I recently watched a short video in which the UK prime minister took an HIV test ‘live’ in public.
It’s amazing what politicians will do for publicity!
But what’s the purpose of this publicity stunt? Why is HIV back in the headlines in such a big way?
If you don’t live in the UK, please do not think this doesn’t apply to you, because it does, as I’ll explain.
The main ‘reason’ would appear to be to promote ‘National HIV Testing Week’, which began on 10th February 2025. I’d suggest though, that its real purpose relates to the greater objective of maintaining a state of fear about allegedly ‘dangerous viruses’.
According to the 10th February Press Release on the UK government website entitled Prime Minister takes part in National HIV Testing Week,
“In support of National HIV Testing Week, the Prime Minister undertook a public rapid HIV home test, available for free, in No10 Downing Street.”
As the above shows, the Terrence Higgins Trust (THT) is a partner in this promotion campaign. THT was set up after the death in 1982 of Terrence Higgins, who, according to the THT website,
“…was one of the first people in the UK to die of an AIDS-related illness.”
1982 is the year that the condition previously called ‘GRID’ was assigned the label AIDS. The claim that the cause of ‘AIDS’ was a ‘virus’ - later named HIV - was first made at a press conference on 23rd April 1984. The history of the whole HIV/AIDS debacle is too long a story to recount in this article; it is covered in some detail in What Really Makes You Ill?
What is relevant to note here is that THT is at the forefront of this campaign, as can be seen by the presence of THT Patron, Beverley Knight, at the PM’s side during the ‘test’ and by the inclusion of comments by THT officials in the government Press Release. One such comment is from Richard Angell OBE, Chief Executive of Terrence Higgins Trust, who is quoted to have said,
“National HIV Testing Week is an award-winning campaign and we are so pleased that it will be back next year. The continued success of this partnership between Terrence Higgins Trust and the Department for Health and Social Care delivers 25,000 HIV at-home tests across England and is crucial in our joint mission to end new HIV cases by 2030.”
He is also quoted to have said,
“England can be the first country in the world to end the epidemic, but we are not yet on track to do so. A new HIV Action Plan for England will turbo-charge those efforts. We are delighted that Sir Keir Starmer and Wes Streeting are leading from the front in this mission.”
Here are my questions to this:
What ‘epidemic’?
What is the new HIV Action Plan for England?
And why does England need to be the first country to end this alleged ‘epidemic’?
This plan replaces a previous HIV Action Plan that is detailed on the government web page dated 21st December 2021, that refers to a Policy Paper, entitled Towards Zero: The HIV Action Plan for England 2022 to 2025.
The first ‘plan’ is discussed in a Press Release dated 16th January 2020 entitled HIV in the UK: towards zero HIV transmissions by 2030, which states,
“The new report shows that thanks to increases in HIV testing, fewer people remain unaware of their HIV status.”
The Press Release explains the consequences of people being made ‘aware of their HIV status’,
“The scale-up of combination prevention (which includes the use of condoms, HIV testing in a wide range of settings, starting antiretroviral therapy (ART) as soon as possible if positive, and the availability of Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) for those who are negative) across the UK is working.
The goal of eliminating HIV transmission by 2030 depends upon sustaining prevention efforts and further expanding them to reach all at risk.”
It’s interesting that ‘treatments’ are to be made available to people whether they test ‘positive’ or ‘negative’ on the basis that they are also able to be ‘preventive’.
The ‘new’ plan was announced on the THT website in October 2024 under the heading Public Health Minister announces new HIV Action Plan at HIV Prevention England Conference, which begins,
“The current HIV Action Plan ends in 2025, so an updated plan is vital if we are to achieve the goal of ending new cases of HIV in England by 2030.”
The 2030 date is significant!
But before I get to that, one point that deserves to be mentioned is that the tests are being provided free of charge, as shown by another Press Release on the government website, dated 11th February, the title of which is Government ramps up efforts to end HIV transmissions in England. The subtitle of this Press Release states, Over 20,000 self-testing and self-sampling kits will be made available to help end HIV transmissions by the end of the decade.
