees because he’s too afraid to make any perceived authority angry.

I frankly feel so alone right now.

Excuse my long rant. I’ve had this bottled up for days now so when I read the post I just exploded and needed to vent.

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Hi nico,

I am so sorry to hear about your situation and that my post made you explode. My heart goes out to you. And there's absolutely no need to apologise. It is heartbreaking to hear how lonely you feel.

As others have said, please know that you are not alone.

I will give a lot of thought to what you have said because there must be ways to support you and people like you who face hostility from those who refuse to acknowledge that there is something wrong with the way the 'medical system' works.

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niko I'm sorry to hear about your situation. Please don't be hard on yourself. Though I can't imagine what you are going through I have had challenges in my personal relationships regarding convid. Most people have changed their mind. Don't ever feel alone. Please reach out if you support. So many people feel and think like you and I. Take care

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Dec 21, 2023Liked by Dawn Lester

I am incredibly sorry for you and your situation but glad that you at least vented a bit. The stress of this is not good for you and the baby, as I'm sure you well know.

I am not in your shoes and surely can't advise on your situation other than to stay you must stand firm for you and your baby! Some things are just to difficult to undo or heal from and you are your baby's last defense. Not easy for sure, I know.

I can only suggest to find like minded people to surround yourself with, talk to, get support from, whether in person or via an online group perhaps. It's important to be in a community, no matter how small or large, that is in line with your beliefs and make it easier to create a more stress free existence. While making changes is often scary, if you connect to whomever you believe is in charge, the Creator, Universe, God, or just your inner self, you will be shown the way. Have patience and be as fearless as possible.

And remember, you are NEVER alone!

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Dec 21, 2023Liked by Dawn Lester

It saddens me that I’ll probably have to face these things without my husband by my side, but I won’t let it deter me either. If there’s one thing I learned during these last few years, it’s that I don’t bow down to pressure.

Seeing the little baby waving at me over the ultrasound was on its own enough to awaken momma bear in me already as well so I can say for sure that I won’t let anything or anyone harm this little one. Over my dead body.

I did find some likeminded people in a group of freebirthing so that helps a little bit. It just sucks that the person I expected to be able to trust through all of this is unfortunately not who I thought he was. It’s really disappointing.

But we are hanging in there. It’s me and bub against the world, haha.

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Dec 21, 2023Liked by Dawn Lester

Hi Niko, I am so sorry for what you are going through - it SHOULD have been one of the best and most wonderful time of your life, and although I know you will still feel that to some extent, feeling so unsupported must be devastating. If you aren't already aware, there is a fantastic organisation, 'When Push Comes to Shove', co-founded and run by a lovely lady called Nickita Starck. She has a website, YouTube channel, and is on Telegram. I wish I could have found someone like her when I had my children (all adults now). I know she and her organisation are on a mission to empower women in the choices available to them in pregnancy and birth, and will help with advocacy if necessary. As others have commented here, you are not alone in the way you are feeling, but it would be so much easier for you to deal with, if you had some direct, on the ground support. I wish you all the best in your journey, and would add what a lucky little human being you are carrying inside you; s/he has a wonderful momma bear already fighting their corner! I truly believe that great things are going to happen as a result of the last three/four years, and that is a wonderful silver lining to all the upset. The uptake of the 'standard', but wholly unnecessary childhood quackcines has already dropped, and I hope it completely falls off a cliff. One other thing, I know it might seem like irreconcilable differences between you and your husband right now, but I do know someone who was in a similar situation, and she stuck with it, and was rewarded recently by his muttering to her, "you were right about everything". It was an incredibly stressful two/three years for her though. With love and best wishes for the best outcome for you and your little one. God bless.

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I understand. Im very lucky to have successfully convinced my SO in 2020 about the whole virology scam and just in time for our newborn to NOT get injected. He's soon to be 1 year old and about the happiest and best developed baby everyone has even seen. We only feed him animal products and he's never been sick or anything. Please please do not inject your baby with anything and dont feed em grains or vegetables.

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One thing I learned during these last few years is that, unlike my husband, I don’t bow down that easily to pressure. I’m not afraid of making “them” angry. Another good thing is that seeing that little baby waving at me on the ultrasound was enough to awaken momma bear in me already. Even if I’m forced to fight the whole world on my own moving forward, there is no way I’m gonna let anything or anyone harm this child. Over my dead body.

It saddens me that I probably won’t have my husband on my side (at least not anytime soon), but I won’t back down even if I’m all alone. The safety and well-being of this child comes before anything else.

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Dec 31, 2023·edited Dec 31, 2023Liked by Dawn Lester

What a sad & stressful situation to be in, considering this should be a blessed time! (& given the added challenges of morning sickness & everything else in pregnancy).

When my first grandchild was born last year I was so grateful that my son & his wife, and her family, are all on the same side of this issue. They declined everything they could, no vax shots, all of that. Thank God!