This low number of kits compared to the population size of England, suggests that these tests are not intended for everyone. It would seem that they are only intended for people deemed ‘at risk’, which raises the question of why the PM chose to take a test. Is he ‘at risk’? Does he know there is no risk?
There are 2 points to emphasise here. One is that people are being encouraged to undergo a test without necessarily having symptoms.
As I’ve written before, ‘disease’ according to the medical establishment’s own definition, refers to the presence of ‘signs and symptoms’. If there are no ‘signs or symptoms’, a physician is presumably unable to diagnose a ‘disease’. And this is where they introduce a sleight of hand with the use of the ridiculous notion of ‘asymptomatic carriers’, a notion that was heavily promoted during the so-called ‘Covid pandemic’ nonsense. I would add that this is not a new term, it was first used long before 2020. The concept itself dates back even longer, to more than 100 years ago, often in the context of the story of ‘Typhoid Mary’, which is a whole other story!
The second point is that the tests that are claimed to help people ‘know their status’ do not and cannot detect any ‘virus’ nor can they determine whether anyone has a ‘disease’.
The reason is because there is no evidence for the existence of a specific ‘pathogenic virus’ named ‘HIV’ that can be transmitted to other people and cause what is referred to as ‘AIDS’.
This means therefore, that no test can detect something that has never been proven to exist as described or cause any disease.
This applies to all allegedly ‘infectious diseases’, no matter what label they are assigned, whether a so-called ‘cold’ or so-called ‘AIDS’.
It is abundantly clear that there is an emphasis on encouraging people to take a test to ‘know their status’ and receive ‘treatment’ if the test is positive, as demonstrated by a comment in the 11th February Press Release quoting Dr Tamara Ðuretić, Head of HIV Section at the UK Health Security Agency,
“Testing allows people to have access to free prevention interventions such as PrEP (HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis) and, should you test positive, ensures timely access to treatment that saves lives and prevents the virus being passed on.”
So what is actually at the heart of this new campaign?
As I mentioned above, the 2030 date is significant, the reason for which is that it relates to the 2030 Agenda, specifically SDG 3.3, as can be seen below.
The methods by which these diseases are to be ‘ended’ is explained within SDG 3.8, that states the aim to,
“Achieve universal health coverage, including financial risk protection, access to quality essential health-care services and access to safe, effective, quality and affordable essential medicines and vaccines for all.”
If you aren’t aware of the 2030 Agenda, this is what is stated in the Introduction,
“We commit ourselves to working tirelessly for the full implementation of this Agenda by 2030.”
Under the sub-heading Our Vision is the statement that,
“In these Goals and targets, we are setting out a supremely ambitious and transformational vision. We envisage a world free of poverty, hunger, disease and want, where all life can thrive.”
The underlying aim of the Agenda, despite this humanitarian-sounding rhetoric, is about gaining control and the process by which they aim to achieve this is through attempts to keep us all in a state of fear.
It is for this reason that I keep writing about the lack of evidence that any so-called ‘virus’ is the cause of any disease.
Another reason to be aware of the unproven nature of HIV tests - or any other tests claimed to detect ‘viruses’ - is that they are being rolled out in hospitals around England as can be seen by the following comment in the government Press Release by NHS Chief Executive, Amanda Pritchard,
“Increasing the early detection and diagnoses of HIV, enables the NHS to provide people with better access to the latest and most effective life-saving medication, which can prevent long-term health issues and reduces the chance of unknown transmissions to others.
Boosting opportunities to test for HIV, including through home testing and the highly successful NHS emergency department testing programme, is crucial. We would encourage anyone who could be living with HIV to order a test and get checked.”
In other words, if you find yourself in a hospital, you may receive a ‘test’.
It’s interesting to note that people are described as ‘living with HIV’, so it no longer seems to be a deadly scourge, as reported during the 1980s and 1990s.
Routine ‘testing’ in hospitals is not restricted to just HIV. On the website of the Royal Free Hospital is an article entitled Routine testing for HIV, hepatitis B and C, that states under the heading Why is it important to be tested for HIV, hepatitis B and C in this way?