One thing that worked for some people I know is, once it's clear you are standing your ground, to offer to let them (in this case, your husband) do research & provide evidence proving to YOU that YOU are wrong. If they are willing to put in the time & effort to do that research, there's a good chance they will come across the TRUTH.

If they aren't willing to put in the time/effort/energy to do the research, they have no right to continue to pressure you. Well, they shouldn't even have an opinion if they won't even spend a few hours reading/watching/researching.

Years ago when our kids were little, I convinced my husband (who has worked in hospitals for years) that I'm the one who has done all the research on vax shots & therefore it's only fair I get to make the decision to stop giving our kids any shots, that his opinion should only be counted once he does siginificant research.

It was only a few years later he came across some informative videos (Barbara Loe Fisher) & spent a couple hours watching. He then came to me and said thank you for stopping the shots!

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Sister, I am so so sorry you’re experiencing this right now. What a frustrating situation! I wish my empathy for you could be more than just words on a screen...that it could give you the comfort and strength you need. All I can say is you are not alone. There must be others you can connect with locally who can listen and hug you through this. ❤️

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Niko, good luck with the pregnancy and all that good stuff.

A great deal of the last 3-4 years was also to break down the family structure - to divide us and it has worked a treat.

In my view, many of us have tried and tried to explain the situation to our loved ones, providing evidence including government, academic studies and even Big Pharm docs; yet still they will not listen.

1. You are not alone and would be surprised how many of us are with you (and / or in a similar position) - 2. Concentrate on your pregnancy and health.. and do not get angry or frustrated (healthy mind -healthy body and all that) -3. You can not beat a good vent, can you ?; I do it every week ... I love it. - 4. Good luck with your pregnancy ... so many people like your husband and my Dad for instance... it is there choice and you have done your best.

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Dec 21, 2023Liked by Dawn Lester

Thank you for this post. I would say the number one issue, whenever trying to convince someone else that there is a nefarious agenda at play, is their immediate response of; "But why would they? It is too much like a James Bond plot!". They can't see why those who already have wealth beyond their wildest dreams, and more power than they know what to do with, could possibly want more. Climate hoax? Don't be daft - why would the world's scientists be saying what they are?! And they can't even contemplate any question of the degree of evil required, to be actively engaging in mass depopulation! I, like most others on 'this' side of the fence, find it a huge strain having to engage with family who are living in the parallel world where ignorance is bliss. Having to constantly be careful of what I say, in case I make any kind of 'tinfoil hat confirmation' remarks; it becomes easier to just not say anything at all. So I am probably seen as standoffish instead!

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Thank you for your feedback.

It is really difficult to engage with people who are so closed-minded. I have found though, that asking them questions can be useful because it makes them think. If they aren't even prepared to think, then maybe it's better to do as you've suggested and not say anything.

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Oh, yes, the “oh, but they would never do THAT”. It’s amazing how many events in history that you can point to where did they exactly “that” and now even admit to and yet people will just dismiss it as “well, that was then, they would never do anything like that now”.

I was watching a video on YouTube a while back about atrocities committed by the government of a country somewhere (both war crimes as well as crimes against its own people). I don’t remember which country, I think it might have been Russia or something. Anyway, someone commented on the video stating “I would love for you to do a similar video on the US although I don’t think it’d be as bad as this”. I simply replied with “Oh, honey” and was immediately labeled a crazy tinfoil hatter and how dare I suggest that any country in the world has plenty of skeletons in the closet, especially the US..

It has never been easier to find information about these things and yet people still choose to be blind to it and think that the powers that shouldn’t be care about them. It would be funny if it wasn’t so damn sad..

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Dec 21, 2023Liked by Dawn Lester

It is hard to believe how people refuse to see. I have decided, for myself, that after far too long being concerned about trying to wake people up, to all sorts of things, that it just isn't worth degrading my life for, adding stress, taking away precious time, when the results are often worse than nothing. People will see when they want to and not a second before and there's very little another can do for them. As the saying goes, "When the student is ready the teacher will appear", and I've personally found that to be quite true.

I think it's best to just not engage in any conversations, online or otherwise, where it's clear you will be denigrated, chastised, abused, or even just ignored, as the stress it will cause, whether you realize it or not, is just too damaging. That is just my opinion after a lot of experience. Some of us are just the type of people that don't like to see others suffer unnecessarily and want to help, but most really don't want help. It's a hard pill to swallow and can make us feel helpless. The best thing we can do is take care of ourselves and any of our family that will accept our help and live the life of honesty, kindness, acceptance and tolerance that maybe will shine some light to others.

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I agree. I have no desire to try to engage with people who refuse to see. I do feel though that there are people who do want to see, but are put off by all the conflict and in-fighting between the different 'truther groups'. These are the people I am keen to engage with; people who do want to make some changes.

And I totally accept that my course will be found by those people who are ready - not that I regard myself as a 'teacher', I regard myself as more of a guide to help people learn how to help themselves.