“Early diagnosis of blood-borne viruses such as HIV, hepatitis B and C means people can access the treatment they need sooner and expect to live long and healthy lives. Many people living with HIV do not know they have the virus as it can take years for symptoms to develop. By testing in this way, treatment can be given sooner and prevent the virus from being passed on. What does the testing involve? To test for HIV, hepatitis B and C, an additional blood sample will be taken alongside any other blood tests. If you are not having blood tests in the emergency department, you will not be offered these tests.”
Although seemingly optional, these tests are not exactly ‘offered’ to patients, on the contrary, people need to ‘opt-out’ otherwise their blood will be tested. In other words, patients will receive a test unless they state their preference to ‘opt out’,
“If you decide you do not want any or either of these tests, please speak to a staff member and we will make sure we cancel your HIV and/or hepatitis B and C test. Declining to have these tests will not have any impact on your care.”
It is reassuring to know that this decision will not impact your care!
It is essential that people are aware that they must choose to ‘opt out’ if they don’t want the tests.
This is not informed consent!
It’s important to note that the Royal Free hospital is not the only one that offers patients an option to ‘opt-out’, as discussed on the UK gov web page dated 5th February 2024, HIV testing is essential in preventing ill health, onward transmission and even premature death.
“In 2021, on World AIDS Day, NHS England announced a £20 million funding package for HIV opt-out testing in emergency departments (ED). This meant that everyone having a blood test in areas with high prevalence rates, namely London, Manchester, Salford, Brighton, and Blackpool, were tested for HIV unless they chose to opt-out. Opt-out testing means all blood tests carried out in EDs will include a test for HIV, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C, unless you decide you don’t want it. This is the NHS blood borne virus testing programme, or BBV.
If you don’t live in these areas you may think you will not be affected, but I’d suggest it’s important to be aware and ask questions if you or someone you know is in this situation. That way, you know which questions to ask.
In addition, if you don’t live in the UK, do not think you have escaped this.
The situation is not exclusive to the UK, which should not be surprising considering the 2030 Agenda is intended for implementation in all countries that are signatories of the UN, as can be seen by the Declaration below,
If you live in the US, for example, you may like to read the CDC web page for physicians, entitled Clinical Testing Guidance for HIV, that recommends the following,
Exposing the problems with HIV would not be complete without reference to the Perth Group that includes some of the earliest and most outspoken scientists against the mainstream views about HIV and AIDS. Their website contains a wealth of information, especially the page entitled NIH/Antibodies that includes the following,
To prove the specificity of an antibody test or any antibody antigen reaction, one must:
(i) perform the test in hundreds, if not thousands, of individuals who are assumed to be infected;
(ii) perform the test in a control group consisting of at least an equal number of individuals who are thought not to be infected, but who are sick;
(iii) using the same samples prove the existence of HIV by a test independent of the antigen-antibody reaction, that is by using a gold standard for the reaction.
The only gold standard for the HIV antibody test is HIV itself, that is HIV isolation (purification). At present no such proof exists.
And as I and many others have been saying and writing for the past 5 years - and more - there is no evidence that any ‘virus’ has been isolated/purified and proven to cause any disease - including so called ‘HIV’.
As always, my purpose is to share information to help people make informed choices.
So you may be wondering what you can do about all of this.
My response is that knowledge is powerful.
Wherever you live, be aware of any campaigns intended to encourage (scare) you into accepting a test so you can ‘know your status’ - especially if you feel absolutely fine.
Knowing that there is nothing to fear from any so-called ‘virus’ will allow you to choose what to do when faced with offers to take a ‘test’.
Dawn 🌹
Sending continuing gratitude to you, Dawn, for your continuing efforts to tear the veil of deception!
Epidemic.... they must mean the epidemic of stupidity.
With the world "establishment" there is always the next round of fearmongering.
Fear and desire are the control mechanisms of operation for the egoic/conditioned mind.
Maybe people need their fear caused by a lack of Self knowledge and seeing "others" where there are none, to be directed to imaginary things.
But on a positive note we are free to be who we are, which is not fearful.
Peace and love.