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Oh yes, the good old arrogance and superiority - OUR countries could never be in the same league as the worst despots in history! No, of course not! I'm in the UK and I'm only too well aware of the truth about one of our greatest national treasures; Winston Churchill! That's something else that will see angry responses if I ever suggest what a truly nasty piece of work he was, and just how many deaths he was responsible for! I grew up being told, "you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink"; that is so very true and very relevant in these times!

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Well said. History repeats itself; has to, nobody listens.

Except we have and do. History is starting to breathe a sigh of relief!

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I thought I was a part of King Arthur's Knights of the Round Table but the more I looked into things I realized I was a stormtrooper.

It's similar to the end of Ender's Game(The book or movie) when he realized that everything he was doing was costing a great many lives both on his side and theirs.

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Most can’t fathom the degree of corruption at play here. It’s just TOO DARK for them to see it.

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My family, or what's left of it around here, by and large don't bother with computers or the Internet. They get all their information from telly and the radio. So when I told my aunt and cousin at Christmas dinner 2020 that I thought "covid" was a hoax and there were no substantial excess deaths occurring, they looked at me with incredulity. I'm well respected, and they didn't argue back, but they must have thought I had lost my mind.

Here in 2023, I suspect all of them have been jabbed up, believing it was the right thing to do. I probably won't mention covid or the jabs this Christmas dinner - unless asked. Why not? Who wants to be the bearer of bad news on Christmas day? What's done is done.

By the way, I visited my aunt the other day. She seems to be suffering severe brain fog uncharacteristic for her. She told me that her sister's daughter, in he 40's, had all of a sudden dropped dead for no apparent reason - as she was healthy up to that moment. It wasn't the first time she announced a strange and unexpected death of someone she knew.

There seems to be a growing awareness that something is wrong, but by and large people are not willing to accept they have been scammed in a most pernicious way.

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2019 was when it all started. I was in the Marine Corps and had read a book by the title, "War is a Racket" and from there was a constant wake from the military industrial complex, to compulsory schooling, inaccurate food "science", the tyranny of covid in relation to our supposed free society, then onto the Terrain Paradigm as well as the history of alternative cancer treatments after having lost a parent to establishment medicine.

Luckily I've come into contact with a group of folks that see the world for what it is more than the average person and these times I spend with them are very relaxing.

As far as family goes I share with some of them the way I see things and I only really trust one. The others I'm not sure they entirely understood what I was trying to convey. That this world is upside down and that we need to reassess all that we have been taught. With such individuals (& their friend groups I have to socialize with) I just keep the conversion to things like the weather or new movies/shows that are coming out and hope that my lifestyle with the changes/improvements in my health and character will eventually cause them to ask more questions.

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I read 'War is a Racket' a number of years ago too. Very revealing, considering the source!

I agree totally that we can influence people by setting an example.

I also feel that there is a way to help those who have started to see what's going on and need some guidance to get through their feelings of overwhelm and fear and learn that they can use their own discernment.

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I like that. It's good to help guide others through making sense of it all.

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Dec 21, 2023Liked by Dawn Lester

Excellent, Dawn!

Great idea for the course. Your energy and devotion to helping others is evident and much needed and appreciated.

Here's to a prosperous and productive New Year!

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Thank you. 🙏

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Dec 22, 2023Liked by Dawn Lester

Hello Dawn,

I love your articles and videos.

The big problem for me is how people are programmed into repeating the same lines over and over. These "well, I trust the science" and "I trust the experts" lines. Even if you were able to produce a mountain of irrefutable evidence that science is pseudoscience and that the experts are not expert, they will come back at you with the same lines. And they think they have demolished your evidence by obediently repeating what they have been programmed to repeat.

Same with the vaccines. If you even ask a question about whether the vaccines would be killing and maiming people, you get the "absolutely not, they are safe and effective". Again, the programming. You would swear these people had shares in Pfizer they defend it so vehemently.

Also, the same lines that have been mentioned already: "are you saying everyone is in on it? If that were true the media would be telling us" Even though people do know their politicians are corrupt, that the medical profession is driven by money etc etc, they still can't apply that knowledge to the whole scamdemic.

I find too if you do meet people who are open-minded enough to have a conversation about these things, it often ends with "well, I have to go now" or "well, I don't know about you, but I am living and enjoying my life". So implying that you are letting your life slip by researching all this stuff when you could be ignoring it like them!

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Hi Catherine,

Thank you for your kind words about my work. 🙏

Yes, it is a challenge.

I think the people who just say they are 'getting on with their lives' are ignoring what's going on and are likely to make decisions that aren't going to help them actually get on with their lives in the way they want.

The purpose of my course is to help people understand how to 'get on with their lives' from the viewpoint of understanding, not ignorance, so they know they have choices and can make informed decisions.

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Merry Solstice, Dawn, 3:27AM< 12/22/23, UT.

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i hope you have a wonderful holiday and happy new year- Dawn and Lester-------- thank so much for helping people like niko and others in similiar situations----- i think the scarest part of this whole virus lie is when an individual feels alone and isolated for going against the human cattal stamped ----------- we are all here for one another

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Wonderful Dawn. I'm excited about your course!

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Thank you Nina. ❤️

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